(((( Aninka ))))

I would like to thank Aninka
for helping me with this project.
Aninka was not only
my producer, editor, advisor
but most of all my friend.
A friend that told me the truth
thru her eyes as far as how
this project would look.
Such as try this,
do that, don't put that,
lets see how this looks LOL.
It would have been very difficult
to do this without her.

Aninka I would really like to thank you
from the bottom of my heart
Sometimes when it came to this project,
uncertainty brought me down a few times
but Aninka was there like an angel
to bring me back up everytime.

My friend Aninka is quite
a motivator and an inspiration.
She would not let me give up.
She would not let me look back
so I would never look back
I will forever be greatful to
Aninka for all the help and for being the
greatest, bestest, dearest friend online.


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