The Marvelous 3 is....... *Drum Roll Please* Butch Walker: vox and guitar Jayce Fincher: Bass and backup vox Slug: drums and backup vox
The Marvelous 3 is a great new but old band from Georgia. They've been together for over ten years in other bands one being Southgang. Southgang has obviously disbanded except for the trio of Butch, Jayce and Slug...thus creating the MARVELOUS 3
This picture was taken on September 11 1999 at Towson University, when Marvelous 3 played there. I was fortunate enough to meet and interview and photograph the band for the Towerlight.
This is me, Linda Meadowcroft, with the Marvies right before they went onstage to play an incredible show. One of the best I have EVER seen them play.
And then there is Jayce Fincher and I after the concert
And above is me again with Slug the ever so loverly drummer.
Marvelous 3. Those two words describe the trio of Butch Walker(Vocals, Guitar), Jayce Fincher(Bass) and Slug(Drums)as just that, marvelous. In all aspects of their being , Marvelous 3 truly lives up to their name. Their high energy show and charisma keeps their fans on their toes, which is what the Marvelous 3 want to do. Butch Walker, lead singer of the Marvelous 3 stated, " We have great fans. They're loyal. They're amazing." Butch, Jayce and Slug feel that the fans are the most important things in the business because if there were no fans they'd have no one to play for. So in order to keep their fans happy the Marvelous 3 hangs out with them, signs autographs and talk to them about the show and themselves. Walker, when speaking of the coolest thing a fan has ever done to get his attention said, "It'd probably have to be the signs and banners. "You get some banners with some funny things on it. And the shirts too. The fans make their own shirts and they say some pretty cool things." Walker said that those type of gestures and the gifts the band recieves while on tour make them feel special to know that they have such loving and caring fans. This high spirited group has been on tour in support of the Hey! Album for eight months. Before that they were playing 250 shows a year, so they've known no different. They plan to wind down this touring early October, in order to return to Atlanta,their hometown, to record songs for a new album. One of the songs they hope will be on the new album is "Grant Park" which is an insight onto how different people are "screwed over" by being "caught" with members of the same sex. The song, although never recorded is already a fan favorite. Once the Marvelous 3 are home they hope to "recharge their batteries" for their next big show which is in Washing D.C. on December 31, 1999 at the Grand Hyatt. When asked where his favorite place to play, Walker responded jokingly, "Towson of course!" However, September 11 was the first time the Marvelous 3 had ever played in Towson. He went onto say Atlanta, Georgia because it is their hometown. They feel they've left their mark in Atlanta, and if that is the most they do then that's ok because they're famous in their town. However, the Marvelous 3 has not only made a name for themselves in Atlanta but all throughout the country with their hit single "Freak of the Week". Freak of the Week started recieving airplay on the Atlanta station 99X and other stations throughout the nation, and before they knew it they had fans throughout the country. The Marvies, (as they are lovingly called by their fans) were shocked that it had made it on the radio. There was no label deal, but when "Freak of the Week" hit it big, labels started calling them. Walker says, "Because of "Freak of the Week" we have had a great year." The Marvelous 3 found the sudden success as a great surprise. Butch, Jayce and Slug have been together since they were 15 and 16 years old. They were the only kids in their surburban Atlanta town that could play instruments, and they had been playing since they were eight. Walker, now 29 says, "We've been together forever. We've outlasted cockroaches. We should change our name to Raid." The Marvies have grown together musically leaving behind members that just didn't mesh. Their musical sound comes from influemces of KISS, Queen, Cheap Trick and "all the rock bands of the 70s and 80s" Walker was very into the New Wave music of the early 80s such as Duran Duran and The Cars. Their mix of musical influences have made their music into an eclectic mix of many different genres of music, which leads to their sound being unable to categorize. The Marvelous 3 is an amazing band in all aspects. They are very kind towards their fans, and they play for the fans, not the money, which is very obvious during their show. They close with a rendition of "Always Something There to Remind Me" that sticks in their fans minds until the next time the see Marvelous 3 play live. So there's always something there to remind the fans that the Marvelous 3 is simply marvelous. *****PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS WRITING ANYWHERE. THIS IS MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE SUBMITTED TO THE TOWERLIGHT NEWSPAPER FOR TOWSON UNIVERSITY. I WROTE THIS ARTICLE USING QUOTES FROM BUTCH HIMSELF. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE ANYTHING FROM THIS PAGE OR ARTICLE PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE DOING SO. THANK YOU. ALSO DO NOT USE THE PICS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE AT THE BEGINNING. THANKS *******
Sour Lemonade: A koo Marvie page lotsa koo pix and info Marvelous 3's Official Website: The Official site you can email the Marvies You're So Yesterday: Neat little good is good Leopard Skin: Good lil Marvie Page |
manchester, MD
United States
I would just like to say thank you to the Marvies for being such a great and wonderful band!! You guys make the music industry so much more interesting and you shed a kind light on it!!! :) Thanks for everything!!!
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This It's a Marvie World After All
is owned by Linda.
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This Page was last updated Dec 14,1999