The Age of Aquarius

"When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
Then peace shall guide the planet
And love will steer the sun -
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius."
from the rock musical, "Hair"

Many organizations are working to create a better Reality Frame for our world.
A library of them can be easily accessed by merely clicking your mouse HERE.
An inspirational New Age school of applied metaphysics is

THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY , founded by L. Ron Hubbard, has helped many people gain an increased understanding of their spiritual potential and abilties.
Some interesting insights may be gained through the SCHOOL OF WISDOM
Another place to seek inspiration is the
Other sources of wisdom and understanding and be found in the THEOSOPHICAL WISDOM WORLD
A scholarly and philosophical view of Wisdom is presented on
Or perhaps you are seeking WORDS OF WISDOM
on a certain insight of understanding.
The Age of Aquarius has brought many new concepts of Life into being, but some of these thoughts have evolved from great thinkers and philosophers of past ages. For a deeper understanding it is good to know the
Follow the CELTIC CONNECTION to Native European culture and religions.
Some principles of metaphysics have begun to be proven by QUANTUM MECHANICS
Call a Quantum Mechanic the next time your Reality Frame needs repair.
Follow this link to information about the current
A scientific approach to telepathy has been called REMOTE VIEWING
THE ACADEMY OF REMOTE VIEWING is an American organization researching this.
Another school of Remote Viewing is THE FARSIGHT INSTITUTE
What is known about the U.S. GOVERNMENT PROJECT and corporate interest
in Controlled Remote Viewing?

THE CELESTINE PROPHESY is a "must read" novel for New Agers. In 2006 it was produced as a
Links to many related sites are found on THE CELESTINE HOME PAGE
"What Mysterious Process underlies human life on this planet?"
Dr. Richard Alpert, otherwise known as
is a pioneer in New Age philosophy.
Tune in to the mind-bending thoughts of TIMOTHY LEARY..
ROBERT A. WILSON has written several interesting books, including
the infamous "ILLUMINATUS", comedy that makes you wonder about the real conspiracies shaping our world today.

Download a few soundbites from the music of CLANNAD
or the enchanting sound of ENYA .
The beautiful voice and harp of Loreena McKennitt brings a new light to Celtic Music.
YANNI has become an icon of New Age music.
The haunting, sensual music of ENIGMA is a personal favorite for enchanting entertainment.
DELERIUM is another band with etherically sensual music, very similar in nature to Enigma.
For relaxing instrumental music, you may enjoy AMETHYSTIUM .
TANGERINE DREAM has produced a prolific number of CD's full of relaxing New Age instrumental music.
An old friend of mine, JERRY FJERKENSTAD has produced a CD of very moving New Age music with a twist of classical piano.
Are you trying to remember the WORDS to a favorite inspirational song?
Did you ever feel like the world is just an illusion through which you move?
The MATRIX is a film that takes it a step further. The plot is something like an updated version of Plato's cave in
"The Republic" with martial arts, action and special effects to occupy the minds of those who still sleep within the illusions of
The Matrix of Reality.
Almost everything you would want to know about your favorite Immortal Celt,
Duncan MacLeod, THE HIGHLANDER .
ROAR , starring Heath Ledger, is a great series set in post-Roman Britain. Now available in on DVD.
Much credit must be given to STAR TREK
for the futuristic views it has provided us for three decades.