Special thanks to Apollonius and Alydyana.

I have also listed changes to exisiting spells and additions to the spell lists that have not been implemented currently.  These spells will be in red bold italics.

Spiritual List

(1001) Spirit Strike - The greatest power of mortals is their spirit. The ritual of Spirit Strike calls forth your very essence to unleash a flood of energy with which to damage your foe.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(1002) Smoke Vapors - Where there is smoke... The ritual of Smoke Vapors creates a small cloud of smoky vapors and places them under your control for a time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a grey candle.

(1003)  Blinding Light - A little extra light never hurt anyone, but has been known to give pause. The ritual of Blinding Light grants you the power to direct a brilliant flash of blinding white light upon an enemy, causing momentary blindness.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a yellow candle.  Chant the name of your deity.

(1004) Ophidian Summoning - ...and the giant laughed at the snake's defiant hissing, chortling at the soft winding of its body... until he can no longer breathe and falls dead. The ritual of Ophidian Summoning will call forth a serpent into your service.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.

(1005) Aura of Prosperity - Fortune need not only favor the foolish... The ritual of Aura of Prosperity grants you increased luck for a time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual.
Offer the skin of a puma to your deity.

(1006) Petitioner's Gift - The gifts of humble prayer are not always overlooked by the gods in Olympus. The ritual of Petitioner's Gift rewards the supplicant with the power to heal himself at an increased rate.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bow.  Offer anything of moderate value to your deity.

(1007) Feet of Clay - Hermes once said, "It is not the shoes I wear upon my feet, but what I choose not to wear." The ritual of Feet of Clay grants you the power to cause a foe to slow down considerably as if their feet were immersed in clay.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Chant the name of your god.  Meditate.

(1008) Canine Summoning - Forget not the forests for in the daylight they are alive with stark beauty and grace, and at night with blood-red eyes and teeth. The ritual of Wolf Summoning calls forth a wolf from the wild and places it under your service.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.  Offer an additional item of food to your deity.

(1009) Crushing Spirit - When the spirit is harnessed by the strong will of its possessor, the results can be devastating upon whom it is unleashed. The ritual of Crushing Spirit provides the caster with improved damage from physical means.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a rainbow colored candle.  Meditate.

(1010) Will of Devotion - The power of love and zeal for the gods in Olympus can empower one to perform feets of great strength and bravery. The ritual of Will of Devotion calls forth such a volition which causes one to ignore otherwise stunning attacks.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(1011) Spirit Lift - Trust not the ground beneath your feet, for it may choose to leave you when you least expect it. The ritual of Spirit Lift grants you the power to cause a foe to temporarily lift away from the ground and be thrown back by spiritual forces.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless a fair sized rock or stone.  Raise the blessed stone into the air.

(1012) Felidae Summoning - ... and the young priestess came home, a large tiger trailing obediently behind her. "Mom, can I keep it?" The ritual of Summon Felidae calls forth a large cat and places it under your service.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.  Offer an additional item of food to your deity.

(1013) Distant Gift- Give me the beauty of an open sky above and I'll give you a gift from afar... The ritual of Distant Gift grants you the power to give an object to someone who is far away from your location as long as both the giver and reciever have contact with the sky.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer the skin of a lynx to your deity.  Chant the name of your deity.

(1014) Mantle of Righteousness - When a righteous man stands to defend his honor while donning robes of purity, not only does he know he is right, but others know it as well. The ritual of Mantle of Righteousness calls forth the power of godly spirit which cloaks the caster with such utter confidence that his defensive skills increase for a time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a blessed cloak, cape, or mantle to your deity.  {Subtext note by the Guru: You WILL permanently loose this item.}
Notes:  You must remove any cloak, mantle, or cape that you are wearing for this spell to cast successfully.

(1015) Touch of Might - If only I had the strength of Hercules, just for a moment... The ritual of Touch of Might calls upon the gods to temporarily increase your strength for a short time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a bear pelt of any type to your deity.

