Mackenzie wrapped his arms around Nicole's neck.
She looked at him, "Wanna go see Zackie now??"
He smiled and shook his head yes. They opened the door and could hear Walker, their dad, lecturing Zac.
"Daddy's home. Looks like he's mad at Zackie. Let's put you to bed ok??"
"NO!! I wanna go pway with Jessie and Avie!!" he squirmed out of her arms and ran towards the girls room.
Nicole turned around in the dark hallway and saw nothing. She started walking towards the end of the hall when all of a sudden someone grabbed her into the bathroom.
"Isaac you scared me," she whispered.
"Shhh.." he placed his finger on her lips.
He picked her up and put her on the counter.
He placed his lips up against hers and started kissing her. Nicole put her hands on his shoulders, and he put his hands on her thighs. He moved from her lips to her neck.
"Uh...Isaac?? Don't you think you're going to fast??"
"Well I do," he didn't stop. "Stop please!"
When he didn't stop she shoved him off. "I said stop,"
"Nicole.." he whispered, and went back to kissing her.
"NO!! Leave me alone," she got off the counter and ran out the door. And all he could hear was the front door open and then slam.
"Taylor, gosh, look what you got your self into," said Lindsey, applying some peroxide to a cut on his forehead.
Taylor tensed up at the pain. "For the millionth time tonight, I didn't do anything, he just blew up,"
Lindsey gave him a sad face, "Awww my poor baby," she gave him a kiss on the lips. "I can't believe we've been together for a year,"
Taylor smiled, "Oh I know and everyone's so gullable, they actually thought I broke up with you,"
Lindsey and Taylor met in Spanish class in the 7th grade, in the 9th grade Taylor and Lindsey started going out. Then they faked a break up due to Lindsey's father not liking the idea of having a boyfriend and for the fact that Lindsey was moving across town. After having to deal with a long distantce relationship Lindsey begged her parents to move back. But the one thing on Lindsey's mind was, when was it time to tell everyone they were still going out.
"Why did Zac do this??" asked Lindsey.
Taylor glared at her.
"Ok, ok. I'll just stop with the questions and just put this bandage on your forehead,"
When Lindsey was applying the bandage, Zac walked in the kitchen. "Lawn duty, diaper duty, dishes, babysitting, laundry, dusting, practically cleaning the whole house for the next month all because of hitting your pethetic face,"
"Shut up!! Come on Linds, Ike has gone over to Nicole's to plead and beg at her feet for forgiveness for something he did, so lets outside while Zackie boy does a couple of chores here," Taylor said with a smirk.
Zac glared at him again.
"Ok but I have to be home at 9:30, and it's 8:45 now so ok we have plenty of time. So what are we gonna do??"
"I dunno, talk?"
"Ok, have fun Zac," laughed Lindsey.
Zac took a damp wash cloth and threw it at her, "You could be next Missy!! I'm not afraid of hitting you're pretty face!!"