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Pict Clanns of Albann


The Fergusson clan was Celtic in origin, and was well established in Perthshire, Aberdeenshire, Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, Fife and Argyllshire.  The Fergussons of Perthshire were recognized as the senior branch although the Fergussons of Craigdarroch, can trace their ancestry back to Fergus, a 12th century Prince of Galloway, and have held their ancestral lands since the 15th century.

Adam Fergusson was Chaplain to the 42nd Regiment (the Black Watch) and was present at the Battle of Fontenoy.  During the American Revolution, in 1778, he was sent across the Atlantic to attempt to make terms with the rebellious colonists.  He lived to become the close friend of Sir Walter Scott.

Robert Fergusson, in contrast, died in 1774 at the age of 23, on a bed of straw with his ears filled with the shrieks of the insane.   Robert Burns sought out his burial place, unearthed him, and embraced his head.  He then gained permission to erect a monument above it.  For in his short life, Fergusson had composed poetry which ranks with that of Burns himself.

The present Chief is Charles Fergusson of Kilkerran, whose uncle, Sir Bernard Fergusson, was the outstanding guerilla leader of the 'Chindits' in the Far East during the 2nd World War.  He became Governor General of New Zealand, knighted, and took the title of Baron Ballantrae of Auchairan.