Evolution in MoQ

Evolution is the growth of simple to complex. When evolution is put into the MoQ wimple model, we begin to see that the reason complexities in the universe arise is not because of betterment, but because of the increased opportunities for Quality Events to occur within the expansive outer layers of the model.

In each Quality Event, there are an unlimited number of choices available, but because value exists as a driving force behind reality, the choices are narrowed to what is of greatest value to the higher layers within the MoQ model. One example is in the way proteins fold in order to accomadate the life forces they are serving. Researchers puzzled over why, out of all the possibilities available to the proteins in the folding process, why they chose to fold just so.

MoQ explains this very adequately in terms of value. The deeper we look at the MoQ wimple model, the more we will realize that things are not getting 'better' at all, and if they are, it is because we value what is better and ignore the other changes taking place. The driving force behind evolution is Quality!

Dimensions in MoQ

By putting Time as the first dimension within the model, we are now able to see the availability of Quality Events in the universe within each discreet part of the model. That carbon atoms cannot evolve into chemistry professors is immediately obvious. They exist within 1 dimension and are simply unable to form enough relationships to evolve into chemistry professors. They are within a discreet layer of only one dimension.

We also see that the limited 2 dimensional relational reality of the discreet bioligical layer prevents any new species from arising from existing species. This has always been a thorn in the side of Darwinian evolution, the origin of the species. Darwin put the problem off to an immense amount of time needed, but now we have a model of reality that shows us exactly why no new species are arising.

To discover the answer to the origin of the species question, it is obvious we are going to have to look elsewhere.

The model also shows us that the social layer has many more Quality Event opportunities within its structure. This layer contains 3 dimensions of relational opportunies which expand at a geometric rate. Here we have problems because we still do not have an unlimited number of choices between Quality Events to choose from. Luckily for us, the intellect layer contains 4 dimensions of relational opportunities for Quality Events to choose from, a virtually limitless choice. This is what will keep us from blowing ourselves up, hopefully. By virtue of its place in the model, the intellect can choose from a limitless number of Quality Events which arise. If evolution as we talk about it is taking place, this is where it is at.

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