Agate - The agate
is associated with Mercury and comes in a variety of color patterns,
generally curved bands of regular or irregular formation. It
is used for healing, rejuvenating depleted energies, protects one against
falling, calms and refreshes oneself, and was said to prevent snake and serpent
bites. The brown or tawny agate is most popularly used for: acquiring riches,
success in any undertakings, and used as a prosperity talisman. It
was worn in battle to ensure victory and protected the wearer against the
evil eye. The moss agate has been used widely in spells for riches and happiness,
worn it may lead you to treasure, promotes good fortune and helps in acquiring
favorable mention in wills and legacies as well as promoting abundance of
crops and gardens. It is sometimes hung on trees to help increase their yields.
Red agate is associated with wealth, it is used in spells for courage, strength
and bravery. Agate is also used to help with stomach diseases. The
agate is a symbol of strength and courage, and is said to help with longevity,
gardening, love, healing, and protection.
Banded Agate - Bodily energy and eases stress
Blue-lace Agate - Peace and happiness
Moss Agate - "Gardener's talisman," healing, energy, riches, happiness,
long life
Amber - Amber is the fossilized, hardened resin
of the pine tree, formed in the Eocene period – about 50 million years
ago. It was a gemstone sought after by ancient Stone Age sun worshippers
because its beautiful radiance resembled the sun's rays, and was called,
"golden gems of the ages". In the civilizations of the early Greeks
and Romans, amber was so revered it was available only to nobility. Ladies
of the Roman court desired it for its brilliant hue and for the protection
from evil spells which it was believed to bestow upon the wearer. I n reverence
to its talismatic powers, gladiators wore amber amulets when venturing into
the Coliseum. Throughout Europe, amber was worn as protection against
various and sundry illnesses. It is said to help with luck, healing,
protection, and love, and is a symbol of beauty and strength.
Orange Amber
Amethyst - Amethyst, the best known member
of the Quartz family, is the birthstone for February. Its purple hues vary
from very pale to dark with the medium dark to dark tones considered the
most desirable. Amethyst's name was derived from the Greek
amethystos, meaning "not to intoxicate". Early beliefs held
that one could not become drunk if an Amethyst cup held the wine. The
Amethyst was revered by the ancients for its mystical powers. The Egyptians
wore Amethyst amulets, many carved with bears for increased power. The Romans
used Amethyst to protect them from evil spells, hailstorms and plagues. Medieval
English considered it a symbol of sovereignty for kings and princes. In 15th
century Europe, Amethyst was thought to control evil thoughts and overcome
violent passions. Legend held that Saint Valentine wore a ring containing
a carved Amethyst Cupid. Amethysts are believed to help with dreams,
overcoming alcoholism, healing, psychism, peace, love, and protection against
thieves, and it is a symbol of courage and happiness.
Purple Amethyst
Violet Amethyst
Aquamarine - March's birthstone, aquamarine
is a blue or greenish beryl gem. Stones are pale to medium bluish-green,
as the name "sea green" implies, but they are almost always heat-treated
to enhance the blue coloration. This heat-treating results in permanent color
change and duplicates natural heating that occurs in areas of volcanic activity.
Aquamarine often occurs in very large sizes, usually with very good clarity.
Aquamarine, the gem of the sea, is named with the Greek word for sea
water. The reference is obvious: aqua sparkles like the sea and its color
is pale to medium blue, sometimes with a slight hint of green. Aquamarine
is the birthstone for March. Legends say that it is the treasure of mermaids,
with the power to keep sailors safe at sea.
Blue-green Aquamarine
Aventurine - Aventurine is a more
or less colorless stone that contains uniformly dispersed flakes of greenish
mica, thus giving the stone a characteristic speckled green appearance known
as aventurescence. It is said to aid with mental powers, eyesight,
gambling, money, peace, healing, and luck.
