To Canada went a large number of D.VII's as war booty, thanks to Lt-Col. Arthur Doughty. At least 22 were shipped from Feltham (GB) to Camp Borden (Canada) on march 12, 1919.

From there, some were presented to the universities of McGill, Mount Allison, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and to the Brome County Historical Society [COPY OF THE AGREEMENT].
Seven were lend to a company raised by Billy Bishop and Bill Barker.
An unknown number is used by the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). After a deadly accident in England with a D.VII, it was forbidden to fly with them. After that, these D.VII's were left outside, and deteriorated.

Today there are two D.VII's in Canada, one at the Brome County Historical Society and one at the National Aviation Museum.

The McGill University received 8583/18, but further information is not available.

The University of Mount Allison received 8502/18. It was exhibited in Lingley Hall, until destroyed by fire in february 1921.

D.VII 6849/18 went to Manitoba University. Further information is not available. The engine is given to the National Aviation Museum for their D.VII, and wheels, ailerons and struts are in the possession of the Western Canada Aviation Museum.

The University of Saskatchewan received 6832/18. It was on display in the Engineering Building, but disappeared (?), never to be found again.

Alberta University received 8493/18. The aircraft was probably never re-assembled, and put into storage. Only the engine was used by the Engineering Department. In 1935 the D.VII was moved to another storage facility. A piece of the linen fabric with the German registration has been on display in the 1980's.