Hansford (Coots) France

1850 Perry County, KY, Census #57. He is listed as Hansperd Francis. He is listed in the household of William Coots and he is listed as a laborer. There was also a Milly Francis and an Ira Francis. They were most likely Hansford's younger sister and brother.

Note - Leslie County has not been created yet.

1860 Perry County, KY Census, #40. He is listed as Hansford France. His wife is Neter and he has a son Isaac age 3.

1870 Perry County, KY Census, #41. He is listed as Hansford Francis. His wife is Judy. He has 5 children: Isaac age 13, Martha age 7, Viney age 6, Samuel age 3, Nancy age 4 months.

1878 Leslie County was created. The parent counties from which Leslie county was organized were Clay, Harlan, and Perry.

1879 Marriage Book #1, Marriage Record #39, Hansford marries Mary Stidham. She is his 3rd marriage. He was 49 years old and Mary was 24. This record shows Hansford as being born in Scott County, VA. They were married on Sept. 22, 1879.

1880 Leslie County, KY Census, #103. He is listed as Hansford France. He does not have a spouse (I don't have a clue as to what happened to Mary). He has 6 children: Samuel age 12, Nancy 11, Rebecca 8, Malilda 6, Elizabeth 3, and Hansford (Bud) age 1.

1890 Census: Most of the 1890 Population Census was destroyed by a fire in January 1921.

1900 Leslie County, KY, Census Wooten, #251. Listed as Hancford French. He has been married to Annie Williams for 14 years. They have four children: Jennie age 10, Bill 7, Alice 4, and Dallie under 1 year. Clem Jones age 13 is listed as a step-son.

1910 Leslie County, KY, Census Wooten, #96. He is listed as Hansford Coots. He has been married to Annie Williams for 24 years. They have four children: Bill age 17, Alice age 13, Dallie age 10 and John age 7.

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