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Which season are YOU?
winter autumn
dark, moody,
an introvert,
a nonconformist,
artistic, a loner,
nostalgic, a dreamer,
full of anticipation
Although born under a summer sign (LEO)
I feel better in Autumn-
my BEST in Winter

he two great interests of Ancient Man are food and children. If man the individual is to live he must have food; if his race is to persist he must have children. "To live and to cause to live, to eat and to beget children, these were the primary wants of men in the past and they will be the primary wants of men in the future so long as the world lasts." Other things may be added to enrich and beautify human life, but, unless these wants are first satisfied, humanity itself must cease to exist. These two things, therefore, food and children, were what men chiefly sought to procure by the performance of magical rites for the regulation of the seasons. From this need for food sprang seasonal, periodic festivals. The fact that festivals are seasonal in a sense intellectualizes and abstracts the emotion that prompts them. The seasons are indeed only of value to ancient man because they are related to his food supply. What he realized is that at certain times, the animals and plants, appear, at certain others disappear. It is these times that become focuses of his interest, and the dates of his religious festivals. Winter began at Samhain, the first day of November, later called "All Hallows Day". The Eve of Beltane, or "May Day", marks the beginning of Summer. Other Sabbat seasonal festivals include: Yule or "Mid Winter Nights Eve", Candlemas, Lady Day or "The Vernal Equinox", Midsummer, Harvest Home and Lammas "The First Harvest". On these days the spirits of other worlds are free to roam and the air is dangerously charged with magick.

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guardian of the autumn

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he four elements, Air, Earth, Fire and Water, which are present in varying proportions in all matter, are powerful representations of natural magick and are often used in magick rituals. On the pentacle, the Wiccan sacred symbol, each point of the star represents one element. The top point of the star stands for the fifth element, that of the Spirit. The spirit consists of a perfect balance of all four elements. Any matter containing a balance of all four elements, is perfect. Therefore the spirit is perfect. It means centering, transformation, and that its limits are beyond time and space as we understand them.......

ach Element reflects a quality of human nature and corresponds with the Suits in both playing cards and the Tarot.
Element Keyword Suit Tarot
Fire Physical Clubs Wands
Earth Practical Diamonds Coins
Air Intellectual Spades Swords
Water Emotional Hearts Cups


ir is the first Element, which is assigned to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air rules the third, seventh, and eleventh Houses. Although invisible, Air is all around us; we quite literally could not breathe without it! It transmits sound and light, without which we couldn't communicate. Air Sign people are intellectual and mentally driven. Air Signs can be cold, but they are alert and curious; they bring intellect, perception, and logic to the Zodiac.

Compass point:East. Represents intellect, communication, knowledge, concentration; the ability to "know" and to understand; to unlock secrets of the dead; to contact the angels; telepathy, memory and wisdom; the hawk, the raven and the eagle; prophecy; movement, Karma and speed.

Air is the power of intelligence. Without it we would perish for one could go days without food and water, but without air we wouldn't last that long. Air is also the power of the mind. It's season is the Spring and its time is Dawn.

Higher Nature: mental, rational, communicative
Lower Nature: impractical, indecisive, scattered
Color: yellow
Type of Energy: Projective
Metals: Tin,Copper
Season: Spring
Direction: East
Time: Dawn
Condition: VAPOR-
Fog,Mists,Soft Rains,Morning Dew
Regions: Valleys



  • Hera/Juno Greco-Roman queen of the sky
  • Lilith-Semetic winged lady of the air
  • Frigg-Nordic goddess of the heavens
  • Iris-Greek winged rainbow goddess who traveled with the speed of the wind
  • Nut-Egyptian great sky goddess
  • Feng-P'o-Chinese goddess of the wind who rides a tiger among the clouds


  • Zeus-Greek god of the heavens
  • Odin-Nordic creator of the cosmos
  • Boreas-Greek god personifying the north wind
  • Brahma-Hindu creator of heaven and earth depicted riding a swan or peacock
  • Quetzalcoatl-Nahuatl plumed serpent god of the wind
  • Anu-Assyro-Babylonian god of sky
  • Indra/Svargapati-Indian lord of heaven
  • Feng-Po-Chinese earl of the wind



arth is the second Element, which is assigned to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth rules the second, sixth, and tenth Houses. Earth is what grounds us and supports us; it literally holds us up. In both ancient times and today, it was under our feet, stabilizing us, and providing us with crops and homes; Mother Earth is an appropriate epithet. Earth Sign people are practical and logical in a sometimes illogical world. Earth Signs can be possessive, but they are cautious and conservative; they bring dependability, practicality, and reliability to the Zodiac.

Compass point:North. Mystery and growth, fertility, material abundance, the combined forces of nature and its bounty; birth and healing; business, industry and possesions; the bear, the stag and the wolf; conservation and nature.

Earth is the Mother Goddess. Gaea, Rhea, and Demeter according to the Greeks. She is fertile and nurturing- bringing forth life from the soil. Earth represents the densest of all the elements. It is the element of winter and the night.

