Code Description Price AU$ X Quantity = Poetry As
Such (series). $15 for all
five/any five, or $5 each. Please state which booklets
you want:
.......................................................... X notext = notext PAS 06 ...where eucalypts green-tip the
sky (booklet
of the 13 poems by 7 Australian poets from the
work by Margaret
Jones) X notext = notext HMP 01 Colourfast
Piano Music (2nd ed.)
Jones X = HMP 02 Jump Right
Ins: piano starters and
re-starters Margaret
Jones X notext = notext HMP 03 Child's
Play (piano, 2nd ed.)
Jones X notext = notext HMP 04 X notext = notext HMP 05 Machine
Code (unaccomp. clarinet, 2nd
ed.) Margaret
Jones X notext = notext HMP 06b Six
Blake Songs (baritone and
piano) Nigel
Butterley X notext = notext HMP 06m Six
Blake Songs (mezzo-soprano and
piano) Nigel
Butterley X notext = notext HMP 07 X notext = notext HMP 08 Song
of Christ the Rock (unaccomp.
voice). Nigel
4 publications. Edition codes,
starting notes, range (lowest note to highest): HMP 8 C
(g#-d#, bass clef); X = HMP 09 Toccata
(new HMP edition) Wendy
Hiscocks X notext = notext HMP 10 Piano
Dexterity for Beginners:
Variations on Hanon Gunhild
Marchant X notext = notext HMP 11a Blues At
Eleven (flute or B flat
clarinet, piano) Stephen
Benfall X notext = notext HMP 11b Blues At
Eleven (sop, alto, tenor, or
baritone saxophone, piano) X notext = notext HMP 11c Blues At
Eleven (violin or viola,
piano) Stephen
Benfall X notext = notext HMP 13 X notext = notext HMP 14 Philosophical
Futilities (piano)
Overman X notext = notext HMP 15 Sonatina
(piano) (new 1999 edition) Margaret
Jones X notext = notext HMP 17 Barcarolle
(and) Variations on a Theme of
Chopin (piano)
Smalley X notext = notext HMP 18 Hammers
(piano) Stephen
Benfall X notext = notext HMP 23 13.75 X notext = notext HMP 24 The True Samaritan
(SATB, a major work), four unaccompanied motets by
Morning Fanfare; The True Samaritan; My Wishes; Surrexit
Dominus. X = notext HMP 26 At
the Still Point (viola and
piano) John
Peterson X = HMP 28 Androgyne
Adagio (piano)
Jones X = HMP 29 ...where
eucalypts green-tip the sky
(SABar, speaking voices, pno) Margaret Jones (seven
poets, see PAS 6 above). yet available Subtotal = notex Postage & Handling + notext notext notextnotext notext X TOTAL = notext
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