The Tormented Heart of Flawless Beauty

Chapter 3

A fanfic by Bulma Briefs

    It was nearly late in the evening that the group was dispersed. It was after dinner. Kuwabara had to send Kirishima back and explained to his parents about Kirishima's absence from home for 2 days. Yuusuke sent Keiko and his mother home but he promised to come back. Yukina went to wash the dishes and Genkai just went out without saying anything but commenting on the delicious dinner.

  Kurama was left alone in the room with someone. But Hiei was silent. Kurama, being the one who doesn't like to push; reached around to get his pillow then fluffed it. Hiei eyed silently as the redhead settled into bed blindly. He reached around for the futon and finally found it somewhere behind him, so he covered himself. "Oyasumi, Hiei," he uttered before going to sleep.

  The koorime was still silent.
  Suddenly Kurama straightened up. He pushed away the futon and stood up. Hiei eyed the redhead quietly as he saw Kurama walking unsteadily to the corner of the room where the water flask was. Kurama reached around for the glass and accidentally swept one, breaking it into piece. "Inari-sama!" Kurama gasped and tried to kneel down to pick up the pieces. His eyes winced as the glass pieces cut through his soft skin carelessly. Hiei quickly got up when Kurama was doing so, pulling him away from the glass pieces.

  "You crazy!?" Hiei snapped, holding Kurama's hands. "But the glass pieces," Kurama replied. "To fuck with the glasses!" he retorted, his hands were shivering as he held Kurama's slender ones. They were bleeding. Hiei ripped open the ward covering his Jagan and opened the evil eye. A bright bluish luminescence lit the room; most importantly Kurama's bleeding hands. Hiei used the Jagan to check if there were any glass pieces stuck in the deep cuts. Fortunately there were none.

  Hiei gashed off a large piece of cloth from his shirt and cleaned the bloody stain from Kurama's hands. Then he used his youryouku to heal the cut.

  "You staying here for the night, Hiei?" Kurama asked. Hiei blinked and shot his eyesight right into Kurama's eyes hoping to see brilliant emerald gems winking him with loving playfulness. But all he saw was the long lashes of Shuuichi Minamino's closed eyes. A knife-like pain went through his heart making it ache.

  The sudden change of emotions in his body was too much for him to take and made him jump, pushing Kurama away. The redhead landed on the floor with a heavy thud on the head. He winced painfully and reached up to touch his head. "You don't need to do that even though you hate me," Kurama uttered weakly; his tone was sympathetic and disappointed.

  Hiei blinked, he didn't know what to do. He was really messed up inside.

  Suddenly someone entered the room in a rush and the place was instantly lit up with the lamp that the person who came in brought. Genkai frowned when she looked at a frightened Hiei and Kurama who just fell which was just an arm apart. "What did you do to him, Hiei!?" she demanded, putting the lamp down, rushing towards Kurama.

 "I'm okay Genkai-baasan," Kurama smiled, rubbing his sore head. "Good, I have something to tell you," she whispered. "Hiei, please leave the room," Genkai said sternly. Hiei got on his feet and retraced his steps to the door. :… I'm sorry Kurama… I'm sorry …: he apologized, but not aloud.

  The fire demon closed the door behind him and ran. He needed to do something; he needed to slaughter something. When he was back to his senses, he was in the forest with a poor deer crossing his path. Without thinking twice, the Jaganshi grabbed the hilt of his katana and slashed it right across the deer's heart.

  Genkai took a few deep breaths. "The moment has come, my dear friend," she finally uttered. Kurama stiffened. "Has Koenma told you?" Kurama inquired. Genkai nodded. "I was praying when Botan came with the news. I told her to go back to prevent any suspicions," Genkai said softly just above whispers.

  "When is it, t…then?" Kurama asked, his voice failing him. "4.15 am," Genkai announced. Genkai winced as Kurama unconsciously tightened his grip on Genkai's shoulder. Kurama rested his head on Genkai's shoulder and began soft sniffles. "Kurama my friend, just remember you have friends and families here. This confident thoughts will increase the revival percentage," Genkai told him.

  "But I don't have love…" Kurama trailed off silently. Genkai was dumbfounded. Love. If youkais are useless without their youryouku, humans are just as useless without the power of love. Genkai tried to cheer the poor redhead up. "You have your mother's love," she smiled, her own eyes were watery. Kurama sighed. "It's not the same, Genkai-baasan… the absence of a certain love had left an empty space in my heart," Kurama uttered softly.

 Genkai nodded. "I understand," she ran soothing circles on Kurama's back. "Are you ready, my friend?" Genkai asked. Kurama looked up into those old matured eyes. "I guess… I am," Kurama nodded softly. "Anything you want to eat?" Genkai smiled. Kurama shook his head. "No, thank you," he smiled weakly.

