My Big Sister!

This page is all about my big sister, Julie. Julie is seventeen years old, but she will be eighteen in January. She is in grade 12 at school. She too has many varied interests. She is an athlete, and spends her summers at a canoe tripping camp in Temagami, a small town in Northern Ontario. Her camp is called Wabun, and this summer she canoed 1800 miles over 46 days to James Bay, via the Albany/Attawapiskat rivers.

She's in there somewhere, near the back

Julie likes all kinds of music (although not much that I also like (-:) including The Tragically Hip, Puff Daddy, Ginuwine, Bush and Wu-tang Clan.

She want wants to go into an Aboriginal Studies program at university and then go north and work with Native Canadians. All in all, she's a pretty cool girl and one of the most important people in my life.


E-mail Julie