D and C Photo Gallery

A Group Shot of Gunny, Smider, Reaper and Glynis

Captn Smider (I swear that's not a beer in his hand!)

Flame Queen And Flame King

Darko and his "followers"

Finally! A picture of Blight!

SickPuppy and his feline friend

Suede and his better half

McGoogan and his great wife who put up with us!

CS Wilson

Me(Gunny)and John Travolta! LOL J/K It's really Reaper

Kingsize (Is that a beer you are holding?)

Markg-Our Historian (or so he thinks)

McGoogan! Can you guess what he's doing? LOL

Markg and his true love MONTY! L to R: Goo,Glynis,Reap and Markg

Our IGL Dick- Axiom (He's the one on the left)

Stop by and see our goat masters! Link below
The Great Goat Masters
Dicks and Chick Homepage
Non-Dicks MK Photo Gallery