Higher Nature: practical, stable, building
Lower Nature: rigid, inimaginative, repetitive
Type of Energy: Receptive
Metals: Iron,Lead
Season: Winter
Direction: North
Time: Night
Condition: Dust-
Regions: Deserts,Hazes,Arid Regions,High Altitudes



  • Cerridwen-Celtic goddess of Enchantment
  • Gaea/Gaia-Greek goddess of earth
  • Demeter/Ceres-Greco-Roman goddess of growth and agriculture
  • Graces-Greek sister goddessess who disperse charm and beauty
  • Muses- 9 Greek daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus who preside over a different art or science
  • Gaea-Greek goddess of earth
  • Rhea-Greek great mountain mother
  • Mawu-African goddess of creation
  • Changing Woman-Apache goddess of the earth
  • Na Kua-Chinese goddess of creation


  • Pan-Greek god of nature
  • Pluto/Hades-Greco-Roman god of the underworld
  • Dionysus/Bacchus-Greco-Roman god of wine
  • Geb-Egyptian god of earth



    ire is the third Element, which is assigned to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire rules the first, fifth, and ninth Houses. Man could not survive without Fire; in ancient times is was relied upon for light and heat. Although it seems less important in modern life, it is Fire that generates electricity for warmth and to power light bulbs, and it runs our cars. It is the basic building block of technology. Fire Sign people thus radiate warmth and heat, but they can also get too hot: and if they do, don't touch! Fire Signs can be rash, but they are courageous and creative; they bring enthusiasm, spontaneity, and zeal to the Zodiac.

    Compass point:South. Stands for energy, purification, courage, the will to dare,creativity; higher self; success and refinement; the arts and transformation; the lion, the phoenix and the dragon; loyalty and force.

    Fire is the element of both creation as well as destruction. Just as a fire may burn down trees, new life can grow in its place. It is an element of the summer and a time of high noon. Both very hot times.

    Higher Nature: sympathetic, imaginative, psychic
    Lower Nature: irrational, unstable, unreality
    Color: red
    Type of Energy: Projective
    Metals: Gold, Brass
    Season: Summer
    Direction: South
    Time: NoonHeat
    Condition: Heat
    Regions: Volcanic Lands,Deserts

    ELEMENTAL: Salamander


    • Hestia-Greek goddess of the hearth
    • Arinna-Phoenician sun goddess
    • Brigid-Celtic fire goddess
    • Mahui-Iki-Polynesian queen of the fiery underworld
    • Latiaran-Irish goddess who carried a "seed of fire"
    • Ushas-Hindu dawn goddess mother of the sun
    • Maia/Feronia-Greco-Roman fire goddess who ruled the forces of growth and warmth, including sexual heat
    • Tu-Njami-Siberian mother fire


    • Hephaestus/Vulcan-Greco-Roman god of fire and metalworking
    • Agni-Hindu god of fire and guardian of man
    • Ra-Egyptian sun god
    • Xiuhtecuhtli-Nahuatl god of fire
    • Surya-Hindu dazzling sun god
    • Apollo-Greek god of the sun
    • Loki-Scandinavian fire demon
    • Prometheus-Greek titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to man
    • Farbauti-Scandinavian god who gave birth to fire



    ater is the fourth Element, which is assigned to Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water rules the fourth, eighth. and twelfth Houses. One needs only look at a map and see the Water that covers most of the Earth to understand its importance. Water is sacred in some cultures, and it purifies and washes away dirt while gently nourishing the crops that need rain to survive. Water Sign people are emotional and nurturing. Water Signs can be easily hurt, but they are receptive and responsive; they bring sensitivity, responsiveness, and emotional depth to the Zodiac.

    Compass point:West. Associated with intuition, emotions, the inner self, flowing movement, the power to dare and cleanse all things; sympathy and love; reflection; currents and tides of life; the dolphin, the swan and the crab; dreams and dreamtime.

    Water is the element of the healing, psychic, and loving. Water is love. it is purifying and cleansing. It is of Autumn and of the Dusk.

    Higher Nature: inspirational, action-oriented, leading
    Lower Nature: impatient, impulsive, reckless
    Color: blue
    Type of Energy: Receptive
    Metals: Mercury Silver Copper
    Season: Autumn
    Direction: West
    Time: Dusk
    Condition: ICE-
    Cold, Frosts, Precipitation,
    REGION: Mountains

    ELEMENTAL: Undine


    • Aphrodite-Greek goddess of love and beauty (created when the sky impregnated the great womb
    • Nimue-Celtic Lady of the Lake
    • Danaides-Greek daughters of Danaus condemned in Hades to pour water eternally into a bottomless vessel
    • Naidads Greek water nymphs of brooks, springs and fountains
    • Tiamat-Babylonian dragon woman of bitter waters
    • Ran-Scandinavian goddess of the sea and queen of the drowned
    • Ix Chel-Mayan snake goddess of water
    • Doda-Serbian goddess of rain
    • Ningyo, Nimue-Japanese fish goddess who, if eaten, would gaurantee eternal youth and beauty
    • Aryong-Jong -Korean goddess who controlled rainfall


    • Poseidon/Neptune-Greco-Roman god of the sea
    • Oceanus-Greek god of the outer sea encircling earth
    • Ea-Babylonian god of the arts and the sea


Cinnamon's element is

Intuitive, loyal, and into sports and challenges
which element are you??



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Graphic created by cinnamon



woman of fire
and a woman of !!!!

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