Pegging To Win

No. He didn't just win that game too, did he?

This is the other hand I played at the club in Maryland, .

2 of Diamonds 3 of Clubs King of Spades King of Diamonds   Queen of Diamonds

I am the pone (did you just think "...sure Sean, I thought you could only win as the Dealer. . .") in hole 109, the dealer is in 108, a Q is cut. I am holding 2, 3, K, K, which, even with the cut, will not be enough to go out. I am playing the most experienced player in our club who is thinking, "I can't let him peg just incase he doesn't already have enough in his hand." (Notice that my position is reverse that of the previous one except that I HAVE to peg 4 points and the other guy didn't need to peg any.)

OK the RIGHT play from this hand is to play the 3 hoping to elicit a face card with which to make a 15 for 2 points. That is why I played a K. My opponent is very good, and plays off the 15 thinking that I would WANT to pair a 5. So he plays a 4 (14) because, hey, he figures that ". . if he has enough points or low cards he would not play the K and possibly give up a 15." Well the choice is, do I try to entice a run, or get the "GO". I know he is not going to let me have a run so I play the other K (24). He plays his 5 (29) and I play the 2 for (31). He plays a 3 I pair the 3 for 2 points and then he plays another 3 for 7 points with the last card. I have pegged the 4 I need so I get to count my 8 point hand and go out.


4 of Diamonds 5 of Clubs 3 of Diamonds 3 of Spades
Fouteen Twenty-nine Three Nine, three of a kind for six
and last card for one
King of Diamonds King of Spades 2 of Diamonds 3 of Clubs
Ten Twenty-four Thirty-one for two Six,
Pair for two



This game was won because I led the K, AND, he had kept all low cards, so I got to peg the points I needed. If I had led the 3 he would have paired it. This is a safe play with two in his hand, if I do triple it he plays the fourth 3 for 12 to win. If I lead with the 2 he would play the 5, and I would have to play a K and again be left without enough points to win the game.

My friend here has actually looked at me and said that he can't figure out why I am playing my cards as I do, I told him "Thank God you can't, I'll never win another game if you do."

Pegging to Win, Con't

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