Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and his
wife, Cecilia Morell, with the Obamas
Henry Velenosi wrote Sun 3/20/11 @08:39 PDT:
Congrats. A couple of laugh out loud moments in last week's issue.
Bruce Mitchell followed the link to the Louisville teacher who taught anat-
omy and physiology to a 17-year-old male student in a parked car to find
that their school is Manual High, and that she taught biology also; and he
wrote to us Sun 3/20/11 @06:10 PDT:
For a moment I thought "Manual biology" was a new term for hand job. wrote Sun 3/20/11 @11:04 PDT, on the same subject:
It's beginning to seem like a lot of female high school teachers are latent
"cougars." Reminds one of the latent homosexuals who enter the Cath-
olic priesthood.
What's latent about it? – Ed.
A historic steel truss bridge, built prior to 1920 over the Little White
River in Randolph County, in eastern Indiana, is being moved to be-
come a bicycle and pedestrian creek crossing in Carmel, an upscale
Indianapolis suburb.
[courtesy Indianapolis Star]
A former University of Notre Dame assistant registrar was charged
with planting a secret camera in a women's restroom on campus.
[courtesy Associated Press]
Signs saying "How Do You Spell Nigger? OBAMA" were hung on
the University of Kentucky Law School building and a bus shelter.
[courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader]
Senator Rand Paul said he might run for President if his father doesn't.
[courtesy AP]
Track dogs found a 49-year-old Radcliff woman missing for three
days hiding under her bed.
[courtesy WAVE-TV and radio]
University President Gary Ransdell signed a proclamation designating
Western Kentucky University a "fair trade university" (whatever that
means; it was not fully explained).
[courtesy Park City Daily News]
Mariah Carey, 50
Gene Shalit, 85
"Oh, Jane Russell and Liz Taylor – I'm next."
– Zsa Zsa Gabor
"He went berserk. He couldn't stop laughing. And he starts playing
with me. He's … jabbing me with jabs. . . . He grabbed me after-
ward and said, ‘You're my little brother'; and it's been that way for
all these years now."
– Billy Crystal (talking about the first time he
met Charlie Sheen, right? Nah – he was talk-
ing about meeting Muhammad Ali, in 1974)
"It's coming up on 10 till 5:00, Central time;
6:50, Eastern time."
– Joe Corcoran, WKYU-FM radio, Bowling Green, Ky.
"The teachings of Confucianism and Chinese culture in general
is being increasingly celebrated across America."
– Lee Stott, WKYU-FM radio
"It's a very tribal area."
– Phil Sands, correspondent for the U.A.E. English lang-
uage newspaper the National, speaking of Dara, Syria
[courtesy Harper's Weekly, Daily Snopes, Obscure Store, AP]
The Browning M1911 semiautomatic pistol was declared
the state gun of Utah. . . . Ymke Wieringa was bitten and
wrapped by a boa constrictor she dared pull out of a box
on the Dutch reality TV show Real Girls in the Jungle. . . .
A boa constrictor died after biting the enhanced breast of
Israeli model Orit Fox, reportedly of silicone poisoning. ...
New York's Bronx Zoo closed its Reptile House after an
Egyptian cobra escaped. . . . Physicists suggested that the
Large Hadron Collider could send matter back in time. . . .
Tom Cruise' 4-year-old daughter, Suri, was photographed,
with mama Katie Holmes, eating a box of Penis Gummies.
. . . A mother sued a $19,000-a-year preschool in Manhat-
tan for letting her 4-year-old daughter play too much (and,
therefore, jeopardizing her chances for admission to an Ivy
League college). . . . The SAT posed an essay question a-
bout reality TV. . . . A man hopping a freight train in Colo-
rado dialed 911 when the train didn't stop where he want-
ed off (and it was cold on top of the boxcar). . . . Aflac o-
pened auditions for a new spokesduck to the general public.
. . . A Chinese coal mogul paid a million dollars for a red
Tibetan mastiff. . . . A romance between a 21-year-old male
basketball coach and a 13-year-old girl player in Phoenix,
Arizona, was exposed on Facebook. . . . Hip-hopper Chris
Brown smashed a dressing room window after being asked
on Good Morning America about beating up his girl friend
but pointed out that he didn't "physically hurt anyone" and
"I kind of kept my composure throughout the interview.". . .
Sammy Hagar told MTV he had been abducted by aliens.
. . . A man who served four years for robbing the same bank
twice in Golden Valley, Arizona, was sentenced to10 more
years for robbing it a third time. . . . A man arrived late to
court on a DUI case in Monticello, New York, carrying five
cans of beer, one of them open. . . . Employee Cameron
James Spurback, 21, was arrested for fondling a 9-year-old
boy in a restroom at the zoo in Tampa, Florida.
Suri Holmes
As Japanese nuclear power plants explode in Tsuna-
mis, as landfills fill up, as the skies blacken, as the rivers
swell with sewage, oil and dead fish, as one state seeks
to shift to another its nuclear waste – what has become
of the suggestion we made three decades ago to stuff all
our noxious waste into rocket ships and shoot them into
the sun?