Green Aventurine
Azurite - Azurite is an opaque mineral commonly
found near Copper mines & is usually mixed with Malachite. Since the
cutter follows the contours of the stone to capture the brightest colors,
most of these are not standard shapes or dimensions. Azurite is named
for the Persian word for Blue. Its intense blue color coupled with the vivid
Green Malachite creates beautiful jewelry, or it is equally enjoyable by
itself. This gem is said to help with psychism, dreams, divination,
and healing.
Deep Blue Azurite
Beryl - The beryl mineral family is a popular
one because of the beautiful varieties of colors and the durability of the
stones. With the exception of emerald and bixbite, all other beryls are typically
clean stones, virtually free of flaws detectable by the human eye. Beryls
grow in a six-sided hexagonal crystal formation, generally in with granite,
but occasionally the crystals are washed out of the granite into streams
or during the crystallization. These colors include colorless,
blue, green, yellow, pink, peach, and red.
Golden Beryl
Bloodstone - Bloodstone is a quartz stone consisting
of dark green plasma with blood red or orange spots of iron oxide. The
bloodstone, as well as many other gemstones, has a great deal of fascinating
history behind it that is often overlooked. Civilizations long before Christ
had a great many beliefs and practical uses for this particular gem. It
was believed that when placed in a glass of water during a drought that the
red spots would soak up the sun's rays and cause a storm; thus it was called
the "Tempest" stone. Throughout time the bloodstone was believed to
have the power to check the flow of blood. The stone was prescribed
to bleeders or hemophiliacs and it was said that its mere touch would stop
the most violent of hemorrhages. This stone also had a religious significance.
In Christian legend the red spots were said to be from the blood of Christ's
thorn crowned head during crucifixion. Bloodstones are considered good
for stopping bleeding, healing, legal matters, business, invisibility,
agriculture, and they are a symbol for victory, courage, wealth, strength,
and power.
Dark Red Bloodstone
Bulls-eye - This is a malachite featuring a curved pattern that resembles
a bull's eye. (See Malachite)
Mahogany-brown Bulls-eye
Carnelian - Carnelian
is a reddish brown gem and, in ancient Rome, it was often used in cameos
and intaglios. It has always been associated with the sun and is orange-red
in color. Carnelian has been used to squelch anger, jealousy, and hatred.
It is worn or carried to promote courage, confidence, protection against
negative magic, storms, and is said to promote sexuality. The carnelian
also helps in reproductive matters, protection, peace, eloquence, and healing,
and is a symbol of courage.
Red Carnelian
Cats-eye - Cat's eye chrysoberyl,
often called simply cats-eye, is a translucent yellow, brown, or green material
containing very fine silk-like flaws. When cut correctly this produces
a very sharp linear reflection of light known as the cat's-eye effect.
Fine, large cats-eyes are rare and costly. The ideal color for cats-eye
is honey brown which causes a fantastic effect in which light striking the
stone at an angle causes a shadow on the side of the stone opposite the light
to appear rich brown, and the side nearest the light appears yellowish
Green Cats-eye
Chrysoberyl - Chrysoberyl is a poorly known
mineral in the gem world even though the gem varieties are popular. There
are three types... The first type is simply faceted transparent Chrysoberyl
that is usually found in yellowish green to green, yellow and shades of brown.
It is a fine gemstone, but is over-shadowed by its two cousins. The
second variety is the "cat's eye", also known as cymophane. The effect is
caused by microscopic needle-like inclusions that reflect light into a single
sliver of light running along the center of the crystal thus making it look
like a living cat's eye. Although other minerals have cats-eyes, the
chrysoberyl cats-eye is the only one that can be referred to as "cat's eye"
with no other designation. The third is Alexandrite. This rare and
valuable gemstone has the unique property of changing color depending on
the type of light that hits it. In sunlight, it appears almost emerald green,
while in artificial incandescent light it appears a violet-red.
