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Pict Clanns of Albann


The first chief of the Clan Lamont was Ferchar ('a friend of the trees' in Welsh), who flourished about 1200 AD.  A grandson,  Laumun, was the first to use the name which has since become hereditary.  This P-Celtic name strongly resembles the unique Breton name, 'Laouenan,' which means 'a happy person' in English.  About 1238, Duncan, son of Ferchar, and Laumun, son of Malcom (another son of Ferchar), granted certain lands at Kilmun to the monks at Paisley.

About 1446, the Lamont country was ravaged by the Campbells, who carried off about 200 prisoners to Dunoon after promising them safe passage, then massacred them, men women and children.  A memorial to commemorate the event was erected by the Clan Lamont Society in 1906.  This horrific tragedy broke the clan, and they became a sept of the Campbells of GlenOrchy.

The clan was confined to Cowal for about 90 years, but in 1539, Sir John Lamont of Inveryne acquired the barony of Inveryne.  He took up residence at Toward Castle where he was visited by Mary, Queen of Scots in 1563.  Until the 17th century, the chiefs used the barony title of 'Inveryne,' with Toward Castle for part of that time as principal residence.  In 1646, Ardlamont became the seat of the chief, and so remained until its sale in the 19th century.

In the 18th century, the chiefship passed through Margaret, daughter and heiress of Dugald Lamont of Lamont, to the heir of line, her son, Archibald Lamont of Lamont, who was awarded the chief arms as heir of line and was also awarded supporters by the Lord Lyon in 1909.  On his death, the chiefship passed to the Monydrain branch, of whom Ronald Coll Lamont of Lamont (24th Chief) died in Australia in 1951.

The chiefship of the clan was confirmed in 1953 by the Lord Lyon King of Arms to be Alfred Grenville Lamont, who resides in Australia.  The Clan Lamont headquarters is in Glasgow, Scotland.