Who can get married
Why are so many people against me?
Unconditional love
Sexual fulfillment
Casual sex and adultery

The Lord looks at the commitment between any two people as a marriage.

The marriage (relationship) begins when the two people (same or opposite sex) decide to start to "go steady". That is they decide to commit to each other as girlfriend/boyfriend; boyfriend/boyfriend; girlfriend/girlfriend: To fulfill their special need for an intimate partner in their life.

The Lord looks upon that commitment with all the privileges and responsibilities of marriage.

The responsibilities include:

If a person is not sharing their unconditional love, trust, respect, commitment, loyalty, honesty and the sexual expression of their love with their partner then they are not fulfilling their obligations within their marriage.

If two people are still living as though married and are not fulfilling their obligations within that marriage; then the Lord sees that marriage as ended. Irrespective of what the law of the land says.

Many individuals lives have been destroyed or at least made very difficult because people accuse another of committing adultery because they commenced a new relationship and commitment before the laws of the country (not God) said they were divorced.

A marriage begins with the commitment of two people and ends when either person withdraws their commitment.

If a marriage ends, the Lord requires all material possessions to be shared evenly. Financial, loving and parental responsibilities will continue in respect to all children of that marriage, biological and adopted [this includes dependent children who lived with the couple and were dependent upon them but never legally adopted].

When a commitment is ended,

both parties are free to make a new commitment.


The Lord says that any two people who make a commitment to each other.

These people can be both same sex or opposite sex.

What makes a person love another of the same sex intimately?

It is the first love of a persons heart which determines the desire a person has for another of the same sex or opposite sex.

The sexual experience with a partner (of the sex determined by the person's first love) united by unconditional love and a commitment or desire of a commitment; is that person's deepest experience of God's ultimate love and presence.

The first love of a person's heart is determined between birth and approximately 7 years of age. It is not reversible and is not in anyway the choice of the individual.

The strongest possible experience of the Lord's presence in the physical world is when two people who are in a monogamous commitment to each other, share their unconditional love through the sexual expression of their love and affection.

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Satan has very successfully confused and 'set up' the minds of people today:

  1. Satan is the one who changes the hearts of people from the God created desire to love a person of the opposite sex in a way which Leeds them to want to share their love sexually with that person.

  2. Satan then told people that homosexuality is wrong and a sin, pretending to be God, most people believed Satan.

  3. Satan placed his principles in the bible and told people it was God's word and truth, and in no circumstances was it to be changed. So the churches spread Satan's principles for him, with force and conviction, using the wealth and power that Satan has given them in return.

The important thing is not what Satan says but what God decided to do:

  1. God in his wisdom knew that the individual had done nothing wrong, that it was not their fault that they found their heart changed in a way that God had not intended, it was therefore not their sin.

  2. God therefore decided to punish Satan as he was the one at fault, not the person who now found themselves to be in a minority.

  3. God then decided in his righteousness that his love could still be communicated between the same sex couples, just as it was designed the way he had originally planned it, for opposite sex couples. This meant that in the circumstances in which God made sex holy was still the same and also included same sex marriages. Marriage to God is when two people make a monogamous commitment to each other, this commitment can be made by anyone who is sexually aware (some younger but most by 14 yo) the age difference is irrelevant but monogamy is essential, the younger person must not be manipulated or coerced in any way, the Lord God will punish very severely any abuse.

The marriage is complete from the time they make the commitment, this may be from the time they decide to be girlfriend or boyfriend, in God's eyes they are husband and wife.

Marriage to God has very little to do with what most churches teach is God's standard, there is no such thing as premarital sex, as in God's eyes they are already married. {For thousands of years church leaders have been telling God he is wrong and teaching their own version of God}. Adultery and casual sex are very serious evil acts which people do:

Casual sex is sex between any two people (and all groups) who do not intend to consider making a commitment to the other person. The person's desire or intention is not dependent upon the other person, their agreement may or may not come, the key thing is the intention of each person as they are responsible for their own intentions and actions.

Adultery is when a person who is in a commitment (even when they are the only two people who know of the commitment) allows him or herself to remain in a situation which they find sexually stimulating, by someone other than their partner.

Adultery does not need to involve physical contact, but partial or full nudity usually occurs. When physical contact does occur it must be with the intention of sexual stimulation of either person and the enjoyment by either or both people.

