This web site is not intended as a replacement for medical care. For complete diagnosis and treatment, see your doctor.
Each month (7-10 days after your period begins), conduct the following breast self-exam, Report any irregularities to your doctor immediately. Also, be sure to have professional breast exams and mammograms on schedule.*
1 Once a month, after your period, examine your breasts. With arms by your side look in a mirror and get to know their general appearance, shape and size. Be alert to changes.
Raise each arm in turn above your head, looking for changes in appearance. Turn from side to side, looking at the outline of the breasts for any changes.
Gently squeeze the nipples to see whether there is any discharge. (See Fig. 1)
Examine the skin surface for pecularities. Orange-peel texture could indicate the presence of a lump.
Lie on your back with a pillow under your shoulders and head, your arm by your side. Using the flat of your hand, work around the outer parts of the breast in a clockwise direction. (See Fig. 2)
Raise your arm above your head and examine the inner parts of the breast. Stretching the tissue makes detection of lumps easier. Feel also along the top of the collarbone and into the armpit. 1
If you detect any of the following, see your doctor right away.
1. Check nipples for cysts, eczema, ulcers, discharge, bleeding, change in shape or location.
2. Check breast shape for change in size or contor, bulges, flattening, indentation (including armpit areas).
3. Check breast surface for puckered skin, dimples, bulges, moles that have enlarged or darkened, lumps or thickening, sores.