Yellow Chrysoberyl
Chrysolite - The name "chrysolite" is Greek for "gold stone" and is
most commonly used in reference to peridot but has been used to encompass
all golden hued gems. (See Peridot)
Pale Green Chrysolite
Chrysoprase - Chrysoprase is a
translucent green Quartz which receives its color from nickel impurities.
The finest quality can rival the color of even the best jade. Chrysoprase
is generally cut for use as beads, or it is used for carvings. Ancients
believed that the gem's green shades had a calming effect on the wearer.
Chrysoprase is associated with Venus and Mercury and comes in a pale
to bright green color. It is a lucky stone and is carried or worn during
new business ventures or anything dealing with financial gain and income.
It helps to banish greed, envy, selfishness, nightmares and stress.
Chrysoprase also has healing qualities and is used to attract new
friends.It is said to help with happiness, luck, success, friendship, protection,
healing, and money.
Green Chrysoprase
Citrine - Citrine is the yellow variety
of quartz and is sometimes used by jewelers as a substitute for topaz, the
November birthstone. It is a yellow to brown quartz and can vary from
pale yellow to rich golden yellow to dark orange. Although citrine may occur
naturally, much is produced by heating amethyst under controlled conditions.
Darker colors are more highly prized, including medium golden orange
and dark sherry-colored. Citrine's name is derived from the French
citrin for "lemon". People feel that Citrine gives the wearer
the ability to adopt a neutral attitude, a more rational thought rather than
an emotional one. It also promotes a cheerful disposition.
Honey Yellow Citrine
Coral - Coral is the
abandoned structure of the coral polyp. The structures are formed when the
polyps join with other polyps in colonies for protection against aggressors.
The individual polyp secretes the calcium carbonate as a protective
coating. As more polyps join the group, the structure expands into coral
reefs. These reefs are frequently attacked by aquatic predators which
literally suck the polyps from the reefs and still other reefs are abandoned
due to pollution. Historically, major waters for coral harvesting have been
the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean
near Hawaii and Australia. Coral is available in several colors. The
deepest red coral is known as "Oxblood" and it is the second rarest color.
"Angel Skin", a blush pink shade, is the rarest, and white coral is also
Pink Coral
White Coral
Red Coral
Black Coral
Crystal - Rock Crystal
is the pure, colorless Quartz variety found in many areas of the world. The
ancient Greeks called Rock Crystal krustallos, meaning "ice". They
believed it to be frozen by the gods. To new age believers, Rock Crystal
represents one of the highest tools of energy. Clear Quartz crystals relate
to the air element while milky ones are more attuned to the water element.
The vibrations of good Rock Crystals are considered unique in that they are
both strong and high, picking up, transmitting and amplifying energy. Rock
Crystal is said to keep the wearer free from strain, protect from homesickness,
promote pure faith, clarity and receptivity.
Virteous Crystal - Vitreous means that the gem contains or
resembles glass
Diamond - The diamond has captured
mankind's interest and appreciation for thousands of years. Before
modern faceting techniques were developed, the Diamond was revered for its
magical properties. It is the birthstone for April and the anniversary
stone for the 20th, 60th, and 75th wedding years. Diamonds are distinctive
for several reasons. They are the hardest known mineral which means that
only a diamond can scratch another diamond. They are also the only
gem composed of a single element, Carbon. Most diamonds are slightly
yellowish, but those most approaching absolute lack of color are most
prized. Diamonds are said to help with spirituality, sexual dysfunction,
protection, reconciliation, and healing, and are a symbol of courage, peace,
and strength.
Muddy Brown Diamond
Yellow Diamond
Pale Pink Diamond
Blue Diamond
Adamantine Diamond - Adamantine means that it is incapable of being
Black Diamond
Dreamstone - As far as I can tell, this is a
fictitious stone... so your guess is as good as mine! And since this webpage
is mine, well here's my guess. Dreamstones are a highly transparent
quartz which gives them the appearance of clouds or mist on the surface of
the stone. Very similar to moonstones, these gems are said to aid in
divination and prophecy, for dreams often give us glimpses of the future.
