::z e l g a d i s s .style::

:c o f f e e. or is it .t e a.?::
Zelgadiss appears to enjoy drinking coffee too much or is it tea. In probably in each restaurant he just drinks coffee. And he's not even that hyper than most people would be. Maybe it just doesn't have caffine...

::c l o t h e s::

Zel has a really cool style of dressing. In each season, Zel's outfit doesn't constantly change, unlike Lina. Even in the game version he dresses the same.

Zel wears beige cape, cloak, shirt, and pants. The beige outfit represent him as a golem. On the center of his chest he wears a red jewel or something. That represent the eye of a golem.


Zel has a sort of teal skin color. His skin represent the skin of a demon. The stones attached to his face represent the golem rocky body. Zelgadiss long, pointy, ear like an elf represent the ears of a demon. His spiky, sort of close to purple hair represents the body of the demon. These physical feature is part from the golem and the demon. Cool huh?


In the tv series, Zel did look for the Philosipher Stone, but not for Rezo. He was on a search to find a cure and as well use the stone to kill Rezo for curse Rezo gave him. He sent out his servant, Zolf, to get the Orihalcon Statue which had the Philosipher Stone inside of it. He had infeltrated the Dragon Fangs gang and just as he was about to take the statue, none other than Lina Inverse shows up, blasts Zolf with a flare arrow, and steals the stone. Zolf being incenirated by Lina looks like a mummy now and Zel was really pissed off. Since that didn't work, Zel confronted Lina trying to buy the Orihalcon Statue from her. But Lina being so greedy over charged the price by 30 million dollar. They became enemy as soon as he step out of the door. They later became friend after they defeated Dark Lord Shabringdo and knowing now who the real enemy is.

return to:: .z e l . p r o f i l e. :: .g u i l d. :: .c a s t. ::