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Award Winners

Do you meet the following criteria?

1. You do not have any adult-oriented information or links to such information/pages on your site.
2. You MUST sign my guestbook. (No, not really, but I would appreciate it.) *GRIN*
3. Upon winning you MUST provide a link back to this page on the award image.

- If your page is a winner you will be notified by email within 3-5 days.

Fill out this form to enter to win an award.
Email (required):
Name of Web Site:
URL (Web Site Address): Keep typing it'll fit.
How did you find my page?
How long has your page been on the net?:
Give a brief description (20 words or less) of your page: (This will be listed on my Winners Page.)

DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to refuse or deny any submission to receive one of my awards, remove any site from my winners page, or revoke any award if evidence of vulgar language, pornography, adult oriented subject matter, or anything else I deem to be unfit is detected. I will keep all names and email addresses private and use them for questions regarding submissions for awards only. I do not support spamming. Sites who are chosen to receive one of my awards will have their URL posted on my winners page.