  "Let Yuusuke find for himself. Don't tell him," she told Kurama. The redhead nodded. "He's coming," she guided Kurama back to his futon and tucked the boy. She went back and cleared the glass pieces. "Pay my respects to Inari-sama when you meet him," she smiled before going out of the room. Kurama nodded as the old lady went out.

  Yuusuke was skipping his way to the main stairs when he saw Genkai. "Not asleep yet, baasan?" he smiled. Genkai forced a smile and shook her head. "Going to now," she stopped. "Yuusuke?" she called. "Yes, baasan?" he asked. "Take good care of Kurama tonight," she warned. Yuusuke narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath as the lady disappeared into the other side of the temple. Genkai's voice was mysteriously spooky. Yuusuke shook his head. "Something must be happening to Kurama!" he exclaimed and ran towards the room.

  "Why Hiei…?" Kurama asked solely in the dark, steady stream of tears were flowing wetting his pillow. Then there were steps, fast ones. Kurama could hear the door slid open and someone entering. It settled itself next to Kurama, placing a hand on Kurama's shoulder. "Are you alright Kurama?" Yuusuke asked. Kurama draw in a sniffle and rubbed his eyes. "Yes, I am, Yuusuke," Kurama replied, his voice tear-stained.

  "Why are you crying, Kurama?" Yuusuke asked, cradling the redhead in his arms anxiously. Kurama shook his head. "It's nothing," Kurama said softly. Yuusuke bit his lips. "It's okay Kurama. I'll be here right next to you if you need me. Now you just forget everything, forget that bastard and go to sleep," Yuusuke patted the pillow and paused. "Your pillow is wet Kurama… I'll get you a new one," Yuusuke said, getting up. He walked to the closet and took another fresh pillow out. "Here," he smiled, fluffing the pillow and tucking Kurama.

  Kurama smiled. "Arigatou, Yuusuke," Kurama thanked the boy. Yuusuke shushed Kurama with his index finger on Kurama's soft lips. "No, don't say such things," Yuusuke said. "Sayonara, tomodachi," Kurama uttered. "Kurama! Don't utter it as if you're leaving us!" Yuusuke snapped. "Gomen ne," Kurama apologized. "It's okay… it's okay… don't feel too bad about it. I'll be here the whole night, just call me if you need me," Yuusuke patted Kurama's shoulder. Kurama nodded.

  He relaxed himself and waited.

  Hiei finally settled himself down. He had practically chopped down enough branches and trees to build a house and enough unfortunate animals to feed a village when he came to his senses. The war inside him had ended.

  He sat quietly thinking. His mind ran though a series of flashbacks of people talking to him and their so-called advises. Then they ran through the mean things he did to Kurama consciously or unconsciously. They seemed so painful to bear.

  He didn't understand what feeling was this. He had never in his life feel like this before. The usual ones before were hatred and other more disdainful feelings. But never these feelings of warmth and his stomach making turns whenever those slender fingers caress him consciously or unconsciously. It felt scary at first, but it was harmful and nice. The more he thought about it, the more scary but soothing it felt.

  After a through mutual understanding between his emotions, he now came to conclusion that it felt good to be loved and to have attention. And he should return it as much and as willingly as it was given to him. Hiei smiled to himself. He will help that redhead to open back those wonderful emerald gems so he could see those loving stares that the redhead will usually give to him.

  But he didn't know what to do. :… Maybe I could start by taking care of his needs like taking water for him and… …: Hiei's thoughts drifted to when he saw Yuusuke cuddling Kurama. His brows were knitted in a frown. :… I'll… I'll do that to Kurama if he needs that! …: Hiei uttered, a self-promise.

  He stood up. An expression of determination was clear on his child-like features. "Kurama, I'm coming," he nodded and flitted away to the temple.

  It was 15 minutes past 4. Everything else was quiet. Not even the sound of the crickets could be heard. Kurama began to have headaches. The world was spinning and there was a sharp pain. His whole body hurt. It was as if he was being skinned alive. :… God it's painful! …: Kurama pondered in pain.

  Then the pain was gone and a soft light appeared. A shadowy spirit appeared and it looked clearer and more familiar in time. It was someone sitting on a bobbing oar. Botan smiled weakly. "Ready, Kurama-san?" she asked.

  Kurama blinked and looked at the floor. There, looking as if in deep sleep, was himself. He looked at his hands and they seemed semi-transparent. "I'm separated?" he asked Botan. The blue hair girl nodded. "It's time," she spoke. Kurama nodded somberly. "Wakarimashita," he took Botan's hand.

  Yuusuke woke up from sleep in an instant. That dream. He frowned and felt uneasy. :… Botan taking Kurama away? What kind of a fucking dream is that? …: he pondered. He looked at the redhead who looked like he was sleeping peacefully. But something doesn't seem right. Yuusuke focused his bearings and eyed Kurama closely. His chest isn't moving!

