The Quaters and their Elements

North-- Element: Earth Guardian: Gnome Functions: stablizing, fertile, nourishing Representation: pentacle, bowl of salt, soil

East-- Element: Air Gaurdian: Sylph Functions: mind, communications, movement, divination Representation: incense, fresh flowers

South-- Element: Fire Guardian: Salamander Functions: transformation, change, passion, health Representation: candle, oil lamp, lava rock

West-- Element: Water Guardian: Undine Function: emotions, psychic mind, love, healing, beauty Representation: cup or bowl of water

Moon Magick

New Moon Magick
New Moon workings can be done from the day of the New Moon to three and a half days later. The New Moon is for starting ventures, new beginnings...also love & romance, health, and job hunting.

Waxing Moon Magick
From 7 to 14 days after New Moon. For constructive magick such as love, wealth, sucess, courage, luck, and health.

Full Moon Magick
From 14 to 7and a half days after New Moon. For prophecy, protection, and divination, or any working that needs extra magickal energy, Also for love, knowledge, and wisdom workings.

Waning Moon Magick
From 3 and a hald to 10 and a half days after Full Moon. For banishing negativity. 

Dark Moon Magick
From 10 and a half to 14 days after Full Moon. For dealing with phychic attackers, understanding our angers and passions, and bringing justice to bear.

Casting The Circle

Basic Tools For Altar/Circle
A Godess symbol (candle, stone, statue, etc)
A God symbol (candle, acorn, statue, etc.)
Athame (degger)
Wand (branch, etc.)
A bowl of water
A bowl of salt
Flowers or greens
One red candle in holder
Any other materials required for particular ritual or magickal working.


Consecrate the water with the athame.
Recite simple words of consecration.

The salt is blessed with the tip of the athame while reciting words of consecration.

Casting The Circle

1. Stand facing North, and move around the circle clockwise, forming it of energy, and encompassing sphere. (some visualize it as a propane blue). 

2. Back at the North quarter, set down the Athame or knife. Sprinkle salt clockwise around the circle. Then bring the incense around. Next, bring aroud the southern point candle or the lit red candle from the altar.

Recite as you do this:

Here is the boundry of the Circle of Stones. 
Naught but love shall enter in.
Naught but love shall emerge from within.
Charge this by your powers 
Old Ones.

3. Invocations.
Work your way around the circle, starting at the north. At each quarter, invoke the elemental energy by saying: 

O Spirit of The (North, South, East, or West) Stone
Ancient One of (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water)
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by your powers
Old Ones.

~North: Hold aloft the wand (or arms) and invoke the elemental energy of Earth, using the proper words. (This may be visualized as a greenish mist)
~East: Hold aloft the wand and invoke the elemental energy of Air 
(light blue or yellowish mist)
~South: Hold aloft the wand and invoke the elemental energy of Fire. 
(crimson mist)
~West: Hold aloft the wand and invoke the elemental energy of Water. 
(blue mist)

Now the circle is complete.
Perform magickal working within the circle or simply commune with the energy.

4. Blessing and Releasing the Circle:
Once the rite is ended, face North. Hold the wand aloft and thank each of the elemental energies for their presence.

Recite: Farwell, Spirit of the ______ Stone. I give thanks for your presence here. Go in power.
(Repeat for each element as you go around the circle)

After dismissing the elemental energies, return to the North and hold the wand aloft for a few moments. Recite the final blessing:

May the powers of The One,
The source of all creation:
All-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal:
May the Godess , The Lady of The Moon
And The God, Horned Hunter of The Sun:
May the powers of The Spirits of The Stones
Rulers of the elemental realms:
May the powers of the stars above and Earth below
Bless this place, and this time
And I who am with you.
So mote it be!

Lay the wand on the altar. Take up the athame.(or use index finger) Standing at the North quarter, pierce the circle's wall at waist level. Move clockwise around the circle, visualizing the energy being drawn back into the athame. Sense the circle dissolving and shrinking. When you reach the North quarter once again, the circle is no more.

*Note: Should you have to leave the circle once it is casted without destroying it, a doorway should be cut at the Northeast point of the circle. Trace and visualize an archway large enough to walk through. Visualize that portion of the circle's energy being drawn back into the athame (or index finger) Once you are ready to re-ender the circle, walk through the opening and re-trace the portion of the circle that was cut.

Shrine Ritual

Shrines are sacred spaces to honor The Godess and The God. They should be set aside as special areas in the home or outdoors in a quiet, natural setting. They may be permanent, or temporary and reconstructed on a daily or weekly basis.
Here's a ritual I wrote to dedicate my shrine, which is temporary and set up twice a week (No doubt my parents would freak out if they discovered a permanant pagan shrine in my room)

Begin with empty space (table, shelf, etc), but gather up all objects and have them on hand to place in the shrine. You will need:

A bowl of water and a bowl of salt
Two white candles to represent the Godess and God
Objects sacred to The Godess (statue, flowers, etc.)
Objects sacred to The God (statue, greenery, etc.)

Take a ritual bath, and get rid of that negative energy.

1.Consecrate the water and bless the salt.

2. Purify and consecrate the candles.

3. Place the candle sacred to The Godess on the left half of the shrine. Place the God candle on the right.

4. Light the incense and place it in the center of the shrine.

5. Light Thr Godess candle, and visualize yourself so in the astral realm as well (You could be in a garden, a grotto, etc.)

For you, Mother Godess
Lady of the mystic Moon and Beauty of the night
Maiden of the stars and velvet darkness
I light this candle and dedicate this sacred space.
So mote it be!

6. Light the God candle while visualizing yourself doing the same on the astral.

For you, Horned God
Lord of the dark forest and crimson sunset.
Father of the rich soil and golden grain.
I light this candle and dedicate this sacred space to you.
So mote it be!

7.Place the consecrated water next to the Godess candle, and the blessed salt next to the God candle.

I offer these to you
Ladyof the Moon and Lord of the Forest
Elemental symbols of your divine omniprescense
So mote it be!

8. Place the objects sacred to The Godess near the water. Mirror this on the astral. Say: What I take I freely give.

9. Place the objects sacred to The God near the salt. Mirror this on the astral. Say: What I take I freely give. 

10. Step back. Meditate a few moments. Visualize The Godess and The God energy weaving itself into a misty shroud around the sacred shrine.Let the candles burn until they are no more. When they burn out, say:

Your nundane candle flames may darken
Yet You never die
May You know his shrine exists in Your honor
On this mundane plane and in the realm of astral dreams
Grant me harmony and peace
So mote it be!

When the rite is finished, bury the offerings in the earth.

Page Two
The Book of Shadows

Burning Times

Agianst Violence


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