A video etc. is not adultery as they are not in that person's presence and are never likely to be.

When a person (who is single) knowingly sexually stimulate a person who they know to be in a commitment, they also commit adultery.

It was the casual sex and adultery in Sodom and Gomorrah which led to God punishing those cities - not homosexuality!

What you are reading is God's truth and does not stop being the truth just because individuals don't agree or don't accept it (no matter how many thousands).

I pray that each reader can be open minded and can prayerfully read and ponder both this and the link sites; then pray about it.


Look for and ask the Lord to include the name of Jesus the Christ in his answer for the reason that this will test the answer as coming from the Lord God, It will also make it difficult for Satan to answer your prayer request, pretending to be God.

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Unconditional love!

Love is talked about by everyone, but few people seem to understand what love is. We all experience a need to be loved, although some more than others. We still do not seem to fully understand what it is that we are missing.

People have committed suicide, thinking that no-body loves them or that they are judged and criticized much of the time and this is not offset by a solid love from at least one person.

True Love is but one thing:

The unconditional expression of the love from within one person toward another.

We all have a reservoir of love within us. The desire to express our fondness and pleasure toward a person that we like because we want to like.

Unconditional love is only when we love the other person because we want to, because I like to be with them. I love them because I like them, I like them because I want to trust them, I feel like I must always be loyal, kind, gentle, caring, respectful and proud of the other person.

I love the person, not that I love what they do, or say or own. If I am responding to something a person owns or does then I am setting a condition on which I will love. If we set a condition and the other person fails to continue to meet that condition then we feel hurt because the basis for our love has disintegrated.

Our love is adaptable to many different situations and will vary in each situation. We love our family and relatives differently to our friends whom we choose.

The deepest love comes from the depth of our emotions and desire to share that love in the ultimate of ways with one special person. The person may be of the same or opposite sex, this is determined from within our emotions (heart) and is not the choice of the individual.

The ultimate of love is that which we receive from the Light (the ultimate Spirit, God) not because we deserve any such love but because he loves me. The ultimate feeling of that love is while we are sharing our love sexually with that one special person with whom we are in a monogamous commitment. That person must also be of the sex that we are most desirous of forming an intimate bond with, a gay person cannot experience the "Ultimate of God's presence" if they are trying to fulfill their commitment to a heterosexual relationship.

The ultimate love we can share is that love which I share because I want to, and I share it (give it to the person whom I chose) without any conditions.....

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Gay's, Bi's & Lesbian's & God's love God's Love and who can share it! God looks at practicing heterosexuals the same as he looks at practicing homosexuals. God has given us the means to have maximum sexual fulfillment: When I refer to "First Love" or "love of the heart". I am referring to the sexual orientation of a person. 1 ) Is absolutely no sexual fulfilment, something which never happens, when the person make a choice to participate in the sex.

2 ) A casual sexual experience which is not the first desire for love of the person's heart.

3 ) Some people who engage in casual sex which is not the first love of the person's heart, can experience slightly more than others, but only marginally.

4 ) A sexual experience is not with the first love of their heart but is experienced within a monogamous commitment. Some people may experience a 5, as a result of their depth of commitment.

5 ) A casual sexual experience which leaves the participant with little more than their own fantasy about what they could have shared. This is very common in casual ‘first love' experiences.

6 ) When a person has unconditional love for someone who is not their first love (very unlikely).

7 ) First love experience, within an open (non-monogamous) relationship.

8 ) First love experience where the commitment is not total.

9 ) First love experience, within a monogamous commitment.

10 ) The maximum sexual experience possible is within a monogamous commitment with a person of your ‘first love' of your heart, and with unconditional love for that partner.


For a gay man: the first love of his heart is for another male.

For a Bi sexual: their first love is for either the same or opposite sex, both is as fulfilling as the other; this means that the Bi sexual is able to change to either relationship if and when the present monogamous relationship ends.

For a Lesbian: the first love of her heart is for another girl or lady.

While for a heterosexual: the first love of the person's heart is for the opposite sex.

Each person has the ability to have a sexual experience which is not the first love of their heart, but that experience is seldom more than a mere sexual encounter.

Therefore a heterosexual encounter for a gay man could never result in an experience of lasting significance, on a scale of 1 - 10, probably no more than a 3 or 4.