What's the problem?
That's where the stuff came from, ultimately.
What's the problem?
We have the technology.
What's the problem?
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
is looking for things to do.
What's the problem?
And it would give the Tea Party another governmen-
tal expenditure to complain about without coming up
with any realistic alternatives or constructive suggestions.
What's the problem?
China will lend us the money if we don't want to pay
for it ourselves.
What's the problem?
Shoot it up.
issue Next issue Archives index |
Ideas for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
Carole wrote Sun 3/13/11 @11:25 CDT:Snooki thinks her Jersey Shore reality show makes herlook bad? And all this time I thought she was not very
bright. . . .
The director of the East Chicago library was removed from the buil-
ding by police after the board voted to fire him. . . .
Mayor Tom Henry of Fort Wayne went on the Jimmy Kimmel Live
late night TV show to explain not naming the new city hall for former
mayor Harry Baals (who got 23,817 votes in a poll on the subject,
compared to only 5 for "Citizens Square," which was declared the
[courtesy Associated Press]
Two men in Vanceburg were indicted for selling a junk dealer a pickup
truck they had taken for a test drive. . . .
Colton Burpo, 11, who says he visited heaven when he was 3, drew a
crowd at the Bridge church in Lexington.
[courtesy AP]
Quotations of the week:[courtesy Louisville Courier-Journal]
A 38-year-old high school teacher of
anatomy and physiology, Carrie Sha-
fer, was found partially undressed in
a car at a canoe ramp with a 17-year-
old male student, also partially undres-
sed. She was charged with giving him
beer and contraceptives, and with
parking in a handicapped zone. She
was also (before she resigned) spon-
sor of the high school's Fellowship of
Christian Athletes and Disco Club.
And – she's the subject of a student-
produced video now on line.
"My toilets don't work in my house."
– Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, at
a hearing on appliance standards
"I can help you find a toilet that works."
– Kathleen Hogan, assistant energy secretary
"I just split up with my girl friend but, like the Japanese say, there'll be another
one floating by any minute now."
Irene Cara, 52
Holly Hunter, 53
Spike Lee, 54
Ranger Doug, 65
[courtesy Harper's Weekly, Daily Snopes, Obscure Reading Room, Funny Times, AP]
I-Phones fell backward instead of springing forward on the
switch to "daylight saving" time (users missed church). . . .
A man used a cell phone "app" flashing blue lights to pull o-
ver a car in Boise, Idaho. . . . A girl turning 16 canceled her
birthday party in Sydney, Australia, after 200,000 Face-
book friends accepted her invitation. . . . Gallup identified
the happiest American as Alvin Wong, a 69-year-old ethnic
Chinese observant Jew in Honolulu, Hawaii. . . . Stanford U-
niversity discontinued a list of easy classes, including Social
Dances of North America III, routinely distributed to student
athletes. . . . A man phoned 911 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
to report overdosing on Viagra. . . . Barber shop technicians
in Vietnam were coaxing "eargasms" from customers as they
touched sensitive "E" spots while removing ear wax. . . . Tor-
onto began its "human library project" by lending out 200 in-
teresting persons for a half-hour at a time. . . . A man with a
"triple Mohawk" hit another man with a skateboard for taking
his picture in Austin, Texas.
Jonathan Washburn
issue Next issue Archives index |
Ideas for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
Connie Harbeson wrote Sun 3/6/11 @11:11 EST:
Good morning! It's Sunday and there's no Tabloid News!
On the off chance you missed it, the big tabloid news is
Charlie Sheen's Adonis DNA and tiger blood, Khadafi's
(sp.?) certifiable insanity which could be hysterical if he
weren't massacring his countrymen, and, a regional favo-
rite, Snookie thinks her "Jersey Shore" reality show makes
her look bad.
Len wrote Sun 3/6/11 @20:54 EST:
Tabloid Headlines CENSORED last Sunday? Yeah – I
didn't get mine, either. I was forced to lower my stand-
ards and read the Detroit Free Press/News. It's a con-
A Clay County teacher was suspended for leaking a political ques-
tion on a standardized state test. . . .
Five sexy billboards around Indianapolis promote a URL that takes
you to the "Blended Church" web site.
[courtesy Associated Press]
A floating restaurant with 83 persons aboard broke loose from its piers
at Covington and headed down the flooded Ohio River. . . .
A bat named Bruce has haunted a Beatles tribute and a Randy Newman
concert at the Lexington Opera House (but has yet to make an appear-
ance in Die Fledermaus).
[courtesy AP]
"America isn't ready for civilization."Quotations of the weak:
– Madry Chlopak
"To back down would be a craven surrender to political correctness."
"Dancing is good for the bodysoul."
– Kirstie Alley, rehearsing for
Dancing with the Stars
"The pianist Mitsuko Uchida is popular for never failing
to disappoint."