Sleeping with one under your pillow will ward off nightmares and help
to wake up more refreshed. The illustration of the dreamstone is made
up by me also, so take all this as you will.
Cloudy White Dreamstone
Misty Black Dreamstone
Emerald - Emerald, the May birthstone,
has been used for ornamentation since 4,000 B.C. The first stones were
mined in the deserts of Egypt near the Red Sea in what were known as Cleopatra's
Mines. These mines were worked for thousands of years, left idle and then
rediscovered in 1818. The remains of the Egyptian Emerald load today are
small and dark stones. Emerald is a member of the Beryl mineral family,
along with Aquamarine, Golden Beryl, and Morganite. The name emerald
is taken from the Greek smaragdos, meaning "green stone". The
best color for emerald is a deep green and it is nearly impossible to find
them without visible flaws. The vibrant green of the emerald has long
stood for fertility and rebirth. Many cultures have used emerald as
a treatment for eye diseases, epilepsy and poisoning and have been said to
be held under the tongue as a way of foretelling the future. They were dedicated
to the goddess Venus and were considered an aid in revealing the truthfulness
of one's lover. But the emerald's incomparable beauty is reason enough for
owning this gem. They are said to help with love, money, mental powers,
psychism, protection, exorcism, and eyesight.
Dark Green Emerald
Bright Green Emerald
Garnet - Garnet is
the birthstone for January and the second wedding anniversary stone.
Granatum, meaning "pomegranate", is the Latin root word for garnet
because it was thought to resemble the fruit's many seeds. Like other
red stones, garnet has historically been associated with blood and its related
organs. It is considered an aid for swelling and inflammation of the
joints and was used as a talisman against evil spirits. Garnets have
been used as ornamentation for more than 5,000 years. Garnet beads
have been found in Egyptian excavations dating back to 3200 B.C. and the
breastplate of Aaron, which was worn around 2,000 B.C., supposedly contained
a garnet. The Asians in the 4th century B.C. used garnets in creating their
seals and they were frequently carved into cameos and intaglios and worn
in rings. Garnets were also widely used in church jewels in Europe,
and their royalty held garnets the same esteem as rubies. Garnets
are available in all colors except pure blue. They are said to aid
in Healing and protection, and are a symbol of strength.
Bright Red Garnet
Honey-yellow Garnet
Rose-colored Garnet
Green Garnet
Violet red Garnet
Hawks-eye - The term for a blue tigers-eye
(See Tigers-eye)
Blue-grey Hawks-eye
Jade - Long revered
by Asians as the most precious of all stones for centuries, besides being
the most beautiful and valued natural material for making jewelry and utensils,
jade is considered to possess the power of good luck, good health, and the
ability to resist evil spirit and to get rid of bad luck. Jade is associated
with Venus and is green in color. It has long been associated as a
love stone as well as one for wisdom, healing, and used to promote fertility
and abundant crops. Businessmen use jade in seeking council in important
business transactions and it is worn for it's money-attracting energies.
A figurine carved out of jade, called the hand of Buddha, was revered
by the Chinese for it's abundance of prosperity as well as promoting a long
life for it's owner.
Black Jade
Green Jade
Pale Blue Jade
Lilac Jade
Blue Jade
Red Jade
Emerald Green Jade
Jasper - Jasper is
a variety of Quartz which is available in several colors, primarily due to
iron. The mottled jasper is named for its spotted pattern. This jasper has
light brown to tan background with spots in dark green, dark brown, deep
orange or yellow. Braciated jasper has the rust red background with veining
usually in tan and black. Picture Jasper denotes the scenes that can
be recognized in its patterns. It has a tan background with swirls
of dark brown, black and white. Picture jasper, or scenic jasper, may
display quite realistic depictions of natural scenes, animals, or other objects,
and can command respectable prices due to such unusual pictures. Jaspers
help with healing, protection, and health, and are a symbol of beauty.
Mottled Jasper - Protection against drowning
Yellow Jasper - Healing, sleep, compassion
Red Jasper - Protection, healing, beauty
Brown Jasper - Centering, grounding
Lapis-lazuli - Lapis-lazuli
is known as the Egyptian royal blue stone of heaven. Lapis was one
of the first materials to be mined and worked as a gemstone and the Pharaohs
of Egypt often sent runners from Egypt to Afghanistan to obtain lapis
for the court gem cutters. Today Afghanistan is still the main source for
the finest Lapis. Lapis helps with healing, psychism, and protection,
and is a symbol of joy, love, fidelity, and courage.
White Veined Lapis-lazuli
Deep Blue Lapis-lazuli
Gold-flecked Lapis-lazuli
Malachite - Malachite is a Green
banded mineral which gets its name from the Greek word mallow, an
herb plant, in reference to the color. The rich, patterned green coloration
of malachite is unique among gemstones. Beads, boxes, and in Russia
even place settings, including dinner plates and goblets, have been carved
from Malachite which occurs in light to dark shades of green, often banded
or with swirled bull's-eye patterns. Malachite is a symbol power,
love, and peace, and aids in protection and business success.
Deep Green Malachite
Marble - Marble is
a massive, compact limestone; a variety of calcite, capable of being
polished and used for architectural and ornamental purposes. The color varies
from white to black, being sometimes yellow, red, and green, and frequently
beautifully veined or clouded. The name is also given to other rocks of like
use and appearance, as serpentine or verd antique marble, and even sometimes
is used to refer to polished rocks, granite, and other stones. Marble
as a mineral, consists of carbonate of lime with its texture varying from
the highly crystalline to very compact.
Black Marble
Grey Marble
White Marble
Moonstone - The moonstone is a colorless to
yellowish gray, highly translucent to semi-transparent variety of feldspar
that reflects light in a distinctive shimmering phenomenon known as
adularescence. Sometimes moonstone displays a well-defined cat's-eye
effect (a bright line caused by reflection from tiny parallel flaws). The
most prized moonstones are colorless and nearly transparent with a blue sheen
effect. Moonstones aid in love, divination, psychism, sleep,
gardening, protection, and dieting, and is a symbol of youth. Metaphysical
attributes of Moonstone include, the ability to lessen the affects of the
moon cycles on the wearer, and the ability to reduces tendency to over
react to emotional conflicts.
Pearly Gray Moonstone
Silvery White Moonstone
Obsidian - Obsidian
is the result of volcanic lava coming in contact with water. Often the lava
pours into a lake or ocean and is cooled quickly. This process produces a
glassy texture in the resulting rock. Iron and magnesium give the obsidian
a dark green to black color. Obsidian can contain small bubbles of
air that are aligned along layers created as the molten rock was flowing
before being cooled. These bubbles can produce interesting effects such as
a golden or a rainbow sheen. Inclusions of small, white, radially clustered
crystals of cristobalite in the black glass can also produce a blotchy
or snowflake pattern . Small nuggets of obsidian that have been naturally
rounded and smoothed by wind and water are called Apache Tears. Obsidian
has been used by ancient people as a cutting tool, for weapons, and for
ceremonial purposes. Obsidian is used for protection, grounding,
divination, and is a symbol of peace.
Black Obsidian
Olivine - Much of the Earth is made out of
this mineral. It is usually a greenish crystal and is often found as inclusions
in basaltic lavas but can also be found in shades of yellow, and more rarely,
brown. Olivine is found in igneous rocks with a high iron and magnesium
content. Olivine has a high melting point and is the first mineral
to crystallize from magma. The early crystallization of olivine is
the reason that molten lavas can contain already crystallized grains of olivine.
