And you wonder why I'm laughing my a** off so hard in the last set of pictures???? Check these ones out!!!!

This is me at about 1 in my Aunt's backyard down the road..cute eh? Don't ya just love the hat???

This is a professional shot. I was wearing my favourite dress, a red taffeta one. My mom made it for me. I was about 4 here.

Here I am about 8 years old performing on stage. Did a lot of that... I'm the one on the right with the funky hat!

This is my first bikini...hehehe Don't ya just love how stylish it is??? Not sure of my age here..could be 7 or 8.

This is obviously another professional shot. About 6 here. Cute hair do eh?

Yet another professional pic. About 6 here also.

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