Ever hear that pathetic song called popular? Well, here's a slightly different look at that song.. *G* AND, just for all you jocks,
thats cool if thats you, but if you also walk around talking and acting like a wiger, or anything thats not YOU... GET A LIFE.
I'm head of the class, I'm popular
I like to huff gas, I'm popular
I'm never last pick, I'm popular
My girlfreinds a hick, I'm popular
My dogs never fed, I make football bets
I'll never have a car, I'm popular
I go to gay bars, I'm popular
My mom says I'm a catch. I'm popular
I've got a fungal rash, I'm popular
I like to smoke crack, I'm a quarter back
I got kicked in the nards, I'm popular
cheerleaders kick hard, I'm popular
My moms a lesbian, I'm popular
My parents call me quin, I'm popular
I'm really bazzar, I'm a football star
My playgirls are thick, I'm popular
I'm really a chick, I'm popular
I'm never second guessed, I'm popular
I've got two large breasts, I'm popular
heeheehee, sometimes I wonder if I have to much free time on my hands..... na!!
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