Amanda Nicole Burnett

Birthday: November 22, 1984

Birth Place: Grosse Point, Mi

Current Residence: The happenin' city of Troy, MI

Began Gymnastics: Age 7

Level: (injured)

Gym: Oakland Gymnastics Training Center

Gymnastics fact: 37.40

When I started Gymnastics: 1992; great inspiration from the 92` Olympics

Favorite Event: Bars

Fav. Apparatus to compete: Bars and Beam

Favorite T.V. shows: Real World, Dawson's Creek, Friends

Favorite Sports (other than gymnastics): Track and Field

Favorite Movie: Princess Bride, Wild Hearts Can't be Broken

Favorite Music: Guns N Roses, Bruce Springsteen, John Cougar Meloncamp, Britney Spears, Faith Hill

Favorite Food: Italian, Chinese, Mexican..yumm!

Favorite Actors/Actresses: Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts

Favorite Color: Baby Blue

Best Friend: Tessoff *Shout out to the # 1 Stunner*

Favorite Animal: Dolphins

Favorite Gymnast: Kim Zmeskal, Blaine Wilson, Jamey Houle

Past Gyms: GTC

How I started gymnastics: One of my friends in 3rd grade was a gymnasts and she would always do bhs during recess, and I wanted to learn how to do that so my mom signed me up for gym!

About Myself: I am 16 years old, I have a younger brother, Austin he is 5 years old and a younger sister, Ashley she is 3 years. I have been in gymnastics for 8 years. I live in Troy, MI and I am a junior at Troy High. I recently had scoliosis Surgery this past March, *March 7,2000* they put a rod and 8 screws in my back.. And I have had to take almost a full year off of sports :*( Which has been quite difficult. To learn more about the surgery visit my friend Emilys site Scoliosis Rocks!!! Thanks! XO Thanks for visiting my site!

Much Luv,

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