Special thanks to Garrock, Vaftel, Melodone, Pythos, and Marisol
Here is a listing of the formulas, how to make them, and descriptions for each. You can also find out where to forage for the foragable regents in these solutions by going to my Foraging Guide.
Healing Circle Formulas and Concoctions
#1 A Rose-Honey Elixir, The Minor Healing Elixir
2 parts rosehips, 1 part honey
This potion will ONLY heal an injured drinker of minor injuries. If the
imbider is not injured or heavily wounded, the potion will have NO effect.
For more grievous wounds, they will need to quaff a major healing potion
(the ginseng-honey elixir)
#2 A Honey-Ginseng Elixir, Greater Healing Elixir
2 parts ginseng root, 2 parts honey
This potion will heal an injured drinker of major injuries. For less grievous
wounds, they will need to quaff a minor healing elixir.
#18 A Clear Eyebright Serum, Serum of Sight
2 parts wild eyebright, 1 part water
The serum of sight, as its name entails, will cure its imbider of the
damaging effects of blindness.
#71 A Vial of Thin Red Liquid, The Liquid of Harvesting (Not
2 parts zombie blood, 1 part pome
An ages-old formula from Egypt, this is the first part in the many-step
process of making a protective scarab. This is the least effective of all
the harvesting formulas.
#94 A Vial of Red Liquid, The Greater Liquid Harvesting (Not
2 parts wolf blood, 1 part bright red rowan tree pome
This potion, when properly applied to a carved scarab, imbues the gem
with the ability to absorb damage that would otherwise be inflicted on its
#95 A Vial of Thick Black Liquid, The Master Liquid of Harvesting (Not
2 parts wolf blood, 1 part withered black mushroom
#19 A Rat-Cabbage Poison, The Nausea Poison (Not
1 part stink cabbage, 3 parts rat eyes
Nausea poison afflicts its unfortunate victims with intense queasiness.
This specific formula is for use on weapons.
#21 A Vial of Orange-red Poison, The Paralysis Poison (Not
3 parts wolf blood, 2 parts orange vine
Paralysis poison, much like the famed 'death touch' of the Gauls, freezes
its victim so that he can't move. Unlike the famed death touch, however,
it works by shutting down the nervous system -- not by cutting off the flow
of blood to his brain. So, while he may not die within thirty seconds of
being consumed by the toxin, the resourceful hunter with paralysis poison
on his weapon should find it much easier to take down an opponent who falls
victim to the venom.
#25 A Thick Purplish Poison, The Poison of Atropos (Not
4 parts bell-shaped blossom, 2 parts honey
Deceptively innocent, the belladonna from which this poison derives is
at once dangerous and beautiful (something many warrior princesses can identify
with). The mildest strain of the alchemist's poisons, it is applied to
#26 A Thick Flowery Poison, The Hemlock Poison (Not
4 parts tiny white flowers, 2 parts honey
The infamous toxin that killed one of Athens' most mutually hated and
admired philosophers.
#28 An Oily Black Poison, The Kiss of Teleute (Not
1 part withered black mushroom, 3 parts bear fat
The most caustic of the many poisons, teleute gets its name from the Greek
word for 'death'. It is applied to weapons.
Antidotes and Curse Removal
#29 A Mint-wine Elixir, The Nausea Antidote
3 parts green mint, 1 part purple wine
A soothing tincture, the nausea antidote takes care of the problems brought
on by those afflicted with nausea poison.
#31 A Tabac-wine Elixir, The Tremors Antidote
3 parts leaf of tabac, 1 part purple wine
A calming tincture, this antidote takes care of the problems brought on
by those afflicted with the tremors poison.
#32 A Myrtle-wine Elixir, The Menthol Antidote
3 parts myrtle berry, 1 part purple wine
The menthol antidote helps to clear the throat and lungs, and will cure
those poisoned with the silence toxin. It must be drunk to work properly.
#33 A Poppy Elixir, The Antidote of Clotho
3 parts red poppy, 2 parts water
A cure for the poison of Atropos (Thick Purple), this antidote helps to
flush out the poison using the curative powers of poppy.
