Items with a red asterik (*) may be customized with a color.  Items with a black asterik (*) can be customized with a special material.  Material and Color costs can be found here.

The Guard Elite - Sekhem's Finest Weapons

Apu's Discount Armor

Centurion Shields

Salik's Priestly Goods

Masters of Stuff and Things

Ankhamen's Exceptional Apparel

Shadari's Sensational Footwear

Accentuate the Positive

Mutemwia's Magical Blossoms

The Secluded Oasis

Tarbash's Tasty Treats

The Blue Lotus Inn

The Black Ember Inn

Dusty's Cantina

Habiba's Bar and Grill

The Black Room

Maraku's Tavern

Tavern of the Rising Sun

Niki's Tavern

White Lotus Tea House
