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Team Rankings

Hall of Fame Voters Committee

If you've already voted in the Hall of Fame, and want to keep participating, than this is the place for you!

If you sign up to join the voters committee, every time 5 new players are added to the list, you'll have the opportunity to vote on whether or not they deserve admitance via e-mail. In addition, once players are removed from the list (if they fail to meet the critirea of 35 votes after 100 ballots have been cast), you can help decide if they deserve to get into the hall or if they deserve a second run at the popular vote at a latter time. Your suggestions for new players to add to the ballot will also be heard if you join the voters committee. So basically, you will play an active role in deciding who joins the hall once you are a member of the committee and you don't have to worry about being bombarded with e-mails since you'll likely only be asked to vote every 2 or 3 weeks.

So simply fill out the form bellow or e-mail me

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If you haven't already voted, then go here