El Nino: Curiosity Killed The Cast
In startling historical new today, all of the world's textbooks were found to contain new data: The USS Voyager fought in the Galactic Civil War. Supposedly, El Nino, now found to be behind many historical events, such as the creation of Bill Clinton, Howard Stern, William Shatner and many riveting scandals like Watergate, Abraham Lincoln's assaination and the Reagan Administration got curious as to how Star Trek would fair against Star Wars. Voyager, having recently discovered the Zeta quadrant (which contained remnants of the New Republic and wreckage of several Star Destroyers) was thrust back in time, thusly putting it a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Upon regaining sensors, Voyager found itself in the middle of a fire-fight. Being shot on by both The Rebel Alliance and The Glactic Empire, ignorant Cpt. Janeway decided to fire back on both sides of the line. The outcome is sketchy, but it is reported that Voyager dissaapeared moments later, to turn up in history yet again, but this time during the 1950's in Roswell, New Mexico. Apparently, radiation mutated the survivors, shrinking them and causing their eyes to bulge. Further speculation is that more military elemnts of today will soon begin turning up in the past. When asked what he thought, Darth Vader responded "Maybe I should talk to the Borg..." And Now For Something Completely DifferentWhat's El Nino?:I really should quit while I'm still a free man...?
El Nino Ate My BallsEl Nino Loves His Balls:need I say more?
HomeBlame ir on El Nino:The Beginning
Captain Cumbubble