Some rocks can be composed of almost all olivine and these are called dunites.
Olivine is also found in many meteorites, proving that not only the Earth
is composed mostly of this mineral.
Green Olivine
Onyx - Onyx was very popular with the ancient
Greeks and Romans. The name comes from the Greek word onux, which
means "fingernail". The story is that one day frisky Cupid cut Aphrodite's
fingernails with an arrowhead while she was sleeping. He left the clippings
scattered on the sand and the fates turned them into stone so that no part
of the heavenly body would ever perish. True, black isn't normally the color
one associates with fingernails, but in Greek times, almost all colors of
this gem from fingernail white to dark brown and black were called onyx.
Later, the Romans narrowed the term to refer to black and dark brown colors
only. Onyx, sard, and sardonyx are all varieties of quartz. Onyx comes
in brown, white, grey, and black and is very similar to agates as it has
the straight bands. Black onyx is said to be able to help one to change
bad habits, especially helpful when worn as a necklace.
Black Onyx
Banded Onyx
Opal - Opals have been used for adornment by
mankind for over 2,000 years, but misconceptions still linger about this
gem. Superstitions about the opal began in the 19th century in a popular
novel, Anne of Geierstein, by Sir Walter Scott. The heroine,
daughter of a Persian shaman, constantly wore an opal hair ornament and was
accused of being a devil by the local English because her opal flashed her
moods. When she died, the opal and the girl turned to a pile of gray
ashes. Greeks and Romans prized opals from Eastern Europe, believing
that they gave their owners foresight and the gift of prophecy and also protected
against disease. Ancient Arabs held that opals fell from the heavens
in flashes of lightning, thus creating their fire. Opal was regarded
as sacred, the spirit of truth by ancient Eastern cultures. Opal rings were
a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I of England and her court and Shakespeare
declared the opal to be "the queen of gems." The colors seen in opals
are dependent upon the size of the spheres and the wave length of the light
entering the gem and can be colorless, white, black, gray, red, blue, orange,
or yellow.
Black Opal
White Opal
Scarlet Opal
Milky White Opal
Fire Opal
Pearl - Unlike gemstones or precious metals that
must be mined from the earth, pearls are grown by live oysters far below
the surface of the sea. Gemstones must be cut and polished to bring out their
beauty, but pearls need no such treatments to reveal their loveliness. They
are born from their oysters with a shimmering iridescence, luster and soft
inner glow that is unlike any other gem on earth. A natural pearl begins
it life as a foreign object, such as a parasite or piece of sand, that by
accident lodges itself in the oyster's soft inner body where it cannot be
expelled. In an effort to ease this irritant, the oyster's body takes
defensive action and begins to secrete a smooth, hard crystalline substance
around the irritant in order to protect itself called nacre. As long
as the irritant remains within its body, the oyster will continue to secrete
nacre around the irritant, layer upon layer. After a few years, the irritant
will be totally encased by the silky crystalline coatings. The result - the
lovely and lustrous gem called a pearl. Pearls are said to aid in love,
money, protection, and luck.
Pink Pearl
White Pearl
Grey Pearl
Black Pearl
Peridot - Peridot, the birthstone of August,
is a member of the olivine mineral group. Peridot's name is derived
from the Greek peridona, meaning "to provide plentifully". The
ancients referred to it as the "gem of the sun" and believed that it could
banish evil spirits and break enchantments when it was worn in a gold setting.
Peridot is considered a stone of hope and is supposed to strengthen
the sight, heart and respiratory system and aid against depression.
Peridot also has great historical and religious significance. Just
so you know, Peridot is pronounced "doe" and not "dot", kinda like depot.
Dark Green Peridot
Quartz - Quartz is
one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and is found in many different
forms almost everywhere. There are two major classifications of quartz:,
crystalline quartz and cryptocrystalline quartz. They range in color from
colorless, yellow, brown, purple, pink, to greenish. Cryptocrystalline quartz
often displays exotic color bands, swirls, and other patterns. Quartz
is used for aid in protection, healing, psychism, and lactation, and is a
symbol of power.
Smokey Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rhodocrosite - Rhodocrosite is a
vibrant pinkish red to rose gemstone and is a secondary mineral composed
of other minerals and was first discovered in a mine called Sweet Home Mine.
Rhodocrosite was first considered a by-product at the Sweet Home Mine,
and most of the quality was obscure and, as a mineral, was considered worthless.
Occasionally, a gem quality crystal was discovered, but the large, transparent
crystals were rare. Since rhodocrosite occurs in veins, often in
conjunction with pyrite and several other ores, miners began searching for
gem quality rhodocrosite crystals near finds of those minerals. To
date, less than 400 stones have been faceted from the Sweet Home Mine rough
rhodocrosite. Note, these stones are very rough ,and a stone of the
gem quality pictured here is very rare.
Pink Rhodocrosite
Ruby - The ruby is one of the symbols of love.
To the ancients, rubies represented passion, affection, power and majesty.
Ruby has also been connected to dragons, legends tell of dragons guarding
ruby and emerald mines and others of dragons with brilliant rubies in their
heads illuminating the countryside. Rubies can range in color from
orange red, pinkish red, red to purplish red.
Deep Red Ruby
Astrae Ruby - Astrae means "Star" so this would be a Star Ruby
Sapphire - The sapphire is one of
the most popular of all gemstones and is the birthstone for September.
Mention Sapphire and most people immediately relate to the color blue,
but it is available in an array of other colors: pink, golden, green, peachy
orange, purple and colorless. Color change Sapphires are those which
have two colors which are distinct when the light source is changed from
fluorescent to incandescent. Sapphires were revered by ancient kings
as protection from harm and envy. In the Middle Ages, blue sapphire was worn
in rings by the clergy because the color symbolised heaven. Magicians
or sorcerers valued sapphire as a means to understand prophecies and to command
spirits. It was also administered medically for eye diseases and the
plague and as an antidote against poison. Tradition holds that the
stone tablets given to Moses were etched on sapphire. Sapphires are
said to aid in psychism, love, meditation, peace, defensive magic, and healing,
and is a symbol of power and money.
Green Sapphire
Canary Yellow Sapphire
Pink Sapphire
Deep Blue Sapphire
Astrae Sapphire - Astrae means "Star" so this would be a Star Sapphire
Sard - Sard is a darkish brown gem similar to carnelian but of less
intense color. Sard is a reddish-brown variety of Onyx. (See Onyx)
Yellow Brown Sard
Sardonyx - Sardonyx
is a blend of sard and onyx with the red bands of sard and the white bands
of onyx. It is considered an agate with alternating straight, parallel
bands of reddish brown and, usually, white and is associated with Mercury.
It is used for protection, courage, peace and luck and it promotes
happy conclusions in legal and contractual agreements that may be especially
difficult. The sardonyx is known as the "gem of courage" for orators and
bashful lovers. It was said to be a charm against such assorted afflictions
as warts, boils, cramps, the evil eye and the wicked thoughts and impulses
of witches. It was a favorite gem of the ancients and many thousands of years
ago the Egyptians engraved these gems as scarabs and beetles and wore them
as talismans. Roman soldiers often wore sardonyx stones engraved with Mars,
the god of war, to render them brave and fearless in battle.
Brown Sardonyx
Spinel - Spinels are
genuine gemstones with a long history. The availability of red, pink,
blue, purple and orange spinels and all of their accompanying shades has
created confusion between natural spinel and other gems for those unfamiliar
with this natural stone. Spinel received its name from either the Greek
spina meaning "little thorn" or from the Greek spinther meaning
"spark" in allusion to its color. Curative powers from hemmoraging and
inflammatory diseases were credited to the spinel and it was reputed to have
a calming effect and the ability to remove anger and flightless barnyard
foul... er... discord. Spinel has often been confused with ruby and
sapphire, but it provides many fine gems in its own right. Fine large stones
are rare and expensive, but smaller stones are quite abundant.
