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Pict Clanns of Albann


By tradition the Napiers are said to be descended from Celtic royalty through the ancient Earls of Lennox.  The traditional source of he name was when Donald performed an act of heroism on the battlefield.  His king congratulated him, saying that he had 'nae peer', and the name stuck.

Before 1300, John Napier was granted lands at Kilmahew in Dumbartonshire which the family retained for over 500 years. He later took part in the defence of Stirling Castle (1303).  William Napier was Governor of Edinburgh Castle (1401).  Alexander Napier became Provost of he city in 1437 and acquired the lands of Merchiston, which became the family's Edinburgh seat.  His mot famous descendent was John Napier, 8th Laird of Merchiston, (1550 - 1617) the inventor of logarithms.