LinkExchange Member

Here are some of my cool net friends!!!

Here is a cool one:timb's home page
Another cool one is Timb he is a cool persone to so if you ever see him say hi!

Aegis:probably a very unknown name.Well he's kind of cool and so is this page!A cool guy!

No one can forget this one!!!Amber
is a cool gal to be with or to talk to!

watch out for barb she can be any where!!!!

Batwin's page!
A cool guy from Netherlands!

A wierd guy who thinks he is married to Blondie!*lol*

That girl who beavis thinks he is married to!*lol*

Covert is a cool guy who is maddly in love with Jenni!

Here is the best of them all that I can't belive I forgot!!!!His name isXatrix and he is very cool I've known him on the net and in person for so many years... since we were in elementary school!!! well he has the best page in the world but it was deleted by tripod but keep checking back cause you never know when it changes or when he will delete it or make it again!!

Cybermonkey another cool person with the worlds biggest and most popular page she's got links and stuff that you can litterarly live on!!!!!!so say hi to her for me if you chat with her any time!!

Ah Here is the most beautiful girl in the world. Her name is Acid Girl she doesn't have a picture of herself on her page but she sent me some so I've seen her!

Here is a new friend of mine...CubiX. He (I think) is the leader of Iron Jaguars. He is a very Cool guy with very neat programs (he sent me one on ICQ). So if you ever see CubiX, say hi from me!

Here is a guy who I don't want to put up but I will...Foxman He has a shity page that hasn't been updated in about a year or more so no point on visiting.

This guy is very neat...he is the father of Xatrix. He has his own page and he is a very nice guy. His name is David Ballin. he has a homepage but I forgot the address so I'll paste it up when I get it.

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