– Scott Blankenship,
Music Through the Night,
Minnesota Public Radio
– New York Congressman Peter King, holding hear-
ings on the "radicalization of American Muslims"
Liza Minelli, 65
Sam Donaldson, 77
RicardoWest, a professional Michael Jackson impersonator,
was arrested for child molesting in Allen Park, Michigan. . . .
Sarah Palin called Kathy Griffin a "50-year-old adult bully."
. . . Both burglar and homeowner called 911 in Portland, Or-
prank telephone calls. . . . Ohio legislators planned to sub-
egon (the burglar was taking a shower
and heard the homeowner and his two
German shepherds outside the stall).
. . . A University of Minnesota fan
socked Goldy Gopher the mascot in
the puss after tiring of its antics at a
gymnastics meet. . . .Wisconsin legisla-
tors were considering a bill to prohibit
poena two fetuses. . . . A 52-year-old woman in Allentown,
Pennsylvania, called 911 for an ambulance ride to the hospit-
al with a stubbed toe. . . . A 14-year-old girl was suspended
from school in Fairfax County, Virginia, under a "zero toler-
ance" drug policy, for having an acne prescription drug in her
locker. . . . A woman went to court in Amherst,Virginia, with
a tiny monkey riding in her bra. . . . Li-Lo rejected a plea off-
er under which she would have served only three months for
stealing a necklace. . . . A wooden sculpture of a crucified
frog in northern Italy was labeled blasphemous by the Pope
(but His Holiness has not yet taken cognizance of Borf Books'
[courtesy Harper's Weekly, Daily Snopes, The Obscure
Reading Room, the Associated Press, Funny Times]
issue Next issue Archives index |
Ideas for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
Last Sunday's issue was transmitted by our roving
reporter, Stephen Yates, as the technical staff lay
in a hospital, readmitted for recovery from pros-
tate surgery. The publisher, the editor, and the IT
executives are very grateful to Mr. Yates for his
emergency service; but some aren't. A union
grievance has been filed against him by the Amal-
gamated Tabloid Technicians (ATT), for doing
someone else's work. If you wish to support Mr.
Yates, welcome a Wisconsin state senator or an
Indiana state representative into your home.
We noticed only one glitch in last week's trans-
mission, and it was not the roving reporter's fault:
The blank had not been filled in for upcoming
speaker at the Weekly World News Round Ta-
ble. Never mind. It was going to be Jane Rus-
sell, and she died.
The state's top elections officer, Secretary of State Charlie White,
was indicted for lying about his address and voting in the wrong
precinct. . . .
Fifty seniors walked out of school in East Chicago to protest a de-
lay in their graduation due to "snow days."
[courtesy Associated Press]
A woman and a 12-year-old girl dragged a driver off a school bus
by her ankles in Louisville and beat her up.
[Louisville Courier-Journal]
"You take your fishing pole and go fishing."
– hillbilly philosopher Marshall Hornback, suggesting an alternative
to striking out at the nearest person in a moment of frustration
"We are able and capable enough to solve our issues by our own people. . . .Buzz words that need a nap: "wake-up call"
The Libyan people are so united and please wait for surprises. "
– Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (Gadhafi? Khadafy? Qaddafi? "How
do you spell it?" still "needs an answer" on
Justin Bieber, 17
Lou Reed, 69
Muammar Gadhafi, formerly Moammar Khadafy, changed
his name to Momar Qaddafi. . . .Yusuf al Qaradawi, an E-
gyptian Islamic scholar famous for fatwas, ordered Libyan
army officers to "shoot a bullet at Mr. Qaddafi." . . . Fans
cried fowl when a player kicked an owl – the opposing
team's mascot – at a soccer game in Colombia. . . . A wo-
man in Brooksville, Florida, "unfriended" her live-in boy
friend on Facebook, starting a fight that landed both of
them in jail. . . . A man in Ocean City, Maryland, was ar-
rested after posting a photo of himself on Facebook hold-
ing two pipe bombs. . . . A diabetic in Roseburg, Oregon,
who had no feeling in his feet, awoke to find that his dog
had eaten three of his toes. . . .Police seized four monkeys
dressed as pirates from a Texas woman who had brought
them to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. . . . A "motorized
phallus" known as a "fucksaw" was demonstrated on a live
woman in an after-class session held by a sex professor at
Northwestern University. . . . A Ukrainian Byzantine priest
arrested for DUI in Akron, Ohio, offered his body for sex
with the police, exposed himself in his holding cell and com-
plimented the booking officer's eyebrows. . . . A 13-year-
old bicycler in DeKalb County, Georgia, nearly struck by a
pickup truck driven by a man texting on a cell phone, was
attacked by the man and his daughter when he asked the
man to drive more carefully. . . . The Jan. 30 issue of Tab-
loid Headlines was censored in the Tom Green County Jail
in San Angelo, Texas (the photo of Sexy Cora was cut out
of an inmate's printed copy received in the mail).
[courtesy Harper's Weekly, Daily Snopes, The Obscure
Reading Room, the Associated Press, and Dusty Hopkins]
issue Next issue Archives index |
Ideas for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |