The search for knowledge is a most honorable one. Only the knowledgeable manage to succeed in our world where the thick-witted are soon brought down and weeded out by the lack of such. Every day, they say, you learn something new...I hope that perhaps in these tomes you too will come away with something you hadn't known before and feel somewhat enlightened by the experience.
Title List - A list of all the known profession titles thus
GM Assembly - The assembly held on August 25, 1999
Storytellers and The Arts
Guide - A guide on storytelling, but contains information pertaining
to all professions since a lot of the information is universal and generalized.
It includes topics such as training, roleplaying, fame songs, and puppets
just to name a few.
Guide - Explains a few different writing styles and gives examples
of each.
Forum - the forum with Tyrian that we had on April 17, 1999
Warriors and Combat
Warrior Guide - a nice guide to help the beginning warrior get their
feet wet.
Guide - explains what different classes and pieces of armor are and
what bonuses they add to your defenses when you use them correctly.
Guide - tells you what different weapons are and how they can be
used to their fullest potential.
Priests and Religion
List - a list of known rituals with descriptions, some are still
missing, if you can help it'd be appreciated.
Gods and Titans - tells you their likes and dislikes along
with a good deal of information on the gods themselves.
Mythology - this is a listing of some of the gods, places, and things
over across the water in Midgard.
of Egypt - a guide listing a few of the more prominant gods over
in Egypt.
Rogues and Traps
Rogues' Guide to Ancient Greece - A very informative guide for all
you would be rogue's out there. If you've got a lockpick in your hand
and you're just starting out, make sure this guide is in your other.
Alchemists and Foraging
Solutions - tells you what scrolls you need to use to learn each
solution along with what each does and how it is made.
Guide - tells you a few spots that you can forage for most of the
herbs out there along with a little information on each herb so you'll
know next time what you're foraging for when you grab a woad leaf off a
Creeo's Alchemist Guide - A good place to start for all you young,
aspiring alchemists out there!
Shopping and Commerce
The Well
Dressed Athenian - Don't know the difference himation and a crustacean?
Not sure if you should slip into a chiton or snap it on? If
you think a torc has something to do with creating tension then this is the
guide for you.
Guide - Find out what those pieces of rock you keep finding on critters
actually looks like, and see what it can do to help you besides make you
a few dinars.
Next we have price lists which tell the prices merchants charge (for humans anyway) along with which items can be customized, what they can be customized with, and how much the customization costs.
Northwest Quadrant | Eleusis and Oinoe |
Southwest Quadrant | Anavyssos |
Southeast Quadrant | Alexandria |
Northeast Quadrant | Tashen Samonza |
Piraeus | The Wilds |
Thebes | The Black Market |
Midgard |
People and Places
to Miscellaneous Creatures and People - those people and creatures
that don't quite fit under the Gods and Titans category such as Maenades,
Cereberus, Charon, Centaurs, Giants, etc.
List - gives the locations of all the trainers in Athens, and a few
that aren't, it works well in conjunction with my
maps that
also have trainers' locations marked.
These People?! - A list of the trainers and who they are and where
their names came from, if some of them looked familiar to you there may be
a good reason why. I'm hoping to have shop keepers and street names,
and maybe even players who's names are from Greek myths at some point.
Food and Drink
to Drinking in Greece - goes into detail about the different
drinks you can find in Greece and Norway along with where they can be found.
Also contains a container dictionary to let you know what it is exactly
that you're drinking from.
Cuisine - goes into detail about some of the different foods available
in Greece that are a bit obscure and not well know. For example...dolmades,
keftedes, gyros, etc.
Recreation and Entertainment
for the Verbose - An extensive guide to the verbs we use to express
ourselves every day, over 400 verbs. If you find anything I have missed
please e-mail me... a few still need adding like water, mule, critter, and
dancing verbs.
Guide - A guide describing all the fish you can catch, from bluegill's
to the infamous "Ketos".
Building - Tells you what you need to know to build that perfect
A Gaming
Guide - The gambling we all know and love. Covered games within
the game like Eureka and Tiles.