Items with a red asterik (*) may be customized with a color.  Items with a black asterik (*) can be customized with a special material.  Material and Color costs can be found here.

Armed to the Hilt

Drakor's Forge and Leatherworks

Flights of Fancy

Harmok's Workshop

Winds of Change
All instruments are customizable with color and material.






A kazoo 6 dinars 7 dinars 8 dinars 10 dinars
A keras 12 dinars 15 dinars 17 dinars 20 dinars
A syrinx 18 dinars 21 dinars 23 dinars 26 dinars
A harmonica 22 dinars 23 dinars 26 dinars 27 dinars
An ocarina 25 dinars 26 dinars 28 dinars 30 dinars
A cornett 31 dinars 33 dinars 36 dinars 38 dinars
A recorder 37 dinars 40 dinars 42 dinars 45 dinars
A salpinx 50 dinars 52 dinars 56 dinars 58 dinars
A flute 56 dinars 57 dinars 60 dinars 61 dinars
Some bagpipes 100 dinars 106 dinars 112 dinars 118 dinars

Strings n' Things

Alexia's Alchemical Alcove

Virula's Concoctions

Spyridoul's Magical Wonders

Phaetorius' Chandlery

Mona's Bedroom Lease and Sales

Neera's Necessities

Feena's Fashion Emporium

All That Glitters

The Cask and Keg, Tavern

The Cask and Keg, Senet's Office
I can make wine if you need it," Senet replies. "It's not really ingestible, but it works for Alchemy. Costs 6 dinars to make five uses worth, 1 dinar for every one past that. I need to do these things in batches, so you'll have to bring me at least five bunches of grapes, one bunch per dose.
"It takes at least a week for the batch to ferment."

"I can make oil if you need it," Senet replies. "It's not *good* oil, but it works for Alchemy. Costs about 8 dinars to make five uses worth, 1 dinar for every one past that. I need to do these things in batches, so you'll have to bring me at least five branches of olives, one branch per dose.
"It takes at least three days for the batch to ferment."

Tavern of the Eternal Flame
