She came down, from Yellow Mountain ... On a dark flat land she rode, On a pony she named Wildfire, A whirlwind by her side, On a cold NEBRASKA night... Oh they say she died one winter, When there came a killin' frost. And the pony she named Wildfire Busted down his stall. In a blizzard she was lost ... She ran calling Wild--fire, Calling Wild--fire, Calling W--I--L--D--F--I--R--E !!! By the dark of the moon, I planted ... But there came an early snow. Been a hoot owl howling outside my window For six nights in a row ... She's comin' for me, I know. And on Wildfire, we are both gonna' go ... We'll be riding Wildfire; We'll be riding Wildfire. We'll be riding Wildfire; On Wildfire, we're gonna' ride. Gonna' leave sodbustin' behind. Get these hard times right on out of our minds ... Riding W I L D F I R E !!! (© Warner-Tamerlane Publishing) (As Sung By Michael Martin Murphy)
Somewhere out on the prairie... Is the greatest cowboy that's ever been... When he lays his hands upon the ponies, They shudder with that understanding skin. He says "Ponies, now ponies, don't you worry... I have not come to steal your fire away. I want to fly with you across the sunrise And discover what begins each shining day." When the storm clouds in the West are quickly gathering... The Ponies, they run wildly before it rains. You'll see their sleek dark bodies brightly gleeming. You'll know the fire's flyin' through their veins. He says "Ponies, now ponies, don't you worry... I have not come to steal your fire away. I want to fly with you across the sunrise And discover what begins each shining day." He says "Ponies, now ponies, don't you worry... I have not come to steal your fire away!" (© Warner-Tamerlane Publishing) (As Sung By Michael Martin Murphy)
A Designs by Darle Background
Based on Artwork 呻anny Hahlbohm
Used with permission
Name of
painting is
"Like The Wind"