Gardening is a game, an adventure, and you'll lose once in a while, but win so much more.

"To Plant A Garden Is to Believe In Tomorrow"

Bird songs fill the air, and the yearning to plant consumes you.

Spring is the time of year when a lot of us can't wait to get out there and get dirt under our fingernails. Some will plant vegetable gardens and and some will plant flower gardens. It does not matter which-it is a labor of love!! That love includes constant attention and hard work. This page is being put together to share some of the hints and tips I have accumulated over the years.

I will be constantly adding to this page, so come back often.

If you would like to help my hints and tips page grow, please e-mail me with your hints and tips. Gypsy

Super Growing Secrets
There are four good neighbor flowers that can help your vegetables fight off insects. The fabulous four are old-fashioned marigolds, nasturtiums, geraniums, and poppies. Use all four as an outside border around your vegetable garden, or you can chop, squeeze, and mix them up to make organic insect repellents. Mix with 10 parts water in a 20 gallon sprayer.

The perfect blend of soil for potted flowers and container plants is 1/3 sharp sand, 1/3 clay loam, and 1/3 compost or professional potting mix. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts, 1/4 cup of coffee grounds, and 4 dried (and crushed) eggshells per peck of soil for a supercharged boost.

To keep your clay pots in the "pink" wash them (while empty) with this mixture:
1 tbsp liquid dish soap
1 tbsp liquid bleach, and
1 tbsp of antiseptic mouthwash
in a gallon of warm water.

Azaleas love left-over tea and tea leaves. So do houseplants such as philodendron and rubber plants.
A chrysanthemum in the vegetable garden is like a canary in a coal mine. The mum wilts before other plants when water is needed, giving you early warning to start irrigating.

GREAT Excuses for IGNORING the WEEDS!!

Dandelion leaves are tasty in early spring salads.
Clover stays green without much water-and smells good.
Buttercups and daisies add summer color.
Crabgrass in your lawn makes all the lawn fanatics in the neighborhood feel smug. (Consider this act a charitable contribution to the mental health of a lawn fanatic).

For some really great tips on gardening check out books by
Marianne Binetti

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