He won again?!?!
This is a hand I played at a different tournament in Virginia. It is one of the most baffling play of cards I have come up with.  
I am in hole 114 as the dealer (again) but the pone is further back in hole 109 (12 from winning) and I hold in my hand 4, 5, 6, 10, the cut card is a Q. I look at the board position and decide that the best thing to do is to try to prevent the Pone from pegging. He leads a K, and remembering the idea is to stop pegging possibilities I play the 10 (20), eyebrows were being raised at this play. The Pone decides to prevent me from pegging based on the 10 I played and he dumps a 5 (25) because, hey, if I had a 5 I would have made a 15. This play baffled everyone that I show it to. I pair his 5 for 2 points (30). He shrugs and says "GO".
Then he leads another K. Ok, I figure he has a J and has the points to win the game. I play a 4 and he starts saying things about the questionability of my parents having known each other. He plays his second 5 and I play the 6 for a run of 3 and the last card for 4 to win the game. He mentions that someone has confirmed that my parents are not acquainted with each other and (correctly) points out that if he had lead the 5 on the second round he wins the game.
Ten | Twenty-five | Ten | Nineteen |
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Twenty | Thirty, Pair for two and one for "GO" | Fourteen | Twenty-five,run of 3 for three and one for last card |
 There are a couple of things to pick up on here. I did not make a 15, I did not make a 31, I retained the ability to trap a 5, and foremost, sometimes it is best to lead a 5. I show this hand to people and tell them that I win the game and play the hand out. People play the second K after the 10 and leave themselves with two 5's for the second round, ( I play a 4, they play 5, I play 6 (15 for 5), they play 5, I play 5 for a pair and last card to win), or play exactly as the Pone did. Knowing that I wanted to keep the Pone from pegging just in case his hand was close but not enough is what put me in position to win the game.
Had I TRIED to peg the usual "play off" route of making the 31 with the 6, I only peg 5 points and lose the game.
Ten | Twenty-six | Five | Nineteen |
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Sixteen | Thirty-one for two | Fifteen for 2 | Twenty-three, one for last card |