About this site

NOTE: this site was made with a Webtv and it's best view with Webtv.

Each scene in every production is 10 to 69 seconds long due to the story line in the bar below. You can advance it by clicking on the left / right candlelight thank you and enjoy the productions.


Children out of all my productions this is my favorite and the one I'm most proud off. Why the answer is in the faces of this little angels. Little angels that can't see to fly meaning smile without our help. I remember one night I was workning on my page and I decided to watch tv while working on the page. Changing the channels I came across a World Vision production in spanish. It simply got my attention. The faces in this little angels were missing, happiness, playfullness, a smile but most of all food and water and shelter. I just had to make a movie about this because we just can't turn away and not pretend it doesn't exist. By the way this gifs were capture by my Go.com uploader.

Kitty The Kitty production is dedicated to my producer, editor, advisor and most of all my dearest friend Aninka. Knowing how much she likes this kitties this one is for her for all the endless help she provided me with.

The Cartoon production is dedicated to all the children of the world and the children at heart.
The Rugrats this production I did it with my Bebes (2½ year old nephew) in mind. A little guy that I spend a lot of time with and I'm always happy too. One time he asked me if I watch The Rugrats movie with him. I could not resist so I did. It was a cherished moment for me. I'll never forget because while watching the movie. My bebes was telling me what was going on in the movie in his own words. This is one of the most treasure moments in my life.

The Big Cats production is dedicated to someone I consider a friend SheBeDvl. She gave me permission to use the big cats gifs in her page; Dangerous Page the addy for her main page is in my Friends page check it out.

The Wrestling production is dedicated to all the WWF fans. I do apologize about not having any ECW or WCW gifs but to be honest, their not worth my time. Your free to use the WWF gifs I got in my directory. I capture them with my Go.com uploader every Saturday night on "Saturday Night Shotgun". Yes I did have to stay up but well worth the lack of sleep LOL

Thank you
my dearest
friend Aninka

Thank you Aninka
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