For the millions of children from broken homes, their situation may have been very different if society recognized same sex relationships, just as God does.

Many of the men who frequent "gay beats" are hetero married, probably living out a relationship which was not the first love of their heart, therefore giving them very little sexual fulfillment. Leaving the marriage unfulfilling and with an increasing number of problems, slowly eroding the relationship. The children also suffer throughout this time.

E.G. A Bi-sexual man may enter either relationship but NEVER both

For a Bi-sexual, they are slightly different in that they are able to experience a 9 or 10 in either a hetero or homosexual monogamous commitment. If the person has casual experiences or extra sexual encounters while in a relationship, the fulfillment from that experience is unlikely to be more than a 6 on the scale.

Bi sexual never means: Multi partners or group sex.

Bi's who live the multi partner lifestyle are cheating themselves and depriving themselves of their maximum sexual fulfillment.

For Lesbians the situation is similar to that for gay men. The maximum sexual fulfilment is possible within a monogamous commitment with a person of your ‘first love' of your heart, and with unconditional love for that partner. God encourages Lesbian couples to (use artificial means only) add a child to their relationship. Having sex with a man just to get pregnant is either casual sex, or adultery, if either person is in a relationship.

Many homeless and orphaned children and teens are deprived of a loving, stable and safe home environment: Because of many Government's evil and judgmental policies regarding same sex couples.

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Casual sex and adultery.

Yes God loves gays and straights, but their activities are not always pleasing to him:

All casual sex, that is sex of any kind, with a person with whom you do not desire or at least consider a relationship, God's desire is that the person is prepared to make a commitment to a monogamous relationship with that person. This is mostly sex without love, selfish and disrespectful of the other person.

NOTE! One person may have a desire for a commitment, while the other has no intention or interest in a relationship. In God's eyes, only the second person (no desire) has done wrong.

Any sex with another person while in a commitment or relationship is adultery in God's eyes. It is also adultery for a person to have any sort of sexual contact or touching (with the purpose of sexually exciting that person) with a person they know is in a relationship. The sexual contact also includes seeing the other person naked or part naked and knowingly allowing the observation to continue and possibly sexually excite either person.

If a person is no longer in a committed situation then it is not adultery. This has nothing to do with whether the laws of the land say the couple are legally divorced or not, as in God's eyes the relationship ended when the couple stopped living as a married couple (even while still living under the same roof) or had withdrawn their commitment.

Marriage according to God's definition is:

Any two people who make a commitment to each other to form a relationship.

This commitment may be made publicly when the couple are ready.

God requires that this "marriage":

  1. Share the fullness of their love frequently for the other person.
  2. The ultimate sharing of love is when it is expressed sexually on a regular basis.
  3. The responsibility to keep the marriage pure through monogamy.
  4. To live a life of full honesty, caring and pride in your partner.
  5. To communicate openly: To listen intently and to voluntarily share information with your partner.

The marriage ends when either person withdraws their commitment or when they cease to live and fulfill the above requirements, according to God's requirements of all marriage relationships.

The relationship commences when both people make a commitment to the other person. This commitment may be made several times and at several levels:

  1. To become girlfriends, boyfriends or girlfriend/boyfriend. This friendship is desired to be the start of an intimate and/or special relationship. Not merely a platonic relationship as friends.

  2. To become engaged, with the intention of making a public declaration as to their intentions and relationship.

  3. To make a public declaration. This may include a ceremony, notice in a public newspaper or just telling friends at a party.

God considers the marriage to have commenced from the very first commitment, from that time God requires that each partner meets the above requirements, this includes sexually. In God's eyes there is no such thing as ‘premarital sex'. A person is married and required to fulfill their obligations, or their is no commitment and the sexual act is therefore evil casual sex.

They are therefore encouraged by God to share their love (and therefore his love)during the period leading up to their formal commitments to each other.

God wants everyone to form a monogamous relationship with someone who is the first love of their heart.

To all young girls and guys, seek out the first love of your heart,

God says he has made you sexually aware from some time prior to your 14th birthday,

he therefore says it is OK by him to share your feelings toward another person sexually,

this means also with a person with whom you would like to be committed and express your love with,

make that commitment if you both agree.

Age is irrelevant.

The younger person must not be manipulated or coerced in any way,
the Lord God will punish any abuse very severely.

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