
. 9.3.98

The current genocide of Kosovans by the Yugoslav army is more proof, if proof be needed that international justice and diplomacy has failed. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has handed down a reduced sentence to Drazen Erdemovic, for his part in the massacre of 1,200 men in Srebrenica in 1995. This has given a green light to the war lords of the Balkans to repeat their heinou scrimes, where they see fit. Erdemovic, confessed to killing over 70 men, yet his original controversial sentence of only ten years has been reduced to five. He will be free in three.

Erdemovic will serve less than 150 days for every man he killed. Mladic, the Bosnian Serb army leader and Karadzic the Bosnian Serb leader, both indicted by ICTY are likely to evade capture. Milosevic the blood thirsty President of Serbia, is yet to be indicted despite fulfilling all the criteria necessary for crimes against humanity. The lives of Balkan Muslims have been proven to be cheap at the price. War Crimes Watch is calling on the international community to heed the lessons of the past and intervene in Kososvo before it is too late to avert more genocide and destruction. [END]

War Crimes Watch homepage:
IHRC: Campaign for Kosovo: Information on how to campaign, news updates, and links to Kosovan sites

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