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The Herbal Palace - "my newest short story, 100% free to download, a tale of a wayward, Bohemian flea market for herbs of all kinds. Culinary perfection for foodies and ethnic cooks meets intimate rituals and all dozen faiths. Healings of all kinds and assorted nature magic conspire with traditional herbology and the occasional stoner. Many of the entrepreneurs live, love, and wander in the free-spirited space day and night. Join the adventure with interesting, curious people and odd business stalls before it all ends." Note: this story is R-rated so not for persons under 16 years, please

Paid general efiction:

  • Individual PDF titles: Please visit Google Play Books and search for "Laurence Hatch". Most are free or a couple of bucks each.
Free general efiction:

Visit www.cultivar.org for all the titles including:
  • Hatch Perennials (hardy herbaceous plant encyclopedia)
  • Cultivars of Woody Plants (4100+ page guide to landscape varieties of trees, shrubs, conifers, and vines)
  • Hatch's Interior Plants (1100+ page guide to varieties of house, interior, tropical, and succulent plants)
Biographies in Ornamental Horticulture (Google Play Books) is a 172 page set of biographies on people who made our landscapes and gardens better. These men and woman introduced, bred, selected, and promoted new and wonderful plants from the planet. Examples of their plant introductions, books, and catalogs complete this rich reference work.

Visit Brew-base.com for thousands of detailed, humorous, and objective beer reviews.

Hatch's Guide to Stouts, Porters, and Barleywines (Google Play Books) is one of the most complete guides to these styles of dark, potent beer. Detailed reviews of labels, new and old, are provided, including many substyles.

Hatch's Classification of Beer (Google Play Books, FREE) Classifying the world's great lagers, ales, stouts, porters, wheat beers, and sour beers is a complex and tricky thing. This new innovation system to 165 different substyles is different in a number of ways. It can be used royalty free (under specific guidelines) by any author in their articles, books, blogs, and such. Most existing systems do not accommodate the new variations on styles such as the Fruited Double Rye IPA or FRIPA or the Chocolate Mole Stout (CHMST).

Hatch's Portable Guide to Beer - a portable phone, tablet, or laptop version with all the styles and more than 3000 reviews in all.

Hatch's Herbal (Google Play Books) is your guide to why and how plants can improve medical conditions with careful use at the direction of a health care professional.

Why are apples and blueberries and basil good for us? What exact chemicals are at work and do they work? Over 30 years, the author as a botanist involved deeply in nutritional health and a healthy organic lifestyle, has studied the great plant species and some little known ones. Presented in an easy to view table are many herbs, fruits, vegetables, and other plant products, what chemicals are active in human physiology and what they may or may not do for us.  

The Healthy Drinker
- some people should just stop drinking alcohol and there are lots of proven ways to do this. Others of us won't let drink control us and want to control it with moderation, self control, and healthier reduction in our consumption. There is something wonderful and fulfilling about still enjoying a drink and yet being in full control at every sip and with every second. This guide is for the rest of us for whom abinstence makes no sense. Coming Fall 2018.

Hatch's Plotbank is the writer's guide to removing writer's block, spicing up a story or script with creative ideas, and fleshing out your plots with exciting subplots, Over 4200 plot ideas, ranging from proven genre TV and movie ideas to hundreds of original themes, are sure to spark your imagination.

Random Idea Generator (RIG) - a serious tool which creates product, brand, book title, story plot, and other concepts with over 2.2 million combinations of random adjective, nouns, and ideas. There is nothing like this program available elsewhere and it has been proven in both corporate branding and creative writing communities.

Embracing Service-based Leadership is a major hit in the world of business motivation and management.

Random Idea Generator (RIG) - a serious tool which creates product, brand, book title, story plot, and other concepts with over 2.2 million combinations of random adjective, nouns, and ideas. There is nothing like this program available elsewhere and it has been proven in both corporate branding and creative writing communities.

Keys to Terrific Customer Service covers 165 ways to improve your customer satisfaction as well as employee satisfaction.

Free articles from Keys to Terrific Customer Satisfaction:

Cars that Matter is a photographic guide to 300+ of the most powerful, creative, unique, artful and influential automobiles made of the last century. It is all the world's great machines, new, rare, and conceptual, in a single portable volume. 

Larry's Bad Jokes - these are some of the most nasty, funny, politically incorrect, filthy, crude, crazy, insane, useful, did I say funny? jokes collected over five decades of hearing them. I will not name the countless friends, family members, and enemies who shared them. Need to have a couple of good insult zingers ready at any time? This free file of 330 great lines is proven to offend and score belly laughs.

Service Based Leadership or SBL has taken the business world by storm, providing a powerful and effective form of leadership that transforms organizations of all kinds. It makes employees or group members more skilled, capable, self-motivated, and ultimately much more happy. SBL as shared, caring leadership reduces workplace frustration and anger, often fixing and healing old wounds. Got baggage and old grudges in your organzation? SBL is the best we know to reduce and often eliminate these bad feelings - and open up a new world of empowered virtue.

Tracing it roots back more than ten centuries, SBL is not new - just newly rediscovered. Larry Hatch's practical, common sense guide takes SBL to new places because of it's history of the leadership movement and detailed principles with practical examples from daily life in business and organizational management. This real world approach is like no other book on the subject.

Mr. Hatch takes the reader on a journey through the history of service-based and servant-based leadership, through the times and teachings of ancient African tribes, Confucious, Taoism, Buddhism, the Hebrew Torah, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Robert Greenleaf, and several modern proponents of SBL. In the main section, the author presents 59 separate,principles of this method of leading with examples and explanations of each powerful concept. In the third chapter, we are presented with attributes the servant-leader must have and why. And in the final chapter, we receive a practical understanding of some obstacles to implementing SBL and how to overcome them.

Format: PDF ebook (100% digital delivery, no printed material sent)
Page Count: 40
Publication Date: February 2017
Edition: 1.0
Price: $29.00 for single copy (1 user ebook license), $12.00 per copy (10 user ebook license package)

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