August 6, 1996

We were leaving in two weeks. In my opinion, this had definitely been the best summer.

Tay and I were hanging outat my house, again. We had exchanged addresses, and e-mails. He had his own computer, too. He had two accounts, but he only gave me one. I only gave him White5065.

"Wanna watch a movie?," I asked.

"Sure," he said.

"Um, how about.....we have absolutely no good movies. This sucks. And it's also raining. Could this day get any worse?," I complained. Just then, the power went out." I had to ask," I muttered.

"Hey, where are you?," Tay asked.

"Over by the TV," I said.

"Got any flashlights?," he asked.

"Hold on. Ow!!," I said, tripping over something.

"Are you OK?," Tay called out.

"Yeah. Here's the flashlight," I said, turning it on.

"Hey, you know what? We can turn on a radio," Tay said. We found a battery-operated radio and tuned it into the radio station. (@@This isn't how a earthquake works, but I live in NJ. How should I know?@@)

"Warning! Warning! Earthquake warning!!," the announcer said. As soon as the words came over radio waves, I felt small tremors. The small ones soon gave away to huge rolling ones. I scared out of my mind. Not only for me, but for Tay. What was going to happen? I felt myself be thrown to the ground. I hit something solid. It was Tay. We grabbed each other's hands. Too soon, my head hit something, and everything went black.

I woke up later. The earthquake had stopped. As I looked around, everyting had been destroyed. I looked around frantically for Taylor. He was on the other side of the room.

"Are you OK?," I asked. He didn't answer right away. I got scared. I called his name maybe three or four times before he answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?," he asked, getting up.

"Uh-huh. I've never been so scared," I said.

"Me, neither. Do you think my family is OK?," he asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure they are," I said, getting up. As soon as I put pressure on my left ankle, I cried out in pain.

"Are you OK?," he asked, quickly.

"Yeah. I think I twisted my ankle. I'm OK, " I insisted. We went to his house where found everyone was okay.

"Daisy? Where are your parents?," Mrs. Hanson asked.

"I don't know, " I replied. I got scared again. What if something had happened to them? What would I do? Then, the doorbell rang.


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