Hatch's Cultivars of Woody Plants
2024 Digital PDF Edition

For the print, hardcover (CWP-HC) edition click and view cwphc.html

Page Counts (PDF 8 x 10 in. to 8 x 16 in.): 6591

Interface: HTML menu viewable on any internet-connected device. Data files are PDF format. Menu and PDF files also load from any device if downloaded to the same drive.

Megabytes: 1410 (14GB)

Author: Laurence C. Hatch, horticultural taxonomist and cultvar historian with contributions from more than 40 genus experts and more users worldwide.

Images: More than 2500 JPG images in digital, high resolution quality. Our standard is a minumum of 1250 pixels wide whenever possible. New images are added monthly.

Access: The CWP menu is available on any device with an internet connection. You may also download any of the PDF files (they are yours to keep forever) and put them on devices of your choice for personal use. You may not share the files with any non-subscribers. Some phones, nearly all laptops, and some book readers will store the entire 14GB of this encyclopedia. You can put a selection of files such as species or genera of special interest on a phone without downloading all the files. If you device has internet and a PDF reader, CWP will work for you. There is no complicated, slow database to search. We got rid of that approach 20 years ago!

Cultivar Counts:  

  • Aesculus = 119
  • Abelia = 95
  • Abies = 491
  • Alnus = 55
  • Acer = 1200+
  • Aucuba = 241
  • Berberis = 221
  • Betula = 186
  • Buddleia = 323
  • Campsis = 49
  • Cedrus = 205
  • Cercis = 104
  • Chamaecyparis = 931
  • Clethra = 38 
  • Cornus = 613
  • Cryptomeria = 212
  • Euonymus = 231
  • Fagus = 153
  • Gardenia = 75
  • Ginkgo = 349
  • Ilex vomitoria=75
  • Illicium = 36
  • Juniperus = 1210
  • Ligustrum=157
  • Liquidambar = 107
  • Loropetalum = 72
  • Lonicera = 403
  • Mahonia = 94
  • Metasequoia = 48
  • Nandina = 85
  • Nyssa=35
  • Platanus = 49
  • Picea abies = 340
  • Picea pungens = 263
  • Pinus strobus = 305
  • Podocarpus=98
  • Pseudotsuga = 263
  • Quercus = 442
  • Salix = 257
  • Styrax = 44
  • Taxodium = 73
  • Thuja = 454 excluding. Platycladus (233 more)
  • Ulmus = 234
  • Viburnum = 274
plus all genera with cultivars.

Taxa Range: all temperate woody plants including trees, shrubs, conifers, vines, hardy palms, and subshrubs, covering mainly cultivars with occasional botanical taxa added for comparison.Tender woody plants only hardy in USDA zones 8-10 only are covered in Hatch's Interior Plants (HIP).

Access Rights: this is a private, subscription-only website so the URL must not be shared with others or posted for public use unless you purchase a Library license for in-building use.

Downloads: you may download any of the PDF files for your personal use on multiple devices so long as only you the subscriber accesses them. These files are yours for life and do not expire just like a print book. However, it is your responsability to keep the password as we cannot supply lost, old ones after the term of your subscription.

MIssion Statement: To be and remain the largest  and most complete
catalog of horticultural varieties or cultivars of garden trees, shrubs, vines, and conifers ever published in any medium.

Subscription Duration: You will receive access to all updates through December 31, 2024. The menu will be removed in January 2025. You may keep and download any PDF for personal use but only until this date.

Price: $123.00 per user or building.

This is a digital download only. A menu and password are provided. Nothing is mailed or sent. If you wish to be shipped a print edition, which is a different price structure, view that order page at cwphd.html

To subscribe: Send an email address to ornamentals@lycos.com with "CWP Order" in the subject line. We will invoice you with choices of Paypal, Venmo, and major credit or debit cards. You will be billed US $123.00 for a one year, single user subscription. Each users requires a separate subscription. Five or more users qualify for a discount as do classes of this or larger sizes. This is a private, paywall subscription and you may not distribute, share, link to the URL or any file, pin, extract, sample, repurpose by any means or technology, project or present in a public or private meeting or class, extract any amount of content, copy or use images, or otherwise provide any access to non-subscribers at any time. We have zero tolerance for copyright and subcriber violations. If you wish to inform others of this content please refer them to www.cultivar.org or ask us for image permissions for a specific public presentation. We are happy to help with promoting CWP.