Vic's Pics!!!

These pictures have all been taken by me over the last few 10 years or so... All were just "right place, right time" pics. Matter of fact, all of these pics were taken right from my own balcony. Even the fire picture. It was in a small building beside/below me. I hope you enjoy these and I will be adding others later....

Believe it or not, this picture was taken in the middle of the afternoon!

Seagulls, quite tame around here...

Not my best shot, but fireworks are difficult to catch just at the right moment. Something I am still learning with my camera.

This was my pic that was paid for by The Toronto Star Newspaper, landed on the front page yet! Full photography credits were give to me. It was an incredible fire, I ended up shooting off 5 rolls of film on it...

A wonderful rainbow, right in the city core!

More seagulls, but you have to admit, as annoying as they are, they can be beautiful in flight"

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