Internet Link Exchange
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UK site

Thanks to Tripod for their free space


David Knopfler's second web-site

- Second Sight -

Best viewed with decent eyesight or glasses without beer in them

I prophesy that if you hang around for a few seconds, a large interesting web page will open, similar in style, but subtly different to Site One. These new vulgar buttons are wild aren't they?

Last updated 27th September '96

Little House
of Quotes
Little house of Quotes.
Add one too if you like. More added daily (or not as the case may be). A must for a meaningless moment

The Yahoo Search Directory
The things you have to do these days just to get a Yahoo listing. Did they get BIG or what?

What's New Latest
Global's What's New Write something in the little white box. like Yeti, or Knopfler and see what happens. Or click the icon on the left and be terrified by the volume of the latest nonsense like this page, splurging forth onto the net

Hall of Substance
Hall of Substance
Discreet awards for the extemely discriminating


Random Acts of Kindness
Want to save someone's life by exercising five minutes of your creativity? Why not Email one of our planet's numerous saddo dictators?

Staggering facts
Staggering Facts
Vegetarianism, Bill Gates's money, the national debt clock and more extraordinary stuff found on the internet

Fairy Tales
Mercury Record's corporate plugging site, replete with faustian eulogies. Given that my existance has been purged with stalinistic zeal, I'm not holding my breath for a link back

Page one
My home page
Back to Site One

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Clock counter 28th June 1996: