Chapter Fourteen

Ring, Ring

"Hello??" asked the person on the other side of the phone.

"Mrs. Hopkins?? This is Isaac, is Nicole there??"

"No. Sorry she's not. She told me that her and Josh were going to a party at Dustin's house,"

Isaac's heart skipped a beat. But then he knew everything would go smooth since Dustin didn't do any drugs. "Ok, Mrs. Hopkins. Can you tell her to call me back when she gets home??"

"I sure will,"

"Thanks, bye," with that Isaac hung up the phone.


"Nicole!! Look at you!! You're drunk off your butt!" yelled Scotty.

"Shut up!! I'm having fun," she said getting off the table she was dancing on.

"Hey move out of the way," exclaimed Josh, pushing Scotty away and putting his arm around Nicole's shoulders. "Nicole sweetie, I have a surprise for you," with that Josh revealed a bag of cocaine.

"You little twerp where'd you get that??"

"Shh," he said putting his finger over his mouth and walking her to a near by table to test the stuff.

Scotty couldn't take it. He knew Nicole was doing better off without Josh. But then he had to come and she had to messed up with drugs again. He pushed his way through the crowd to a near by phone and then before he could pick it up, he saw a crowd forming around Nicole and Josh. He immediatly went to see what happened. Once he got through he saw Nicole laying on the ground, unconcious. Scotty ran back to the phone and dialed Isaac's number.


"Zac?? Is that you??" Scotty asked in a relieved voice.

"Yeah, who's this??"

"It's me Scotty. I need to talk to Isaac...QUICK!!" he yelled.

"What's wrong Scotty??" asked Isaac once he got to the phone.

"'s Nicole. Her and Josh were..."

"Say no more, I'll be there as soon as I possibly can!!" Isaac hung up the phone. "Taylor, Zac, you guys are coming with me!"

"Why??" asked Zac, as they walked out the door.

"This is how it's going to work," Isaac said while starting the car, ignoring Zac's question. "I get Nicole, put her in the back seat. Zac you will stay back there with her making sure she doesn't get car sick. Tay as soon as I get her in the back, you will drive the car home, and I will be home shortly after," he explained nearing Dustin's house.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!!" yelled Zac and Tay in a unison.

"Just do what I say dang it!!"

Isaac flew open the front door and made his way over to Scotty. "Where is she??"

"She's over on the couch,"

Isaac walked over to Nicole's weak body. He looked at her in her speghetti strap tee, and her blue jean shorts. He almost started to cry but held the tears back. He picked her up and walked back to the car and put her in the backseat. "You guys put her in the guest bedroom, tell Dad that she's been dealing with drugs and then he'll know what to do. I'll be home in a few minutes," with that he walked back to the house in search for Josh.

Once he found him, he didn't have any hesitations he swung his arm around and punched him in the face. And since Josh was wasted, he couldn't fight back.

"I swear, you better think twice when you offer Nicole anything again, you got that?? She was better off with out you but no you had to come back. Just stay away!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping.

"Hey, let's get some ice for your fist," said Brittnee, who just happen to be there.

They walked into the kitchen and got a towel and put a few ice cubes in the towel. After Isaac got his ice he started walking home.

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Chapter Fifteen