Violet Spinel
Blue Spinel
Red Spinel
Sunstone - The sunstone is the
state gem of Oregon, which is a prime source for this beautiful gem of a
gem. Generally sunstones offer an interesting effect where the metallic
inclusions reflect light in a blaze of color. The presence of these bright
inclusions was the reason for naming it Sunstone or Heliolite, from the Greek
helios for sun and lithos for stone. Sunstone can also
be a transparent gemstone formed in basaltic lava flows.
Golden Sunstone
Golden Yellow Sunstone
Thyites - Greek for turquoise, this
gem has been valued throughout history for its beautiful color which ranges
from green to blue with pure blue being the most expensive. It was used by
the Pharaohs as early as 1000 B.C. for ornamentation and turquoise amulets
adorned horse bridles because it was believed to keep the animals surefooted.
In ancient Native American lore, the blue of turquoise was thought
to represent the sky and atmosphere above Mother Earth, thus Turquoise was
connected to the breath of life. Turquoise is considered a balancing
and healing source of energy.
Blue Green Thyites
Tiger-eye - Tiger-eye is a yellowish brown quartz
in which quartz has been replaced by crocidolite, a fibrous, asbestos-like
mineral. The parallel fibrous structure of the stone has a characteristic
silky sheen, or even a cats-eye effect. Gray, green, and blue (hawk's-eye)
tiger eye are also used as gemstones and are usually the result of chemical
or heat treatment. Tiger-eye is often used for cameos and intaglios
and has been used for protection, money, courage and luck.
Golden-yellow Tiger-eye
Topaz - Topaz, the
birthstone for November, is available in several different colors, colorless
or white, blue, yellow to orange, and pink. The topaz is associated
with the sun and is used for protection, healing, love and money. It
has very powerful protective purposes and is very useful to help one in
dispelling negative energies and negative magic. It helps in stabilizing
the emotions, promotes peaceful sleeping.
Vitreous Topaz - Vitreous means that the gem contains or
resembles glass
Blue Topaz
Yellow Topaz
Pink Topaz
Tourmaline - Tourmaline
is a large family of gemstones with more than 100 colors and hues. Its
name comes from the Sinhalese turmali, meaning "mixed". It was
believed to promote continued good health, so it became a favorite jewelry
stone. Tourmalines were also attributed the ability to build valuable
friendships and business contacts, to enrich knowledge and intuition and
to create harmony and social popularity. Tourmaline crystals grow in
the hexagonal shape and tend to be long, pencil shaped crystals. This
crystal shape is the reason why long rectangular cuts are so frequently seen
in tourmalines. All tourmaline crystals begin as colorless and colors
are absorbed when trace elements of seeping liquids replace the normally
present atoms. Tourmaline takes a wider variety of colors from these trace
elements than any other gem. Any of the tourmaline colors can be used
as one of the birthstones for October and it is also the 8th wedding anniversary
Gemstone. Tourmalines are said to aid in love, friendship, money, business,
health, peace, energy, courage, and astral projection.
Green Torumaline - Money, success, creativity
Black Torumaline - Grounding, protection
Red Torumaline - Energy, protection, courage
Blue Torumaline - De-stress, peace
Rainbow Torumaline - Astral projection
Zircon - Zircons are
natural gemstones available in an array of colors. It is one of the
birthstones for December and its name comes from the Arabic zargoon,
meaning "vermilion". Zircons were worn by the ancients as amulets
protecting travelers against the plague, wounds and injuries. It was
also said to guard sailors from lightning and expelled evil spirits through
its brightness.
Yellow Zircon
Green Zircon
Violet Zircon
Blue Zircon
Red Zircon