
PiCk A CrAcKhEaD...

Justin's Bio
Brotha B's Bio
Crazy's Bio
Greg's Bio
Jay Hated's Bio

wHo ArE tHe HaTeD, aNd WhY dO ThEy SuCk?

The Hated Are a piss poor, Hate (for society) driven, puke punk band from Pittsburgh, PA. Without a doubt, and to put it short.....We Struggle!!! we are always getting kicked out of practice spaces, and being regected from playing shows every where. The Hated arent being turned down because they suck, it's mainly because well... people fear for their clubs and backyards. With Seizure boy shooting the moon all the fucking time and breaking shit. They have been known to fuck shit up. To put it simply, there not the most ideal band for a wedding or family reunion.

But on a different note... Most people are curious about the name of our shitty band. The name "tHE hATED" stands for everything society shuns upon today. It stands for the rejects in society, and the people who will never amount to anything, except the hated. We represent everyone who has ever been made fun of because they were dumb, or different, or just weird, the kids who have ever been shoved in a locker or garbage can and pushed down a flight of steps. were four stupid punk rockers, and a metal head, with nothing in commen except our love for musik. While Justin Sideous is a god damn genious Seizure Boy isn't the smartest person. Boner is a metal head, and probably the most tallent in the band.

The Hated consist of five members that probably shouldn't be in a band together, but because of some twist of fate, they are. So what dose this mean? well... it simply means that your stuck listening to them. So tuff.

How the hell did this shitty band come about?

We started playing together around three years ago, But it wasnt as the Hated.It stared out as Brotha-B and Crazy. We met in the parking lot of Co-Gos. Each of us new our good friend Amanda Toth. After Crazy found out I had been playing drums for about a year, he told me he played guitar. We were both interested in punk and wanted to start a band. Amanda was having a Birthday party about a month after that. So we called upon our friends Tom and Andrew.We were going to play at her party.We started practicing as The Abominal Creation or something like that. Andrew played the drums too, but was convinced that he could sing like Kurt Kobain. So we practiced Polly.

As you might figure...we sucked. Her party never happened so we never ended up practicing again. But Me and Steve quickly became good friends, so we decided that we would start a Punk band. My brother had started playing bass so we recruited him. Kevin Weaver thought he could sing, so he started practicing with him. We were the Lab-Ratz, courtesy of Weave.

That didnt last long since weaver was only interested in screaming into the mic we had, and my brother shared his liking for hardcore. So they left. Me and Crazy were stuck alone again. This is were nick came along, (homo- Rash) He tried to play bass. Since none of us could sing we needed a vocalist. Jason offered to sing. Kevin let us keep the name, So we were the lab-ratz again. It worked out ok for a while, but seeing as Nick sucked ass, and never showed up for practice, we were forced to throw his ass out. We were negative a bass player. We eventually put off the band for a while.

At the start of the summer of '98 The Hated came along in need desperately of a drummer,(But unfortunately they found me)The band consisted of Kreigel, Justin, and Nappy. After hearing that they had about a hundred times more potential than The Lab-Ratz, I quickly joined. It went well for about two weeks. I made the decision to kick out Nappy. He sucked. Once again we were minus a bassist. Crazy who had started his career on the strings with bass, quickly offered to fill the position. We played for about a month like this.We all made the decision that Justin couldn't sing, so we threw him on backing vocals and asked Jay to join again for his voice. Kreigel, who eventually got fed up with the similarities of all the songs we were playing, quit. Although we were sad he left, Steve again jumped for his position as second guitarist.

Although he was happy, we were once again without a bassist. (see a trend?) Chris Devito started to play bass for us then. He was an ok fill-in. But he quit a week before our first show as the Hated. Pissed off and frustrated, we contacted a friend of ours who was bandless and eager to play in the Hated, Boner. In a weeks time, he quickly picked up where all our former bassists left off. Although he was a Metal-head, Boner clicked. We played the show with no problems. From then on we were, and will always be, The Hated.

Fine, leave. See if I care.

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