This is the part of my Airplane Mega Page where I Tell you what i've seen in the sky around Wright Patterson Air Force Base. And also I tell you some strange things i've seen around some of the planes like the F-117 Nighthawk UFO, Or the AH-64 Apache UFO, or even a B-2 Spirit UFO. I swear I did not make this stuff up. The stuff is even on the negitives. all of the photos are taken from my camera unless noted.
Yesterday a Ukrainian Antonov An-30 flew over my house and landed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The An-30 landed there because of the Open Skies Treaty. From what I understand the plane is the first to carry out this treaty. I've seen many planes land at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I've seen a couple of Russian crago planes fly over my house. They came for the Dayton Peace Accords to keep the peace in Bosnia.
On April 30th it was a cool day. A building was being dedicated to the B-1, B-2 and the C-17 projects at Aera B at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and there was afly over of the B-1 and B-2 it was cool. I was in school at the time but everyone ran up to the windows. I was the first one there because I sit at the back of the classroom. we watched them flyover our school. When the B-2 turnde we saw how thin it was. Before the flyover I heard some jet engines and I whispered to my friend Bo that it was either a B-1 or a B-2 and this is like sort of his catch phrase "you lie" you can tell him your name and he'd say "you lie". Then when we saw the B-1 and the B-2 he said you're right that was like the first time he has ever admitted something thet he was wrong on.
Does any one know what that dot is above the F-117 is I cant figure it out. I took this picture at the 1997 Dayton Air Show. (it is in B&W for better Res. and for size e-mail me for a color copy)
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