Ok ever heard of the saying "sex, drugs, and rock and roll," well this movie defines that phrase! It's a movie about a bunch of young people,
ranging from 16-30 years old, who work in a record store. In the
movie they have to fight to save their store, discover themselves and what they want to do in life, battle with loosing friends, get back together with friends, find true love, make new friends, and just well become closer together! Well here's a run through about the movie:
This movie is basically about 6 main characters and their lives. Almost most people who have seen Empire
have liked it, some people don't but not many! It shows you the lives of young people living in the '90's' It really isn't a teen flick; it is a comedy-drama even though almost all of the cast is young, I wouldn't call it a teen flick! I think most people like this movie because it's funny, yet emotional and endearing at the same time, it's very-very well acted,
and most people can relate to the film. Ok well here's my run-through of the story: anyone who can call this plotless must be on crack!
Ok I'm sure you all have seen the movie and know the plot and characters, blah blah blah, but here it is in a nutshell anyway...
LUCAS: Is the zany philosophical nutcase. Who hates money, but stole 9,104 bucks from the store and went to Atlantic City and lost it all! But all in hopes to Save the Empire from sell out! And his humor helps his co-workers along enough to save the store and give everyone lot of laughs!
AJ: Is the sweet goofy, great artist, who doesn't know his talent + is scared to go to Art School. He also is madly in love w/his girl best bud, Corey. And will tell her today by 1:37! And soon Corey realizes she loves him too! He's also gonna go to Art school in Boston to be with her!
COREY: Is the nice good girl who's going to Harvard! She is a virgin, but wants to loose it today to Rex Manning-her idol! She chickens out + now hates jerky! She also finds out she loves her best friend AJ and he's the one for her! Doubtful she'll be a virgin much longer!
GINA: Is the perkyish slut of the bunch! She's good buds w/Corey till she screws Rex! She wants to sing, but doesn't have the guts! Finally she makes up with Corey, becomes friends with Deb, + even sings at the Rave they throw to save Empire with Berko's band!
DEB: Is the lonely and at times, bitchy one. She tried to commit suicide last night, but failed! She thinks no one loves her + is very depressed! But they all do love her and show her by throwing her a fake funeral! Soon she becomes happy and knows everyone does love her!
MARK: Is the wacky nutty one! He wants to start a band called Marc! Loves moshing and Pink Floyd and Axl Rose! Takes his Dope in the form of brownies his pal, Eddie, made for him! And somehow manages to come up w/the plan to save Empire! And it works!
Well that's it, if you haven't seen this movie yet, it's a must! I guarantee that you'll probably love it! If not you can hit me! But I assure you you'll end up loving/relating to one if not all the characters! Empire Records is "Open Till Midnight" so Never Ever call and ask one of the employees when it's open till!...** now go down for cool Empire stuff **
Empire Records Re-releasion in Theaters Info!: |