#34A Mustard-wine Elixir, The Mustard Antidote
3 parts mustard flower, 2 parts purple wine.
A cure for hemlock poisoning, this antidote helps to flush out the venom
using the curative powers of mustard flowers.
#60 Some Strong Mustard Paste, The Cure for Dizziness
3 parts mustard flower, 2 parts gold water
A strong-tasting mustard concoction, this formula will relieve the effects
of dizziness brought on by a near-Hades experience.
#61 An Oily Charcoal-grey Potion, The Liver Oil Tonic
2 parts anaconda oil, 2 parts gold water
A foul-tasting tonic requiring snake oil to work, this formula is effective
on those unfortunate souls afflicted with thick tongues brought on by a brush
with Thanatos.
#62 A Clear Odorless Paste, The Itch-balm Poultice
2 parts aloe, 2 parts gold water(Healing)
A paste derived from aloe mixed with goldwater, this formula heals victims
of a case of the itches brought on by a visit to the Underworld.
#63 A Pungent Garlic Mash, The Hiccup Remedy
2 parts garlic, 2 parts gold water(Healing)
The mystical garlic fruit, world-renown for its strange properties, helps
to assuage those unfortunates cursed with hiccups brought on by dallying
in the land of the dead.
#89 A Vial of Golden Gel, The Minor Detoxification Potion (Not
1 part of a decanter of gold water and 5 parts of a dollop of royal
The minor detoxification potion removes unique toxins from specialized
alchemical formulas. Allowing them to be used by anyone. This formula will
restrict the resulting detoxified formula to a potency of 10.
#90 A Vial of Black Gel, The Lesser Detoxification Potion (Not
5 parts of a vial of golden gel and 1 part of a small black
The lesser detoxification potion removes unique toxins from specialized
alchemical formulas. Allowing them to be used by anyone. This formula will
restrict the resulting detoxified formula to a potency of 20.
#91 A Vial of Purple Gel, The Detoxification Potion (Not
2 parts of a vial of black gel and 1 part of a large purple
The detoxification potion removes unique toxins from specialized alchemical
formulas. Allowing them to be used by anyone. This formula will restrict
the resulting detoxified formula to a potency of 30.
#92 A Vial of Fire Gel, The Great Detoxification Potion (Not
2 parts of a vial of black gel and 1 part of a medium fire opal
The greater detoxification potion removes unique toxins from specialized
alchemical formulas. Allowing them to be used by anyone. This formula will
restrict the resulting detoxified formula to a potency of 40.
#93 A Vial of Pink Gel, The Major Detoxification Potion (Not
2 parts of a vial of black gel and 1 part of a medium pink pearl
The major detoxification potion removes unique toxins from specialized
alchemical formulas. Allowing them to be used by anyone. This formula will
restrict the resulting detoxified formula to a potency of 50.
#81 A Bottle of Herbal Wine, The Balm of Orpheus
1 part of a jar of purple wine and 2 parts of a hypericum
Similar to the elixir of Hestia but different in the respect that it keeps
those under its effect from attacking others. It also negates the effects
of the spirit of Discord and Ares potion. Can be mixed with the bottled storm
potion to create an area effect against hostile creatures. NOTE: If a person
under the effects of this formula is attacked, they will shake off its
Explosives Circle Formulas and Concoctions
#14 A Bottle of Brown Powder, Mistletoe Powder of Ch'in
1 part charred mistletoe, 3 parts petrite crystals
The formula for this dangerous substance comes from the mystical land
of Ch'in. Relatively difficult and potentially lethal to create, many Alchemists
find its destructive attributes worth the risk. Its usage is simple: throw
it at your enemy.
#15 A Bottle of Grey Powder, Elm Powder of Ch'in
1 part charred elm, 3 parts petrite crystals
The formula for this dangerous substance comes from the mystical land
of Ch'in. Relatively difficult and potentially lethal to create, many Alchemists
find its destructive attributes worth the risk. This, the elm variant, is
slightly more effective than the brown powder. Its usage is simple: throw
it at your enemy.