  Yuusuke stumbled over to Kurama anxiously. "Kurama?" he shook he redhead. Not waiting for any response, he resumed his calling. "Kurama? Get up! Kurama!?" he was shouting now and shaking Kurama vigorously. "KURAMA!!!!"

  The shout could be heard in every angle of the temple thus waking Yukina and Genkai up. Both rushed to the room. Genkai looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. The ritual had started. Yukina looked worried and asked shakily. "What's wrong, Yuusuke-san?" she asked.

  "Kurama! Kurama's… Kurama… is… HE'S NOT WAKING UP!" Yuusuke said in between ragged breaths. Yuusuke tried to pump his chest and give him CPR. "I'm trying to give him CPR, but it's not working!" his voice was unstable. Yukina cupped her own cheeks; she knelt down before Kurama and stretched her hands. Slowly, a faint yellowish glow could be seen. "Please Yukina, heal him!" Yuusuke urged. Yukina nodded and increased her powers.

  "It's no use, Yuusuke-san. I can only heal but not bring back life," Yukina admitted in midst of tears. "What's happening? Baasan, what's happening?!" He demanded over his tattered breaths. Genkai was silent. "Gomen nasai," she walked out of the room and nearly bumped into someone. She blinked and exclaimed in a whisper. "Hiei?" she echoed her mind.

  Hiei frowned. "What's happening? Why was Yuusuke shouting?" Hiei asked. Genkai shook her head and walked past Hiei. "Let's just hope for a miracle," Hiei could hear her utter before he walked in the room.

  It was heavy. The air, Hiei could sense it. "Yuusuke?" Hiei called. Yuusuke was heavy of rage and his rational side was on the tip of the needle. "GO AWAY YOU SELFISH BASTARD!" He threw a teapot at Hiei. The Jaganshi barely missed it by millimeters at the speed the teapot was traveling.

  Hiei could only gape in surprise. Yukina ran in between them and spread her hands wide. "No, don't fight! Kurama's soul might still be around and I don't think he'll like a fight like this!" she exclaimed in tears.

  "Kurama's soul?" Hiei echoed. He frowned. "Kurama died?" he echoed his mind. Then his mind rushed up to one certain flash back. :… "Will you only open up when he dies?" …:

  That sentence kept ringing in his head. It rang so loudly that it was pounding in his brains. Hiei pulled his hair with both hands until he felt like it was ripping off his scalp. His sharp fingernails traveled down his temples to his cheeks, leaving deep cuts in the process.


  "I can't enter the Makai. You go alone from here," Botan smiled. Kurama blinked. "How can I find Inari-sama?" he asked. "He'll be waiting for you, do not worry. You're expected," she gave Kurama a confident smile. Kurama sighed and looked at the portal to Makai. "Just be honest and act good. It'll help," she waved at Kurama. "Arigatou, Botan-chan," Kurama uttered before going through, but before that, he paused. "Botan-chan?" he called. "Yes, Kurama-san?" she blinked.

  "If… if I don't make it back, tell everyone I love them… especially Hiei," he closed his eyes. Botan's eyes were already teary by now. "I will, Kurama-san. Ganbarun da yo," she uttered. Kurama smiled and turned around, disappearing to the other side.

  "I wish you the best of luck, Youko Kurama," Botan sighed and make her way back to Reikai Palace.

  Just as the youko past through the portal, he felt warm. "YOUKO KURAMA," a loud deep voice was heard. "Yes," Kurama answered. Then he realized it. When he came out of Shuuichi Kurama's body, his soul was in Youko Kurama form. The silver fox spirit. His ears twitched again when he heard the voice again. "I'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU, MY SON," it said out loud.

  Kurama looked around. He saw a lot of youkos, big and small, young and old. They were sitting around him as someone would a bonfire camp. He was the fire, their center of attention.

  "YOU KNOW THIS RITUAL?" the loud deep voice asked. Kurama blinked. "Not fully," he answered. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" the voice asked again. Kurama shook his head. "INARI" the voice answered. Kurama smiled. "Douzo yoroshiku, Inari-sama," he said in his most polite manner.

  The youkos around him were still quiet, a few soft whispers among each other but nothing more.

  "DO YOU WANT ME TO EXPLAIN?" Inari asked Kurama. The silver youko nodded. "If you please, Inari-sama… I would love to listen," he said without contemplation. Inari looked at Kurama. The god of foxes liked the silver fox spirit. He was polite beyond boundaries. He had looked over his records as human and he seemed decent.


  Kurama blinked. :… Lover? …: he pondered, but he nodded anyway. "Doumo arigatou gozaimasu, Inari-sama," he bowed.

On to Chapter 4
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