(1016) Ursus Summoning - ... and the three bears wrought their vengence upon the yellow haired girl in their midst. Perhaps she shouldn't have eaten their dinner. The ritual of Summon Ursus calls forth a bear and places it under your service.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.  Offer an additional item of food to your deity.  Offer yet one more item of food to your deity.

(1017) Spirit Freeze - The lack of one's spirit can be permanently damaging, even if only for the slightest moment. The ritual of Spirit Freeze locks up the targets spirit which in turn causes them much suffering.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a rainbow colored candle.  Meditate.  Offer a lit, rainbow colored candle to your deity.

(1018) Atlas's Sneeze - What does the mighty Titan whose sole duty it is to hold up Olympus do when he has a tickle in his nose? The ritual of Atlas's Sneeze causes the earth beneath you to shake, knocking down all hostile enemies in the room.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Raise a feather above your head.  Wave the feather around.  Offer the feather to your deity.

(1019) Hand of Prometheus - It is the noble hand of the Titan Prometheus that has gotten man where he is today. Just hope that he doesn't allow Epimetheus to handle the effects of this casting or things might get ugly! The ritual of Hand of Prometheus mixes the health of the caster and the target, distributing the total evenly between the two.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a candle.  Meditate.  Bless the lit candle.  Offer the blessed candle to your deity.

(1020) Acolyte's Answering - A priest of such noble power surely has quite a following of his own. The ritual of Acolyte's Answering calls forth an assistant of your race and places them under your service.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a prepared and charged holy relic to your deity.  Meditate.

Future Rituals.

(1021) Unsteady Faith - All in area have an 85% chance of being knocked prone and stunned whenever hit in combat.

(1022) Power of Congregation - Increase rate of healing for all in room - only castable in holy locations.

(1023) Spirit Silencing - Stuns all in room.

(1024) Devotee's Diligence - Summons a devotee of the same race.

(1025) Soul Shock - Automatic loss of a percentage target's health.

(1026) Soul Shields - Defensive bonus for all joined to the caster.

(1027) Holy Leap - Teleportation to nearest shrine of caster's faith.

(1028) Fanatic's Faithfulness - Summons a fanatic of the same race.

(1029) Divine Presence - Prevents all hostile activity in room.

(1030) Speed of the Blessed - Decreases roundtime of target.

Mental List

(2001) Acts of Faith - May faith in the gods bring quiet to your mind and peace to your heart. The ritual of Acts of Faith brings you the ability to direct the power of your faith upon another, causing a more peaceful demeanor within their being and thus becoming much less likely to take hostile actions against others.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(2002) Thought Meditation - The power of thought need not be restricted to the realm of one mind. The ritual of Thought Focus grants the ability to send and receive the thoughts of others over great distances, as well as remove that ability once gained.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a green candle.

(2003) Fleeting Image - Sometimes, just a glimpse of a god is enough to save your life. The ritual of Fleeting Image calls forth a vision of your chosen god, which serves to momentarily distract the attention of a foe.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a blue candle.

(2004) Cerebral Shield - A shield of thought protects better than any shield a man's hands has wrought. The ritual of Cerebral Shield improves the target's defenses.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:

(2005) Babylon's Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if they do unto you in a way you don't like, force them to do it upon themselves. The ritual of Babylon's Golden Rule causes the target to attack itself.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an edible fish or sardine to your deity.
Notes:  This spell can only be cast on targets holding weapons.

(2006) Lost Passions - In the midst of battle, they seemed to lose the ardor of their souls. The ritual of Lost Passion grants the power to weaken the spirit of a foe, making them less dangerous offensively.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Snuff a red candle.  Meditate.

(2007) Tears of Joy - What power hath joy to cause such emotional whiplash? The ritual of Tears of Joy grants you the ability of cause such joy in a foe that they break out into tears.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a blue candle.  Light a white candle.

(2008) Thought Vision - With mind and body split, how does one define here or there? The ritual of Thought Vision allows the caster to catch a fleeting glimpse of a remembered location, or person who is elsewhere.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a healthy carrot to your deity.  Gaze at your surroundings while hidden.
Notes:  Use the syntax THINK ABOUT <person> or <REMEMBERed location>.

(2009) Eye of the Hummingbird - Precision of motion can only be acquired with speed of mind. The ritual of Eye of the Hummingbird speeds up the target's thoughts to process visual stimuli more quickly, thereby granting him or her greater coordination.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Blesing a hummingbird's feather.  Wave that feather around.  Offer the feather to your deity.

(2010) Thought Punch - Why bother your hands with a task your mind can do on its own? The ritual of Thought Punch creates an illusion which you can direct upon a foe, making them feel a physical strike that can inflict real damage and often times causing them to lose their balance.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a sloth bear claw to your god.
Notes:  Cast on yourself and use the syntax THINK PUNCH <target>.

(2011) Concept Overload - She's taken all she can captain, she cannae take much more! The ritual of Concept Overload causes the target's mind to be so totally consumed by thoughts and ideas that it simply refuses to take any more, causing the target to just stand there slackjawed.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Chant a profound poem about your deity, life, and yourself.  Meditate.
{Subtext note by the Guru: Poem must be at least 3 lines long, have a total of 9 or more words, and mention your deity and yourself by name.}
Notes:  This spell is self cast and effects all targets in the room when cast.

(2012) Stroke of Fear - Fear is the one true enemy, but never forget an enemy can also be an ally. The ritual of Stroke of Fear grants you the ability to cause unnatural fear in a foe.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate.  Scream as if afraid.

(2013) Owl's Wisdom - To think of thoughts heretofore unthunk ... who woulda thought it? The ritual of Owl's Wisdom calls upon the gods to increase your innate intellectual abilities for a short time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Raise an owl's feather.  Bless that feather.  Offer the feather to your deity.

(2014) Sight Impression - The power if the mind can serve as a mighty beacon for all to follow. The ritual of Sight Impression sends your location to others through the power of thought.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate.  Gaze at your surroundings.

(2015) Hurling Id - Sometimes what can't be reached and grasped by the hand may be touched by the mind. The ritual of The Hurling Id allows an object to be thrown at a target through the powers of telekinesis.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Perform at least four of the following acts -
Babble at yourself.  Cross your eyes.  Cackle at yourself.  Twirl your finger in a circle at the side of your head.  Twitch your eye.  Snicker to yourself.

(2016) Blinking Visage - "There's more than one way to skin a cat," so the saying goes. There is also more than one way to hide one's self as well, if one but knows. The ritual of Blinking Visage causes the target's form to rapidly fade in and out of visibility.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a white candle.  Snuff a white candle.

(2017) Kiss of Morpheus - All living things need sleep -- sometimes you just want to help the process along. The ritual of Kiss of Morpheus puts a living being to sleep and tries to keep it that way.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Yawn.  Bless some unblessed, white sand.  Offer some blessed, white sand to your deity.

(2018) Probing Sight - ... and the priest called the congregation for prayer and as one they settled to the ground, heads bowed. The ritual of Power Prayer Session causes targets in the room to sit down for a short time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer any holy relic to your deity.  Meditate.

(2019) Power Prayer Session - Look beyond the eyes, for they are not the only givers of vision. The ritual of Probing Sight allows you to look upon the contents of closed containers that would otherwise be hidden from the naked eye.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Take one or two bites from a healthy carrot.  Offer the remaining part of the carrot to your deity.

(2020) Psychic Shock - A mental jolt to the nervous system can be just the thing to whip those stubborn enemies into line. The ritual of Phsychic Shock causes direct mental damage to the target.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Cut yourself and scream.  Let terror strike your heart and panic.

Future Rituals.

(2021) Wrench - Telekinetic Ddisarming

(2022) Animal Charming - Target animal will stop attacking caster and attack others attacking caster.

(2023) Aura of Friendship - Target unable to attack until caster attacks or casts.

(2024) Serene Thought - Mass calm effect.

(2025) Animated Weapon - Levitates and manipulates a weapon to attack for the caster through telekinesis.

(2026) Find Foes - Search "area" for all creatures and give rough distance away from caster.

(2027) Charm Foe - Same as animal charming but not restricted to animals.

(2028) Enforced Apologies - Any foe attacking caster is calmed.

(2029) Frozen in Horror - Target is immobilized in fear.