#16 A Bottle of White Powder, Oak Powder of Ch'in
1 part charred oak, 3 parts petrite crystals
The formula for this dangerous substance comes from the mystical land
of Ch'in. Relatively difficult and potentially lethal to create, many Alchemists
find its destructive attributes worth the risk. This, the oak variant, is
slightly more effective than the brown or grey powder. Its usage is simple:
throw it at your enemy.
#17 A Bottle of Red Powder, Witchwood Powder of Ch'in
1 part charred witchwood, 3 parts petrite crystals
The formula for this dangerous substance comes from the mystical land
of Ch'in. Relatively difficult and potentially lethal to create, many Alchemists
find its destructive attributes worth the risk. This, the witchwood variant,
is slightly more effective than the brown, grey, or white powder. Its usage
is simple: throw it at your enemy.
#56 A Sparkling Bottle, A Shrapnel Bottle
1 part any explosive, 2 parts acid
A closely guarded secret for centuries, contained within this innocuous
scroll is the secret to making shrapnel bottles. When exploding powder and
the acid from certain creatures are combined, the result is a vial that,
when shaken, explodes and causes damage in the area.
Alteration Formulas and Concoctions
#3 A Pungent Pulpy Mash, Eyebright and Sunflower Poultice
1 part wild eyebright ,1 part sunflower petals
This mash is a component used toward creating the draught of Hades and
#4 A Cup of Sun-Infused Water, Draught of Sun-Infused Water
1 part pungent pulpy mash, 1 part water
This water is a component used toward creating the draught of Hades and
Ink. The pulpy mash used to create the water is a combination of other
#11 A Brown and Orange Mash, Carrot Chickory Poultice
2 parts wild carrot, 2 parts chickory root (Conjuration)
This mash is a component used toward creating the draught of Athena.
#49 A Jar of Wine Vinegar, Wine Vinegar
The secrets to creating vinegar, a necessary component in some potions,
are extolled in this scroll.
Offensive/Defensive Draughts
#6 A Chickory Root Draught, The Elixir of Hermes
2 parts chickory root, 1 part water
The draught of Hermes causes greater accuracy in combat, endowing its
drinker with a margin of the messenger god's renown speed and agility.
#7 A Carrot-olive Draught, The Elixir of Nike
1 part olive oil, 2 parts wild carrot
The draught of Nike lends strength to the hand of an attacker in combat.
As Nike's presence aids Athena in combat, so does her potion help those who
drink from it
#8 A Carrot-chickory Draught, The Elixir of Athena
1 part brown and orange mash, 2 parts olive oil
A warrior's drink from the goddess of Victory, the draught of Athena lends
both agility and strength to a combatant for a limited period of time. Quaffers
of the potion may feel less vigorous once it has runs its course, but the
aftereffects are temporary.
#9 A Crimson Mandrake Root Draught, The Elixir of Ares
2 parts mandrake root, 3 parts zombie blood
Heightens strength immensely but drains your strength past normal when
it wears off.The draught of Ares imbues its drinker with incredible combat
prowess. However, it also adversely effects defense, effectively endowing
the quaffer of this powerful potion a limited period of incredible fury that
focuses all their attention on one thing, Killing!
#10 A Hypericum-honey Draught, The Elixir of Hestia
3 parts hypericum blossom, 2 parts honey
The draught of Hestia, goddess of Peace, imbues its drinker with incredible
defense from physical attacks. At the same time, much offense is
#82 A Rowan-oak Potion, The Barkskin Potion
2 parts of a bright red rowan tree pome and 2 parts of some oak
When drunk, this potion imparts limited protection against attacks, creating
a natural "armor" from the imbiber's flesh.
#83 An Agate-water Potion, The Stoneskin Potion
1 part of a bottle of cool water and 2 parts of a bag of banded agate
When drunk, this potion imparts moderately good protection against attacks,
creating a natural "armor" from the imbiber's flesh.
#84 A Steel-water Potion, The Steelskin Potion
1 part of a bottle of cool water and 2 parts of a bag of steel
When drunk, this potion imparts superb protection against attacks, creating
a natural "armor" from the imbiber's flesh.
#85 A Sparkling Golden Potion, The Goldskin Potion
1 part of a decanter of gold water and 2 parts of a bag of golden-yellow
When drunk, this potion imparts superior protection against attacks, creating
a natural "armor" from the imbiber's flesh.
#20 A Thick Red Poison, The Poison of Narcoleptis (Not
3 parts bear fat, 2 parts poppy
An offshoot of the sand of Narcoleptis, this highly potent toxin works
best when introduced to its target via a weapon that has been applied with
the substance.
#22 A Thick Brown Poison, The Tremors Poison (Not
2 parts chickory root, 2 parts zombie blood
Tremors poison causes its victims to succumb to a terrible case of the
' shakes'. The afflicted person will drop things he is holding and frequently
be bent over in pain. The poison is specially formulated for
#24 A Thick Rust-colored Poison, The Silence Venom (Not
2 parts panther paw, 3 parts ladyslipper (Healing)
A thick, viscous poison that is applied to weapons, the silence venom
causes its victims to lose all ability to speak.
#27A Thick Sparkling Poison, The Tiger-bite Poison (Not
4 parts tiger whisker/ground glass, 2 parts honey comb
A dangerous venom, the dramatically named 'tiger-bite poison' is so called
for the traditional main component -- ground tiger whiskers. Combined with
the Alchemist's magic, the tiny, hard 'grains' work like glass as they rip
their victims to shreds...from the inside. It is applied to weapons. Important
note! Actual ground glass can be substituted for tiger whiskers.
Antidotes and Curse Removal
#35 A Bottle of Dandelion Wine, The Tiger-bite Antidote
3 parts dandelion, 2 parts purple wine
A cure for tiger-bite poisoning, this antidote helps to flush out the
venom using the curative powers of soft dandelions.
#36 A Murky Antidote, The Bezoar Antidote
2 parts of a bezoar and 3 parts of a bottle of cool water
The only cure for Teleute poisoning, the rare bezoars needed to make this
antidote come from the stomach of the lynx cat. The bezoar antidote is known
for its terrible taste, horrible odor, and rapid curative powers.
#50 A Honey-vinegar Elixir, The Paralysis Antidote
3 parts red wine vinegar, 2 parts honey
A tincture that is surprisingly soothing, this antidote is typically POURed
INto the mouths of victims of paralysis.
#51 A Chickory and Vinegar Elixir, The Antidote of Vegere
3 parts red wine vinegar, 2 parts chickory root
A sour concoction with an incredibly powerful bouquet, this antidote is
typically POURed INto the mouths of victims of Narcoleptis' sleep-inducing
creations. Rumor has it that Vegere (the alchemist who created the antidotes
for her poisons) was Narcoleptis' twin brother but this has never been
#57 A Vial of Lemongrass Water, Bug Repellent
3 parts lemongrass, 1 part goldwater
Endowed with a citrusy scent, this potion creates a perfume that when
worn will repel the swarm of bugs that can follow a person back from an
unexpected trip to Hades.
#58 Some Cucumber Paste, Blemish Ointment
3 parts cucumber, 1 part gold water
Made of cucumbers and goldwater, this potion relieves a person of the
blemishes caused by an unfortunate trip to Hades.
#59 Some Orange Tomato Juice, Scent Repellent
3 parts tomato, one part gold water
An old standby, this formula negates the bad smell associated with near-Hades
Beauty Products
#73 A bottle of saltwater, the saline solution
1 part water, 1 part salt
A component for some potions, especially those involving the complicated
process of dyeing eye color.
#74 A Vial of Saline, Eye Coloring Solution
2 parts salt water, 2 parts component (see table below)
A variety of plants and minerals can be employed to make this solution.
To use, the imbiber should POUR it on themselves. The color chart is as
Milky White | Silvery White Moonstone |
Silver | Starflower |
Clear | Smokey Quartz |
Gray | Gray Marble |
Milky Blue | Milk Weed |
Crystal Blue | Blue Topaz |
Blue | Blue Zircon |
Crystal Green | Green Zircon |
Green | Mint Leaf |
Steel Grey | Steel Powder |
Gold-brown | Tiger-eye |
Amber | Amber |
Yellow | Dandellion Flower |
Brown | Brown Jasper |
Light Brown | Henna Leaf |
Black | Black Onyx |
Blue/Green | Blue-green Thyites |
Brown/Milky Blue | Banded Agate |
Dark | Black Obsidian |
Hazel | Witch Hazel Leaf |
Blue-grey | Blue-grey Hawks-eye |
Violet | Violet Zircon |
#75 A Vial of Glittering Water, Skin Lightening Tonic
3 parts sand, 1 part sun-infused water
Administered by drinking, the tonic takes approximately an hour to take
effect and, assuming the imbiber survives, will result in the user's skin
being lightened one shade.
#76 A Vial of Murky Water, Skin Darkening Tonic
2 parts black onyx dust, 1 part sun-infused water
Administered by drinking, the tonic takes approximately an hour to take
effect, during which time the imbiber may experience some odd side-effects.
#77 A Foul-smelling Murky Vial, Hair Darkening Dye
1 part acid, 3 parts charred oak
By POURing this substance onto oneself while standing in or near a body
of water (so that one can rinse it back out again), one may darken one's
hair by a shade.
#78 A Foul-smelling Clear Vial, Hair lightening Dye
1 part acid, 3 parts lemongrass
By POURing this substance onto oneself while standing in or near a body
of water (so that one can rinse it back out again), one may lighten one's
hair by a shade. Assuming, of course, that one has hair to begin with.
#23 A vial of Perfumed Oil, The Scented Oil
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a forageable
This scented oil is created by combining wildflowers or wild roses (but
not BLACK roses) with olive oil. The resulting oil is scented like the flower
used, creating a delightful perfume.
#37 A Vial of Ladyslipper Perfume, The Ladyslipper Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a pale cream-colored
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#38 A Vial of Black Rose Perfume, The Black Rose Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a black wild rose
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#39 A Vial of Starflower Perfume, The Starflower Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a delicate silvery
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#40 A Vial of Flower Perfume, The Spring Flowers Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of some spring flowers
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#41 A Vial of Cinnamon Oil, The Cinnamon Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a scrap of cinnamon
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#42 A Vial of Poppy Perfume, The Poppy Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a bright red poppy
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#43 AVial of Manly Cologne, The Tabac Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a leaf of tabac
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#44 A Vial of Eyebright Perfume, The Eyebright Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a stalk of wild
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#45 A Vial of Sunflower Perfume, The Sunflower Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of some sunflower petals
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#46 A Vial of Hypericum Perfume, The Hypericum Perfume
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a hypericum blossom
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#47 A Vial of Fresh Cologne, The Mint Colgone
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a sprig of green mint
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#48 A Vial of Dandelion Colgone, The Dandelion Cologne
2 parts of a bottle of olive oil and 5 parts of a bright yellow
A fragrance that, when worn, releases a particular scent.
#5 A Draught of Crystaldust Water, The Elixir of Hades
2 parts of a bag of quartz dust and 2 parts of a bottle of sun-infused
The draught of Hades, despite its forboding name, merely renders she who
drinks it invisible. When it wears off, the drinker must wait a few minutes
before being able to use another dose successfully.
# 30 A Mulled Wine Tonic, The Beauty Tonic of Dionysus
3 parts purple wine, 2 parts cinnamon bark
The beauty tonic of Dionysus can be viewed as both a blessing and a curse.
As its exact effects are not commonly disclosed, Alchemists are urged to
learn them themselves.
#53 A Bottle of Red Ink, The Henna-based Ink
3 parts of a leaf of henna and 1 part of a vial of pure tannin
This deep reddish-brown ink is of great use to those who scribe scrolls.
#54 A Bottle of Black Ink, Soot-colored Ink
1 part tannin 3, parts charred oak
This deep black ink is of great use to those who scribe scrolls.
#55 A Bottle of Blue Ink, The Woad-based Ink
3 parts of a small woad leaf and 1 part of a vial of pure tannin
This indigo-blue ink is of great use to those who scribe scrolls.
#79 A Musty Wine Tonic, The Eyes of the Eagle Potion
1 part of a jar of purple wine and 1 part of an eagle feather
While repulsive in flavor, this tonic sharpens one's vision and makes
it easier to search out hidden things.
