About Taylor

Full Name: Jordan Taylor Hanson

Nicknames: Taylor, Tay

Age: 15

Birthdate: March 14,1983

Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Height: 5'7" (5 feet, 7 inches)

Weight: 8st 13lbs

Sign: Pisces

Extra Info:

- Tay's other nickname is Blondie.
- He taps his fingers.
- He likes rollerblading and go-karting.
- He sleeps in boxers and a tang-top.
- His favorite food is burgers and fries.
- His favorite TV shows are "Friends","Frasier", and "Seinfeld".
- Ike and Zac say Tay is a perfectionist.
- He is the quiet one of the group.
- Doesn't have a girlfriend right now, because he doesn't have enough time, and he thinks it wouldn't be fair to her.