(2030) Mind Mush - Initial hit of direct damage followed by accumulating damage over time.

Alteration List

(3001) Mystic Weave - Magic does not cling to a relic like goo, it must be woven into the very fabric of its existance. The ritual of Mystic Weave grants the ability to change the fabric of a holy relic in such a way that it becomes capable of storing the essence of magical energy.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless an unblessed object.

(3002) Easy Avoidance - To walk as one with the earth, unhindered by underbrush and restraints. The ritual of Easy Avoidance frees the target from many types of natural restraints.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Chant the following: "Gaia is yet mother to all."

(3003) Withered Form - With age you'll grow weak and feeble... and time may not wait until the future to bring it to you. The ritual of Withered Form grants the ability to curse a foe with old age, withering their form and weakening them greatly.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Chant the name of your deity.

(3004) Skin of Iron - The best way to survive the bite of viscious creatures is to let them bite. The ritual of Skin of Iron grants the ability to harden your skin to the toughness of iron, protecting you from blows much like armor.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.

(3005) Fists of Steel - Strong hands are good, weapons of metal even better, but the two as one... oh my. The ritual of Fists of Steel calls upon the gods to make your fists hard at steel, thus increasing your potential in bare-handed combat.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer an item of food to your deity.  Meditate.

(3006) Eternal Moment - In the midst of battle, the briefest of moments can feel like an eternity. The ritual of Eternal Moment grants the power to paralyze a foe for short time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a black candle.  Chant the name of your deity.

(3007) Poisonous Air - We thought we were safe, till the air itself began to choke us. The ritual of Poisonous Air grants you the power to cause the air around a foe to become poisonous.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a green candle.  Whistle.

(3008) Clotting Wounds - With old wounds healed they are harder to reopen afresh. The ritual of Clotting Wounds reduces the damage dealt to the target during battle.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Produce a tear on your cheek while injured.  Touch the tear.  Wipe the tear on a vial of blood. {Subtext note by the Guru: Use the PET verb.}

(3009) Northern Forge - Burns that sting need not come from the flames. The ritual of Northern Forge grants the ability to cause a weapon to flare with icy blasts for a time, causing additional damage upon use.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a blue candle.  Meditate in the darkness of night.

(3010) Living Shadow - It is dubious to walk amongst the shadows, but what does one do when the shadow choose walk amongst you! The ritual of Living Shadow grants you the ability to cause your own shadow to move of its own accord, doing your bidding.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a white candle.  Wave your hand over the candle to cast a shadow.

(3011) Mechanism Weakening - It's all well and good to weaken the walls of your prison, just make sure that the ceiling doesn't come down on top of you in the process. The ritual of Weaken Mechanisms will make a lock easier to pick but at the same time will weaken the trap mechanism, making it more succeptable to being triggered.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless a bottle of acid.  Raise the acid in the air.  Pour some acid out of the bottle.

(3012) Arachnid Spindles - Stronger than steel, yet tears more delicate than paper. The ritual of Arachnid Spindles splits open the caster's hand to reveal large spindles from which he or she can unleash sticky webs to engulf a target.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Eat a living, healthy spider.
Notes:  Cast on yourself then use the syntax WEB <target>.

(3014) Curse of the Rose - The rose teaches us that even the beautiful can be dangerous. However, it is good to remember that the same danger need not always be beautiful. The ritual of Curse of the Rose grants the power to cause a foe to sprout small thorns which serve to injure the foe when they least expect it.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a rose to your deity.  Chant the name of your deity.

(3014) Atlas's Curse - After the battle between the Gods and Titans, many of those defeated were assigned tasks as punishments. The ritual of Atlas's Curse inflicts a similar task upon a foe, hindering their ability in combat.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate.  Bless an unblessed bundle of five or more rocks.  Offer a blessed bundle of five or more rocks to your god.  Chant "Titan punishments were harsh;this one is fun in the marsh."

(3015) Southern Forge - Fire is a gift that adds more than insult to injury. The ritual of Southern Forge grants the ability to cause a weapon to with fire for a time, causing additional damage upon use.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a red candle.  Meditate.  Meditate in the light of day.

