Hey! You must be in the mood for some games and humor! Well, you've come to the right place! There are Humor, surveys, and a bunch of fun! I'm adding all the time, so check back often!!!
Links to the rest of this page:
- You know you've read to much GenX When...
- This is an Obsessed list! YAHOO!
- Quotables!
- This is our fave quotes!
- Mystery Page!
- This is where we ask a question, and you give us your most creative answer!
- The Bulletin Board!
- Chat room!
- Once I figure out the HTML codes, We will have a chat room!!
- Jubilee's Top Ten...
- This is Jubilee's topten reasons why Emplate is a LOOSER!!!!
HEY! You! Only the chatroom isn't up yet, but I have the codes, so I'll get one SOON! YEAH!!!!