Conjuration Circle Formulas and Concoctions
Defensive Draughts
#12 A Smoky Vial, Bottled Smoke of Obfuscates
2 parts dry chalk, 2 parts leaf of tabac
While the famed alchemist Obfuscates disappeared without a trace years
ago, his formula for the smoky vial has remained. When thrown, it creates
a temporary cloud of smoke and allows for a hasty departure. Though effective,
the cloud is extremely short-lived.
#13 A Ruby Tinted Glass Wand, Wand of Narcoleptis (Not
1 part white sand, 2 parts red poppy
Rumored to be the illegitimate granddaughter of Hypnos, the god of sleep,
by his son Morpheus, the god of dreams, Narcoleptis invented her infamous
dust within five years of being named a full-fledged Alchemist. The dust
is surprisingly powerful--a dir…?
#69 A Sky Blue Vial, The Cloak of Iris
2 parts morning glory, 1 part sun-infused water
Upon being thrown on the ground, this potion will cause a small multi-colored
cloud to appear that follows its user nearly anywhere. Those who are in the
room with the cloud will experience positive effects to their combat
#70 A Swirled Grey Vial, The Vial of the Four Winds
2 parts baby breath, 2 parts pome
Conjuring the powers of the wind, Alchemists who learn this formula
will be protected in combat from the blows of their enemies, as well as the
shrapnel from exploding bottles.
#72 A Swirled Charcoal Vial, Vial of Shadows
1 part water, 2 parts misteltoe
Summoning forth a shadowy spirit, this substance will allow you to
slip more easily into hiding and obscure your features.
Critter Summoning
#64 A Strange Blood Red Brew, Ancestor Spirits
3 parts of a bottle of cool water and 1 part of a bag of red bloodstone
Calling upon the power of your ancestors, this brew utilizes the spirits
to help your memory and increase your intellect power.
#65 A Strange Magenta Brew, Warlord Spirits
3 parts of a bottle of cool water and 1 part of a bag of red garnet
Calling upon the power of ancient warlords, this brew utilizes the spirits
to help your strength and increase your physical prowess.
#66 A Strange Silvery Brew, Air Spirits
3 parts of a bottle of cool water and 1 part of a bag of rock-crystal
Calling upon the power of the element of air, this brew utilizes the spirits
to help your coordination and increase your agility.
#67 A Dark Green Vial, Vial of Vine Summoning
1 part sun-infused water, 2 parts thorny root
Upon being thrown on the ground, this potion will cause a thick vine to
spring up and drag down creatures. This potion only works outside.
#68 A Pale Flaxen-colored Vial, Vial of Swarm Summoning
2 parts cinnamon bark, 1 part royal jelly
Upon being thrown on the ground, this potion will cause a swarm of bees
to appear that sting one random opponent. This potion only works outside.
#80 An Inky Smoke-filled Vial, The Vial of Discord
2 parts of a bunch of wild purple grapes and 1 part of a jar of red wine
While sour grapes were originally preferred, regular grapes suit in this
conjuration that bottles a spirit of discord for the use of anyone, anywhere.
The spirit specifically goes after enemies, seeking to weaken their defenses.
It must be THROWN to use.
#87 A Bottle of Slimy Green Ooze, The Tiny Wand Formula
2 parts of a bottle of cool water and 4 parts of a dark green
The tiny wand creation formula changes a carved wand into a magical tool.
The wand will call forth living blobs to attack your enemies.
#88 A Vial of Sitcky Oooze, The Wand Feeding Potion
1 part of a honey comb and 1 part of a pungent pulpy mash
The wand feeding formula is used to renew the life imbued into the tiny
wands. To feed them you pour the vial of sticky ooze onto the wand. This
will renew its vigor enabling you to battle again with it.
#96 A Bottle of Red Ooze, The Oneiromancy Wand Formula
4 parts of a bright red poppy and 2 parts of a decanter of gold
The oneiromancy wand creation formula changes a carved wand into a
magical tool. The wand will call forth living clouds to attack your
A Vial of Pure Tannin, Dye Color Fixer
1 part sun-infused water, 2 parts acacia bark
Liquid tannin is a necessary ingredient in the creation of ink.