(3016) Vitality's Hourglass - True healing comes only with time... but every now and then, that time can be borrowed. The ritual of Vitality's Hour Glass grants the ability to significantly heal an injured soul... alas but temporarily as the healing done will trickle away with time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Light a green candle.  Light a white candle.  Raise the white candle into the air.  Snuff out the green candle.
Notes:  Be careful, if this wears off and you have less health than you did before you risk the chance of dying.

(3017) Harpy Claws - The only thing worse than a harpy is a harpy's claws. The ritual of Claws of the Harpy turns the target's hands into claws with which they can attack.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Kiss a feather.  Offer a feather to your deity.  Screech.
Notes:  Self cast then use the syntax CLAW <target>.

(3018) Satyr's Revelry - Dionysus knows how to throw a party and the satyrs sure are quick to attend and even quicker to get drunk. The ritual of Satyr's Revelry causes the target to become extremely intoxicated.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless some wine.  Pour some wine on the ground.  Laugh.

(3019) Body Forge - Prometheus gave man the gift of fire with which to cook and heal and keep warm. Now's your chance to go against everything Prometheus stood for and use it for destructive purposes. The ritual of Body Forge grants the ability to cause a brawler to flare with fire for a time, causing additional damage.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Cut your thumb.  Touch the flame of a candle.  Kiss your own hand.

(3020) Boiling Blood - Is it getting hot in here? The ritual of Boiling Blood causes severe damage to the target over a period of time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a vial of blood to your deity.  Light a candle.  Chant a verse that mentions your deity and an offer of blood.
{Subtext note by the Guru: Must be at least 6 words and 2 lines in length. Deity needs to be mentioned by name.
Notes:  Be sure to say "offer of blood" and not "offering of blood", the latter doesn't seem to work.

Future Rituals.

(3021) Zombie Animation - Creates a zombie of the same skill as caster.

(3022) Invisibility - Makes target invisible.

(3023) Berserk Manifestation - Target becomes much more likely to stun and knock down opponents.

(3024) Purify Jewel - Increases value of gems.

(3025) Acid Forge - Much more powerful than other forges but damages weapons.

(3026) Seeping Lava - Area begins seeping lava causing damage to all.

(3027) Form of the Sheep - Target polymorphed into a harmless creature for a short while.

(3028) Revealing Radiance - All invisible and hidden creatures are revealed in immediate and adjacent areas.

(3029) Minor Changling - Caster changes shape into a large animal.

(3030) Body of the Titan - Target gains the strength and cordination of a titan for a very short time.

Commanality List

(4001) Sacred Blessing - No relic great or small cannot benefit from the influence of the divine. The Ritual of Sacred Blessing allows the pious priest to align a holy relic with the god of their following.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate in a temple of your deity.  Raise the relic to be targetted into the air.  Bless that same relic.  Kiss the relic.

(4002) Restorative Vanity - The gods have many aspects powerful, fearsome and vane. The Ritual of Restorative Vanity can be used to cure the curse of unnatural hairloss. Know that this ritual requires the use of a mirror and a hair brush.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Offer a mirror to your deity.  Touch your chin.  Touch your nose.  Touch your head.  Touch your hair.  Raise a brush into the air.

(4003) Right Mind Renovation - The unbalanced mind of those marked insane provides us a brilliant example not of the parable: You are what you eat, but rather, You are where you think. The ritual of Right Mind Renovation allows the dedicated priest to cause the afflicted's mind to rebuild and redecorate it's right half, there providing reason for thoughts to return to this side and balance the mind.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Bless an unused white candle.  Light a blessed, unused, white candle.  Meditate.  Chant the following: Blessed flame run through the mind anew.

(4004) Relic Refreshment - For every relic, there is a beginning to its history. The Ritual of Relic Refreshment allows you to begin history again and clear all momory from a relic, so that it can be treated as one that has been newly prepared for the first time.
The following is required of the priest wishing to perform this ritual:
Meditate in a temple of your deity.  Raise the relic to be targetted into the air.  Bless that same relic.  Kiss the relic.
